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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. Start a Venture Crew. Co-ed 14-20 program, new awards in a young adult unit. Let them make their oun choices. It takes longer to orginize a program and the adult advisors need lots of patience, but it will keep them in scouting for a few more years.
  2. Our troop went to Pholmont this year but the trip needed 2 adult leaders. The troop asked a past scoutmaster and his( now adult ) eagle scout son to lead the scouts. The troop decided to pay the train ticket and the camp fees for both, even though they did not expect any money.
  3. Here is a breakdown of our Troop 56 Scouts Meets every Monday (except holidays) Scout Leasership - 1 SPL 1 ASPL 6 PL 2 Troop Guides 2 Instructors Adv. Attend. - 28 Active Adults - 14 Eagle Scouts - 5 Rank Advancement - 94 Merit Badges - 476 Courts of Honor & Induction - 3x ( per year ) Tent Camping - 38 Nights (+ summer camp ) Most Leadership - JLTC ( week-long ) Budget - $12,500.00
  4. We have a Venture Crew sponsored by the National Guard, the scouts along with the adults who were in the Guard want to use some camo in there official uniform but our local scout exc. said no. They will probally use some camo neckerchief that can be removed for very official activities
  5. Go to your next district roundtable meeting. Talk to other Scoutmasters in your area, they will often be happy to have your troop tag along on one of their camp outs ar even summer camp. Just keep your scouts in their own patrol for all your activities.
  6. Anyone have any ideas on a community service projects our Troop could do that would highlight scouting?Our scouts seem to think they would like to do an emergency preperation fair in local park.
  7. Our troop dose not require either JLTC or summer camp to become an Eagle Scout, but the experience seems to produce a better leader. My son finished all his badges, except one, before he was 13 and he was ready to do his project. He waited to take JLTC and serve as SPL for a year on the advice of out troop eagle advisor. He has now been on staff at 2 JLTC and is working on his secound silver palm. I think any 12 year old would be better to wait a couple of years to become an Eagle Scout. I think that AOL to Eagle in 18 months is not a good goal.
  8. In Venturing 2 deep "adult" is leaders over 21. You need 2 adults for any official function.One trained leader and one parent is OK.
  9. This is a job for the troop eagle advisor working with the district eagle review board. They should not advance scouts who do not have the experience for the rank of eagle scout. Most eagle scouts should have at least 3 summer camps and a week-long JLTC course. If a council or a district is not looking for these quality eagle canadites, then the adult leaders need more training. It is important that we keep these standards high. If your council dose not have an active advancement and awards comm. Start one.
  10. Last year I started 3 merit badges; American Business, Entreprenurship and Salesmanship together. The business we started was selling mistletoe as a troop fundraiser. 17 scouts started this project and about a year latter 7 earned all 3 badges, 2 earned 1 badge. It was a good learning experience for the scouts, not to mention a lot of work for me to supervise, but the troop earned little money because the scouts had to do everything themselves; the parents were not allowed to help.To make money we need the parents help, but I decided the hands-on work was more important for the scouts.
  11. I was told that advanvement to the Eagle Scout rank is now not part of the revised Venturing program. The venture scouts that wish to advance to Eagle must retain their membership in a scout troop. My question is, if this is true why can I not find it in any official material? PS: OA is also not an official Venturing Activity (no girls allowed)?
  12. The Copyright for God Bless America was renewed in 1965, 1966 by Irving Berlin and assigned to the God Bless America Trust. (info from Library of Congress) This will last for 67 years until 2033.
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