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Everything posted by JuliaKovach

  1. It''s back up and working as of this morning! Thank you Scouter Terry!
  2. Me too! Here I thought we were all home free. I talked to a few computer gurus and they advised that from the error messages it does look like the files are still in the process of being moved. I guess we will all just have to keep checking back until the issue is resolved.
  3. YEAHHH!!!! Ours is back up and working. My suggestion would be to send the page after you login to scouter.com''s contact us portion and cut and paste the login page so that they can see the errors.
  4. I also have been having the same problem. I have contacted scouter.com several times as well as messages to scouter Terry. I have not yet received a reply, so I contacted the web developer Fast Root this morning and am waiting on a response from them. I seem to recall seeing something about a new server being installed on the 26th of September. Are we waiting until all files are moved to a new server before we can access our upload files portion of the host site? I don''t know the answers yet as I am new to all of this, but I will post as soon as I find out anything. Anyone else have any information or knowledge on this?
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