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Everything posted by k9gold-scout

  1. I woud never "tell" a parent how to bring up their child but many times older scouters are asked for their opinion. It is at this time you can influence a parent to consider keeping scouting in the childs life.
  2. I tell other parents that I have never used scoutins as a punishment rather he would loose other things if he choose to not go on some event he commited to do. I would much rather see them backpacking or working on a service project than sitting in their room. Scouting is fun while it builds character. I would not keep my son home for school as a punishment nor would I keep another home from working.I try to think before I react - what would be best in the log run?
  3. In the light of recent findings, two articles in the NY Times suggest that there is a link to homosexual priests and and the abuse suffered by mostly teen Catholic boys. Seek the truth and maybe the BSA has the correct view of youth protection.
  4. YES, out troop dose the program every year. We show the videos to the adults first to make sure it meets with the parents approval. in our troop the parent and the scout must attend the youth protection sessions or they will not be going on any troop activities. No scout will ever be left alone with an adult.
  5. Mike, Scoutmaster can be a hard job especially to those who take it seriously. These older scouts have had a poor example before you arrived. Try taking each aside for a Scoutmaster conferance tell them (one by one) what is expected of them to advance. Give them one warning then the next time the show up without a uniform send them home. This is an isue in many troops, some only require full uniforms once per month with a class b (troop t-shirt) for outings and informal meetings. Older scouts like to bend the rules, Venture Crews get to pick their own uniforms and many decide to wear only a crew t-shirt. Temper your demands with wisdom
  6. Good for your son! I think that Den Chief is one of the best trails to leadership and Eagle Scout. I hope that he is their Troop Guide when they crossover into Boy Scouts. Many times these scouts are elected SPL bacause of the wokt they have done with the younger scouts.
  7. Sorry I just read my own last post here. Our Venture Crew website is www.crew746.com it is working fine however you will need a pass word to enter the full site. it is run by a 16 year old Venture Scout. If you want to see the full site you need to email the webmaster.
  8. Many OA lodges and scout troops will be happy to help with a crosingover ceremonie, some even present them with hand made arrows and an invitation to stay in scouting.
  9. Yes we were at Emerald Bay last summer and we did have a few scouts take Scuba - good program. We are looking the circle Catalina war canoe trip; 3 days but no real Venture program. Thanks for the other info we will look at it for next year!
  10. In the 60's they had uniform shirts whitout collors. These were very popular at summer camp.
  11. Look at a Venture Crew, many Scoutmasters are relucant to start a seperate Crew bacause it gives the control to the scouts themselves. They vote, plan, and do everything with little adult advice. It is really weorth the effort.
  12. Wonderful! I am sure you were the wind beneath his wings. Do I see a Venture Crew and a Range Awars in your sons future?
  13. I think your district has found a new camporee chairman.
  14. There are 2 requirements that these scouts have not yet acheived. First - Scout Spirt, secound - a leadership position for 6 months (these scouts should not have advanced to Star if they were not working with the troop). The place to bring up their attitude is their board of review, they should not pass, but they should be told what is expected to reach Life Scout. Now the parents may not like it but stand your ground. Call your district advancement chairperson and explain what happened (if he is unsure call the council advancement chair). Yes the parents can appeal however, you should prevail. Just as a personal note our troop is about your size and more scouts stall out at Life Scout. The project will stop unresponsible scouts. Try to make the parents understand what is best for their kids, they should be on your side. I was an Owl!
  15. Now if only I could get a senior discount at the scouts shop.
  16. Every year I would buy the new Requirement Book for Advancement, in addition to the rank requirements, every merit badge has the requirements to earn each badge. This is a good place to start. Many of the badges will be easy. Keep the program fun and rewarding and yu will be surprized how many scouts will find their way to Eagle.
  17. Matt, I know all the hard work (fun) you have had on your trail to Eagle Scout. Your adventure is just starting. Your next challange will be to help the new tenderfoots up the trail to Eagle. Good Luck!
  18. Venture Crews have the option to choose their own uniform. Most units do opt for the official green shirt but when it comes to the pants (over $70) they find their own. Our Crew got black SWAT pants for $20 from a local police supply co.
  19. Yes there are several books on scouts with disabilities at your local scout shop or available through National Supply. Your council advancement chairman should be able to give you any special requirements for scouts over 18 with developmental problems. Many of these scouts earn Eagle latter in life. Scouting can help them and your leadership can make it happen. Good Luck!
  20. In out troop we usually have the new scouts work on several merit badges at their first summer camp. Most have swimming before they attend camp then they take a few easy badges. We prefer to teach the basic scout skills at the troop outings.
  21. Our Crew was looking for a local summer camp with a high adventure program where the scouts could finish some core requirement and a few electives. We found nothing in Southern CA but we did find Camp Loll in WY. They offered 3 core + a choice of 3 optional requirements. Most of our scouts will be Eagle by the end of the year and they are looking towards Ranger.
  22. I like the velcro idea. I now have 3 uniforms, but many times I will show even at council meetings right from work. I do make an special effort to be in uniform when scouts are at the meeting. Most scouters are happy you are there and willing to help.
  23. We started a Venture Crew at a National Guard Armory last year. I have not seen the scouts so excited since they were new to cubs. The Venture co-ed program is the fastest growing youth movement in the country (that I have heard of). New adventure and they really feal that they are running the show. As for Eagle Scout, we have had 3 since we started Ventureing (Venture Scouts can receive credit towards Eagle while working on their Ranger Award). They like receiving double credit, not available in our scout troop. More than half of the military personel here have had some scouting experience and many of the leaders are Eagle Scouts. To our Venture Crew - Eagle Scout is more than just a trophy for their college resume.
  24. YAHOO!!! Look for high adventure at scout camps and be sure to check out Venture (ranger) camps. Sail the Oceans, climb a Mountain using ice axes, Raft in the Artic Circle, earn the 50 mi. afoot or afloat award. Just start here at the Net Compass and ask your scouts what they want to do.
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