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Everything posted by k9gold-scout
Thank you Vets and current troops
k9gold-scout replied to hops_scout's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Every year our council has flag placement at the vet cemetary in Westwood, CA. About 5000 scouts show up to place flags at the grave sites. All done in about one hour. Look at last years pix on our website - www.crew746.com -
Unlike a scout troop, the elected President runs the Crew like a club with a committee set up for each activity (no more patrols). The older adults are advisors and only suggest what they could do. The only time the adults need to intervene is to stop anything illegal or immoral. The adverage age for a crew is between 17 and 18. They need to be treated as adults just with a little guidence and wisdom. They are not boy scouts with green shirts (or any other color they choose).
These are Venturing Scouts and they have chosen the green Venturing Shirt with black BDU pants. Anyone in camo is an advisor on duty in the CA National Guard.
OK You Venture Scouts seem a little charged up about your website! You did a good job but I think just one post in one forum would have been all that was needed to get your word out. Thanks for the preview, I look forward to see all your other adventures.
What is your opinen about Boy scouting and God?
k9gold-scout replied to Jamiemauro's topic in Open Discussion - Program
If you have no faith in any higher power than yourself, how can you belive that the spirt of man has no higher calling than that of an animal? Right and wrong is replaced by the rule of the jungle. With morality reduced to just a set of human written laws, the rule would be whatever you could get away with is OK. Our society has gone far enough in this direction. Just think about it. Why have scout spirt and what would an oath mean? -
An exchange program with the Japanese Scouting Ass'n. has an annual summer program, our crew has 2 eagles who have signed up to go. I don't know if this is a nationwide program or if it is limited to our council. Anyone have info?
An exchange program with the Japanese Scouting Ass'n. has an annual summer program, our crew has 2 eagles who have signed up to go. I don't know if this is a nationwide program or if it is limited to our council. Anyone have info?
Venturing at the Milwaukee Sport Show
k9gold-scout replied to Advisor Jim's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Our website was started and 100% maintained by 2 scouts in our crew it is hosted on a home server. After the first year of operation they blew out their first computer system and received notices from their provider for using too much bandwidth. They are curently building a new system and changing providers. Depending on homework they will be up and running in a few months (after 3 more eagle projects). -
Venturing at the Milwaukee Sport Show
k9gold-scout replied to Advisor Jim's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Greetings from Venturing Crew 746 Van Nuys, CA Let every scout you know the support that Gander Mt. has provided, put up signs at every scout event and community service project. Start a website have a link for them and encourage other units to link to their site. This could help your program and make good business policy for your CC. Good luck! Jim AA C-746 sponsored by the CA National Guard -
My '91 Ford Aerostar has been our scout car since cubs. It is still in service with a Venturing Crew (now over 200 thousand miles). It holds 7 + gear. Standard equipment - first aid kit - ax, bucket, shovel, saw - boots, hard hats - mre's (dry food), water can - blankets, extre cloths - tools, flares small cones - paperwork. Add scouts and were off!
My '91 Ford Aerostar has been our scout car since cubs. It is still in service with a Venturing Crew (now over 200 thousand miles). It holds 7 + gear. Standard equipment - first aid kit - ax, bucket, shovel, saw - boots, hard hats - mre's (dry food), water can - blankets, extre cloths - tools, flares small cones - paperwork. Add scouts and were off!
What does it take to make Venturing go?
k9gold-scout replied to buffalo2's topic in Venturing Program
OK - OGE here is the website for " Venturing Corps of Discovery " http://members.aol.com/VenturingCDD/index.html check it out. -
Venturing Uniform Idea--unoriginal
k9gold-scout replied to Venturer2002's topic in Venturing Program
Try www.galls.com -
What does it take to make Venturing go?
k9gold-scout replied to buffalo2's topic in Venturing Program
I have seen some talk about using the Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery as the Venturing honor club. Our crew thinks it is a good idea, They like the outdoor living history and there is a big mountain man group around the country. This could replace the ten leaders council that has fizzled in our council. -
What does it take to make Venturing go?
k9gold-scout replied to buffalo2's topic in Venturing Program
I have seen some talk about using the Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery as the Venturing honor club. Our crew thinks it is a good idea, They like the outdoor living history and there is a big mountain man group around the country. This could replace the ten leaders council that has fizzled in our council. -
Thank you dsteele. I enjoyed your story, for the most part younger Eagle Scouts have stayed with the program and have gone on to even more acheivments. Each scout should be able to work at his own speed for all requirements and receive the rank when earned. I try not to confront scoutmasters with the rules, but advancement should be the same no matter where or who is in the troop (except disibalities). Not to say that leadership and spirt should be credited to a scout who just shows up to meetings and will not do anything extra.If a scout is ready to fly he needs a little nudge out of the nest.
God bless every American that defends our freedom and may we be given the wisdom to keep it. GOD BLESS AMERICA
God bless every American that defends our freedom and may we be given the wisdom to keep it. GOD BLESS AMERICA
If you have a doubt or if somebody in your council is asking for more requirements after the board of review, I urge yot to call national yourself and send a letter to them and your council. That should clear up any questions. God bless your new Eagle Scout and God bless America!
Did he complete his Eagle on time? Yes/No.
k9gold-scout replied to matuawarrior's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Soon local councils should be able to extend Life Scouts an extension for up to 6 months without waiting for an extension to be approved by national. Many extensions had been approved for 6 months but the turn around time was often several months. Now more letters back to national; the end result was some scouts did not receive their Eagle award until after they were 19. National would like to see Eagle Scouts continue in Venturing Crews. The idea is that most young adults like to get away with people (girls too) their own age and run their own program. -
If your troop has a problen with a scout you need to fix it before he is a Life Scout. Once he has finished all the requirements, it is up to the district or council eagle review board. Now most of these scouters will be able to find out if the Lfe Scout is ready to become an Eagle. If he is rejected he can appeal but the next review board will not be any easier.
Scoutmasters change, scouts grow up, troops end. The program must be the same in every troop. Just like a merit badge, the stated requirements are everything that must be done, no more no less.
This very situation comes up several times a year in our district. Many scoutmasters think that they have the duty to run the program as they see it. These are the troops that demand the eagle scout candidate be active in the troop until he finishes all the requirements. It is true that some scouts work harder than national requires becaues their scoutmaster has added requirements. Usually we try to work this out with the troop adult leaders. In the worst cases the only choice a boy may have is to transfer to another troop to finish eagle.
"What do you get when you cross...."?
k9gold-scout replied to zippy's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Our troop had the Blades (everyone made it to Eagle Scout) and the Phat Dragons (everyone droped out after tenderfoot). -
We get great ideas from: www.eaglebook.com