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  1. I'm sorry to say that I have never even heard of Scoutmate software. Our Troop uses Troopmaster and Troopledger software, which are excellent programs to handle every area of unit management, you may want to check these programs out before making your decision.
  2. Are these "Ringleaders" in the same patrol? Do they have responsabilities in the Troop? Is the Troop program keeping them busy and active enough? Does your Board of Review committee ask the question "How do you live by the Scout Oath and Law" I don't think the signed form is a good idea, where does "Trustworthy" fit into having them get a form signed and not taking thier word? There has to be a better way to turn these boys around.
  3. Congratulations... You can find most of the information you need on how a Troop Committee works in the Troop Committee Guidebook, available at you local Council Service Center..as for training, the Committee Challenge is a 3 hour training course designed for Committee members and is in a game format. also helpful is good people skills, the ability to delegate, and function as a team player. Good Luck!
  4. The first thing I would do is get yourself a copy of "The Troop Committee Guidebook"this will give you the infomation you need on how a troop should operate, the second reference book you may want to get is "The Scoutmaster's Handbook", also very valuable in knowing what the program is about, these can be found at your local council service center.
  5. I am trying to find more detailed information on whether an Advancement Chair that works directly with the scouts on advancement should also sit on their Board of Reveiw. I would be grateful for any imput on this topic.
  6. In all the information I have read on conducting Board of Reveiws, I have never seen in writing that scouts can sit on Boards. I believe older scouts can work with and sign off on advancement requirements of younger scouts, but I've never heard of them sitting on boards, so I don't think this is true.
  7. Tim, This is my first time on the site, so I'm not sure if you have found the poem or still need it. I have one titled "This Uniformed Little Boy" I don't know if it is the same one you are looking for, but if it is let me know and I will send it.
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