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Everything posted by jr56

  1. I hate to sound stupid, and I haven't seen the other threads, just wahat is a state badge?
  2. I used to try to update the District MB Counselor list every year. Like trying to pull teeth. A thankless job but somebody has to do it.
  3. Thank you for your service to this country. God Bless
  4. Thanks for correcting me on that on Bob. I thought I remembered somewhere that it would be permissable for a CR to be dual registered as a Committee Member, or CC, the only case in which you could hold 2 positions within a unit. So was I right in that if she remains the CR, she can't dual register as an Asst Den leader? Jeff
  5. I got it in February. My 22 year old Eagle scout son, and my daughter's fiance (a 22 year old former Life scout) both loved it, and were amazed that they had never heard of it. Incredable how Walt had the talent to reach out across generations and produce movies that people still enjoy years later. My kids really enjoyed the courtroom scene.
  6. Hi, go ahead and form a new den, best of luck to you. You could be an Asst. Leader to your husband, but I don't think you can be officially registered to 2 positions in the pack at the same time. You could check with your DE, COR is technically a district post, so you could probably register as an Asst. Weblos Den Leader with your husband. Sounds to me like you're going to leave #3 and #4 in your dust. It's a shame some adults never grow up, unfortunatly I've encountered a few like that in my scouting experiences also.
  7. Any troop that I have ever been associated with will count any hours worked to count toward Star and Life service hour requirements. That way, there is plenty of incentive for scouts to show up for Eagle service projects, as well as troop service projects done for the CO.
  8. I have had the biggest problem finding enough boys who wnat to run the troop program. They won't do anything, they just want to show up at troop meetings and have the program already provided for them, just like sports. There are very few boys ou there that I have seen that are willing to jump in and frun the program. But when one comes along, it is amazing how well it works, the boys like to listen to one of their own much more than listening to any adult leader.
  9. Just got a copy of Follow Me Boys on DVD from Amazon.comm for 19.95, I think that price included shipping.
  10. Sounds to me like you have been more than patient with this young man. You want to give him every chance, but I agree, if he is ruining the scouting experience for all the rest of the boys, what can you do? Sounds terrible, but is it fair to spoil a program for 99% of the boys to satisfy one individual? There comes a point where if minimum behavior expectations are not being met, the boy must go. Make sure everything is properly documented so mom can't claim you're picking on her son. Good luck, a hard thing to have to do.
  11. I have seen several parents do this, if the boy earns his Eagle, it is just to get mom and dad off his back, and the accomplishment of attaining the Eagle rank means nothing to him. I have even had the majority of these boys refuse to even have a ceremony to recieve their rank.
  12. If they are going to check ID on everybody as they arrive, the Jamboree will be over before everybody gets past security to enter. I know there were rumblings about buses and equipment having to arrive together at the last jamboree, but it was not strictly enforced. Of course, that was before 9/11. A terrorist planting a boy scout on a tour bus seems kind of far fetched, but I guess anything is possible in this day and age.
  13. You will probably get all kinds of answers quoting various policies. I have always felt you should take it on a case by case basis. Giving the boy a couple of extra weeks of help to earn his badge shouldn't get anybodys undies in a bunch, but you would be surprised about the flak some people will give you. When all is said and done, if you think it will help the boy, and he will appreciate it, go for it.
  14. Your son can wear whatever rank pin he currently has earned on the campaign hat. That is the way it was done way back when. At the council office near me you can buy large rank pins to go on the campaign hat. My son wanted one too, I purchased him one as a present when he earned his Eagle.
  15. My favorites are the campaign hat, and the broad brimmed venture hat. When the weather gets cold, I have to wear the scout stocking hat to protect my ears. The first 2 hats cover my little bald head, and also keep the sun off my neck and ears.
  16. I must confess, I too was a member of NESA, but there is no activity in regards to it in my council, and the newsletter tells me a bunch of information about Eagle Scouts that I don't know. I feel like I'm missing something, there must be more to NESA than this? Anybody out there have any information you can enlighten me with?
  17. Pizza fresh out of a dutch oven is really great, you can put almost anything on it too, tuna, or ham and cheese.
  18. There is no way the SM should be holding up advancement. The boys should be allowed to progress at whatever pace they desire. If they want service hours, they can plan a project and through their SPL get it approved by the SM. If the SM is doing his job properly, he should approve any service projects as long as they meet BSA regulations.
  19. I agree. At this point your primary concern should be to see that the boy bridges on into scouting. I've seen several boys have an active interest in scouting and hang in there despite complete lack of support by the parents. It's a shame they don't support their son more.
  20. Many troops discourage merit badge work by boys under the rank of first class because it distracts them from working on first class requirements. Every boy is different, and if a boy wants to start working on merit badges right away, there is no BSA rule prohibiting him from doing so.
  21. As I recall, the major issue against skill awards was that all information was taught at once, with no repetition to aid learning. For example, current requirements have some first aid for tenderfoot, some more for second class, and still more for first class. So the subject of first aid is taught in 3 different chunks instead of one skill award. Some people feel that this facilitates learning more.
  22. There is a nomination form that can be picked up at your local council office. Once it is completed, the local council decides if it should be forwarded to National. National decides what award, if any will be given.
  23. Geetings, I've been around scouting for 26 years now, and have been involved in just about all phases at one time or another. I have been fortunate enough to attend 2 National Jamborees, Philmont, and Seabase. I am an Eagle, so is my son. I am currently serving on a troop committee and am the district Advancement Chairman. I'm also on the council training committee. Take care, Jeff
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