I'm a new Assistant Scoutmaster. We have been through sudden changes in leadership, have new inexperienced Scoutmaster and our small troop has doubled in size since Webelos transitioned last spring. I am looking for Workbooks, handouts etc., anything that I can show to Scouts and parents about how to meet rank advancement requirements the Boy Scout way, instead of like Cub Scouts. I found a First Class "Grubmaster" Requirements Workbook from Troop 641 that has helped them to see that meeting First Class requirements 4a-4e is not a "group activity" that they get checked off in one week. The older boys will benefit from it too, we are rural and isolated and when I asked who would be Grubmaster for the next campout - they looked at me blankly and asked "What is the grubmaster?" I am looking for other workbooks like this, or anything they can refer to, to help bring our troop up to speed. Meritbadge.org is great but I need something more detailed and less open to "interpretation". Any help out there?
YIS and Thanks,