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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. Here in California the state university no longer gives any weight to Eagle Scout. However scouters here have been promoting scouts to apply for other awards that they can earn for work they are already doing in scouts. The Congressional Award or the Presidents Award are good for local college bound scouts. They can use the same projects that they are using for Eagle Scout. Now these scouts are given proper credit for their community service and leadership.
  2. Yes Girl Scouting would never go away. If BSA accepted girls into all of its units, they would either get a lot smaller or they would need to accept boys in their program. At the Venture Scout level many of the established scouters feal we are stealing girls from girl scouting (even though they are dual registared) bacaues our teen adventure program is on the move. They like the high adventure, the awards, and their own choice of uniform and program.
  3. I have had only one firm rule NEVER QUIT - School, Scouts, Sports, or Work. Once he starts something, he has a commitment and must finish. At times he has told me that he wanted to quit scouting for some bad experience, I just said no. One time he said he was not going to any more scout things, he just would not go. I told he he was going and tell his scoutmaster and his SPL, he could just sit there but he was going to the rest of the meetings for that year. If at the end of the year, he still wanted to quit he could.
  4. I don't think co-ed scouting (except venturing) will hapen here. The girl scouts would disappear if the boy scouts took in girls of all ages. Many people would not want to support two simmular orginizations. Most of the Venture Crews (Sea Scouts too) are either mostly girls or mostly boys, however they do mix well at council level events. The majority girl units are also girl scout units.
  5. Some troops backpack, some troops car camp, some toops never go to summer camp, must do their best to deliver a general scouting program. Our troop had a heavy backpacking program. It looks like fun to new scouts but many leave our troop; it has been too much for many of the new scouts bacause the parents do not want to do the ground work to make the events happen. Our troop is "boy run" but you can't expect the scouts to do all the planning (get permits-talk to rangers, and drive) themselves. Parents must be involved, and the parents who do most of the work for the troop have the most active scouts (usually make eagle first). Yes our troop dose have a "parent handbook" telling them what is expected. We have had one for as long as I have been with the troop. A senior scout parent is in charge of our troop welcome wagon. He makes sure the new scout and parent(s) meet everyone and shows then the way.
  6. Anything to help - One meeting (games, sports, merit badge, scoutcraft) and one outing (day hike, backpacking, service project) even fundraising. Be active - teach a hobby or skill. We will happly count summer camp as both!
  7. Yes our troop dose attract between 10 and 20 new scouts every year (most AOL) about half will drop out the first year - the biggest reason - PARENTS! We require each parent to sponsor 2 events per year, this seems to be too much for some of the new parents who have done nothing for cub scouts. These are the same parents who drop their kids off at meetings and have 2 adults waiting for hours after a hike to come to the church to reclaim their son. In our district there are 3 other troops the same size the rest are much smaller, and the larger ones have a like experience.
  8. Our troop has 60 scouts, last year we had 5 eagle scouts - a very good year. Scouting is fun in our troop but the progran takes a lot of work for both scouts and parents. Not all scouts are expected to take part in every event; but with backpacking, camping, biking, skiing, canoeing, service projects and summer camp, many parents convience their kids it is just too much for their family. A few scouts will wind up in other troops but most just drop out. Over the years, usually during a eagle project or troop community service projects, adults will come up to me when I am in uniform and tell me that they were in our troop when they were kids and they always say they have fone memories of their time in scouting. The only regret is that they didn't stay longer.
  9. There is room for every merit badge on the large size sash front and back, even a few extra obsolite badges. From what I understand one or two scouts will earn every badge each year.
  10. In our Venture Crew recruitment, we were able to recharge at least 3 scouts who had droped out of theit troop. They like the co-ed activities and they have been sent back to their troop as teachers to earn credit for Venture Awards and now they will also earn their Eagle Scout along the way (to master a Venture Skill usually takes 2-3x more work than a meritbadge).
  11. We live in southern CA, here beach camps can cost up to $400 per week, mountain camps are under $250. We can often go to Pacific Northwest camps for the same price including the transportation.(book airfare well in advance) Yes the beach camps fill up a year in advance but you can book high adventure camps in ID & MT less than one month before you arrive. ($160 week)
  12. Here in Los Angeles I am seeing a greater ammount of latinos either joining existing troops or starting their own. The more new scouts that a willing to live by the oath and law the stronger we will be. Many scout books are already printed both in english and spanish and our local offices have bi-lingual people.
  13. Recently while on the official Canadian Scout website, I read an noteworthy fact; their membership is down more than 15% over the last few years and they now accept gay scoutleaders. Is there a connection, I wonder?
  14. I dont think the few thousand paid scout excutives run the program rather the several million adults (like you and me) who spend their money and give their time for the next generation of scout leaders are the ones who run the program. If the government passed a law saying there could be no more paid adults, scouting would not stop. The program is a reflection to the people in it.
  15. Summer Camps are an important part of the program, it gives new scouts a chance to learn and grow. They will meet several hundred scouts from other troops, even many from other parts of the country. As for price, look at private camps in the same area; their price will be 3-7x higher. If the $125 is really a problem, check out camperships at your local council. Often they have funds for low income scouts. These are specific funds that must be used each year or returned to the donor. Buy used uniforms and books but go to summer camp! Our troop went to Death Valley in July (new scouts too) and did just fine. Drink lots of water and use the lake or pool every day everyone well have a good time.
  16. The Scoutmaster is responsible - he may delegate this job to a adult patrol advisor and then have his SPL or even a troop guide sign off on their requirements. Leaving something behind or not getting credit for something he finished is part of the learning process. Along the way they learn what they need an what thet don't and to be responsible first for themselves than latter for others as they grow into leadership.
  17. The Scoutmaster is responsible - he may delegate this job to a adult patrol advisor and then have his SPL or even a troop guide sign off on their requirements. Leaving something behind or not getting credit for something he finished is part of the learning process. Along the way they learn what they need an what thet don't and to be responsible first for themselves than latter for others as they grow into leadership.
  18. Bob First Class in a year is not a bad idea, but some troops use it as a start of an Eagle Scout Mill, my own son took 15 months to get 1st class, but he became an Eagle Scout just after his 15th birthday. He never missed a campout, a backpacking trip, or a service project. He is still very active in scouting He has had a lot of fun along the way and some real adventure. A new scout needs to feal that he is acheiving something along with having fun. If he dose not get either rank or awards in his first year he will leave the program. Promotion is 2/3 motion!
  19. Find the time to take basic scoutmaster training this will answer most of your questions and you will meet other adults who have solved like problems in your area. Scouting will be worth the effort especially to your son - KEEP IT FUN! Your son will be watching you, remember to lead by example.
  20. Out troop has a screen with the troop logo; we have used it on tents, t-shirts and hats ( lowest prices we have found were at the $.99 Store). We hve gone to www.classb.com for scout designs and their low price.
  21. 1st class in 1 year is a good goal; but if a troop is working well and the scouts are having fun and adventure they will stay with the program especially if they are recognized for their acheivements (such as high adventure awards, camporee, etc). If your program works and there are few drop-outs you are delivering the promise of scouting.
  22. First off, I am not an attorney and I am not giving tax advice. - I am in a large councel and some units do have a seperate 501c non profit corp. as their CO; usually Friends of Troop oo7 or Scouting Dads Club. They raize the money and own everything. This can include a bus a truck or even real properity. I know of one private camp actually owned by a troop. These non profit corps. can take donations, get grants, and issue tax receitps. Sometimes scout alumni would rather give big money to their local troop if they kenw they could receive the full tax advantage.
  23. We have recently started a Venture Crew with a few Eagle Scouts and the rest will be to Eagle within a year. The Bronze Award will be about another year and the Ranger will take at least 2 years. The RANGER Award is not an easy task, recently I was suprised to learn that National is not tracking these awards like they keep track of Eagle Scout. They have no software to record the award. There is no National review of this award. I hope this will change in the future.
  24. The biggest is 5x, (6x would be special order- expensive) but you may be able to let it out enough to fit. Look at ebay under scout uniforms. If he stays active in scouting I am sure he will b taking a smaller size soon.
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