I've been a Scoutmaster for just a few years but have been in Scouting for my whole life. Worked Scout camp for 10+ years so I understand how things (should) work.
I am prepared to accept that Summer Camp Merit Badge instruction is typically not the same quality as you would get with a traditional merit badge counselor or even in a troop merit badge program.
However, the past few years (from different camps in different councils) it seems as if Summer Camp is more of a merit badge fair, where scouts just show up to a class, goof off, and get a "Complete" at the end of the week. It has gotten to the point where I think my Scouts are more focused on how they can "work the system" then actually earning Merit Badges. As such, I have scouts that only show up to 1/2 their classes, don't complete in camp assignments, or just don't pay any attention as why should they, they know they're going to get the MB anyway?
So, now to my question? How do other leaders address this issue? I don't believe that you can re-test and overturn advancement but at the same time I don't like Scouts brining home Motorboating merit badge and having only been out in the boat for 5 minutes?
I would be interested to hear others thoughts?