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Everything posted by jrush

  1. Woapalanne, The proposed fix to FICA of removing the cap on taxes doesn't come with removing the cap on disbursements. Next, the government indirectly does create wealth, by securing or expanding opportunity. For example, if they eliminate the corporate income tax and capital gains tax, or military spending which guarantees the dollar's status as the reserve currency. They've created the conditions by which more wealth will be created. Beavah, the GOP won't adopt the deficit commission plan because among other things, it includes a 150 billion cut in defense spending, and there's nothing the GOP likes more than beating the dems with the "soft on defense" stick. Did you not see the Speaker fighting to buy F35 engines which NOBODY in the DOD actually wanted? Same reason they don't want to be the first party to "throw granny under the bus" by reforming FICA. When it comes to real fixes for the budget, this GOP will prove to be big on talk, small on testicular fortitude.
  2. The pocket flap was probably mis-sewn. Upon closer inspection while sewing on my patch I noticed mine wasn't "square" with the pocket. If it bothers you and you want to keep the pocket, any sew shop can move the flap to where it doesn't cover the patch for a couple of bucks.
  3. Northern Tier sells the Bemidji jacks for about $130 or so.
  4. in all fairness, most domestic "low skill" manufacturing here can't compete with overseas. If you hire illegals and pay $5 an hour, it can't compete. Even companies like Red Wing and New Balance with some "Made in the USA" do most of their manufacturing overseas. What killed domestic manufacturing was the failure of many companies to get into what the US does manufacture and export, such as turbines, heavy machinery, etc. Now, that being said, we chould have a uniform made in America, for not any more than we pay now. The difference would be the National Office wouldn't have a good profit margin on the sales to fund all the things they fund. I don't believe that stuff about contract sizes. A company could be found that would make pants and shirts for $50 each. They just can't make them for $5 each so National clears a good profit.
  5. Wise in regards to the "DADT" treatment of homosexuality or of atheism? The only way to guarantee that no homosexuals are involved with scouting is to polygraph everyone on a regular basis. Furthermore, the military (which the BSA is directly based off of) has functioned quite well without such McCarthyism, so the BSA doesn't feel any need to engage in usch manuevers. Next, the BSA is dancing with giving atheism a pass with it's recognition of Buddhism...which doesn't acknowledge any diety whatsover (the very definition of "atheist"). Since you can be Buddhist (or Hinduism), following a monothestic religeon obviously isn't required. The BSA just expects you not to go around crowing about it. Again, the BSA chooses not to engage in any witch hunts...give "all paths to God" the proper reverence and respect, and do your duty to your own beliefs.
  6. I'm not sure anyone is suggesting a youth be kicked out on the spot (of course, I might have missed a post in 10 pages), but rather, he needs to figure things out before the Eagle BOR and certainly before he submits an application to the unit to become an ASM.
  7. Pack, it's not that the BSA is "painting itself into a corner". The BSA is just saying that they aren't going to hook anyone up to a polygraph when they turn in their regisration. In effect the BSA has essentially copied the military's DADT policy. No witchhunts, but keep it to yourself. It's not a matter of whether or not the OP is a good role model...he certainly could be regardless of his sexual orientation and atheism...it's that the BSA, as a private organization, can and does have a set of rules about who can be a leader and who can receive the rank of Eagle.(This message has been edited by jrush)(This message has been edited by jrush)
  8. Mr Boyce, let's not get carried away. Remember, there are religeons that the Boy Scouts grant religous awards for that neither view homosexuality as immoral or unclean, nor do they recognize a singular God. That being said, the bottom line is the BSA bars homosexuals and atheists as a matter of national policy. So, while the OP may be a great role model, he has no business being an adult leader. PC has nothing to do with it.
  9. Considering that national is funded in part from uniform sales, you didn't really expect the price to go down, did you?
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