The proposed fix to FICA of removing the cap on taxes doesn't come with removing the cap on disbursements.
Next, the government indirectly does create wealth, by securing or expanding opportunity. For example, if they eliminate the corporate income tax and capital gains tax, or military spending which guarantees the dollar's status as the reserve currency. They've created the conditions by which more wealth will be created.
Beavah, the GOP won't adopt the deficit commission plan because among other things, it includes a 150 billion cut in defense spending, and there's nothing the GOP likes more than beating the dems with the "soft on defense" stick. Did you not see the Speaker fighting to buy F35 engines which NOBODY in the DOD actually wanted? Same reason they don't want to be the first party to "throw granny under the bus" by reforming FICA. When it comes to real fixes for the budget, this GOP will prove to be big on talk, small on testicular fortitude.