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Everything posted by JTC-from-OKC-T168

  1. For Jamboree, my dad was an assistant SM. He found a place that sells first aide kits for fundraisers. There was a pack that you can pick five different items. Who doesn't need a first aide kit around the house??. One good seller were fire extinquishers. All you hade to do was point and spray, kind of like spraying hairspray at something. That is a funraiser we did to raise money to go to Jambo with, and they sold pretty good.
  2. these things are so cool my dad has made a few of these in the past and the are really neat. they boil water pretty fast anyways....... the boys realy arent supposed to use liquid fuels, i have never used these on a campout but for backpacking they are great
  3. at the jamboree the adults ate with the patrols and so did senior leadership. i think it is a good idea, so that the SM/ASM/CM can get to know the boys better i also think it is good that the adults eat by themselves, beacause then the boys are asking for help to clean/cook. which sometimes they do need help but for the main part they should try to d it by themselves
  4. technicaly yes they can. you can sign off on anything lower than you(so ive heard) i wouldn't personly recomend it, but if you have good scouts and you trust them not to bribe them or just sign it off just to get it over with. im a pretty good scout and am trusted, but if i was the scout master i would leave it to youth senoir leadership and adult leadership.
  5. i used to go outside and play with friends all the time. but now im mainly found in the computer room talk to friends on the internet or playing games. some times my parents kick me off the computer on the weekends. i have gotten into a habit that now if im on the computer when i get home from school, i talk to some people then go outside and rollerblade or play basket ball. eating healthy...... when it comes to hieght and weight im a pretty small guy. At school on tuesday's i used to eat 2 fried chicken sandwitches, 2 bags of french fries, tea, and a bag or chip or a candy bar. Luckly i have a very high metabolism and my body burn its off. my parents would put alot of money into my lunch account and i would prolly spend about $100 in a month or two. i snack alot at home too. now i try to cut back on eating so much.
  6. the death march to see the president. it was soooooo hot and dry. i was from subcamp 17 so it was a good 3 mile walk there. then the president backed out!!!!!!! it only took us like 15 minutes to get back cuz a storm was coming and me an my friend ran as hard as we could all the way back. whan we got back my patrols dining flay was knocked over and colapsed
  7. Yes you sure can!! i attended and one of my friends wears his on his troop uniform and ive seen many of others with theres on
  8. Hi, im Justin. you may know sr540beaver. he is my dad. im a star scout in the last frontier council in oklahoma. I went to 2005 jambo, and i am going to northern tier this summer. i have been in three troops. in one of them i was the PL and the ASPL, now im currently an APL. it would be nice for some tips or anything like to, because im new to scouter.com
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