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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Well Well...Surprise..Set up everything... Asked The Council to invite Scouts to participate Asked the Lodge to put on a Program and participate.. Council had no SE until June 16th so they kept putting off saying they would help.. Lodge Made no announcement of Helping or attending.. Even after I told everyone I would be feeding and picking up the Cost of everything.. I notified them that I would host them at my House..since I was Told Camp was not available I notified Scouts that there would be no Participation or program from Local Scouts..We were asked to attend Camp Worth and go Canoeing with them...However since we had No SE to decide who could attend from council no one would be going.. I notified them that my "Scouting" friends had backed out on helping me...I asked someone to help drive them around. No Takers. I was moved on Schedule and working mandatory overtime so I could not go places with them either until after 7 pm. Suddenly on the Lodge Facebook page...They Are Hosting the Scouts.. I get a Letter accusing me of claiming to be an Official Representative of the Council. Also Saying Lodge had discussed the participation at February 2014 LEC but I did not give them any more info...I never was notified by Lodge they were interested..I tried posting on the Council's and Lodge's Facebook pages but my Posts were never approved or posted. Now they are saying the Lodge and Council is having to pick up the Costs because I promised the Scouts I had said Council was paying everything..I did not..I told them I was paying all their Costs except for a Dinner in Meers Oklahoma. Everything I had Planned for them was free except the Local Climbing Tower and I was paying for that also..had already made arrangements No one asked me what I had in place. I live with My Sister and she was giving up her bedroom so The Ladies could have a Private Room and Bathroom, Youth Boys were gonna have a Private Bedroom and Bathroom. I was gonna give up my Bedroom and sleep on a Cot in living room I had bought over 650 worth of food to feed them..I had 300 dollars in Gas cards to cover gas. I even ordered Special Handmade Key Holders from Craftshop at work..another 300 dollars. oh and I am banned from Council and Lodge functions from Now on. Although I am still a Boy Scout. I do have screen shots of Facebook messages to Past OA Adviser, Present Adviser and Even the Dance Team Adviser and their responses and all the Emails to and From the Scottish Scouts I highly doubt that the New SE will be on my side Wonder what National and National OA would think of the situation... Oh Well I was about to move registration to a New Council and an Active Lodge anyways
  2. My Problem is Why Would A MBC only Teach a Merit Badge to their own Scouts? Seem to me Something is Wrong when a Unit has MBC for every Eagle Required Merit Badge and They only Teach it to their Scouts...Seems fishy when they also tend to be the Eagle factories in the Council
  3. My Problem is Why Would A MBC only Teach a Merit Badge to their own Scouts? Seem to me Something is Wrong when a Unit has MBC for every Eagle Required Merit Badge and They only Teach it to their Scouts...Seems fishy when they also tend to be the Eagle factories in the Council
  4. In All Honesty I don't Remember anything About the Brotherhood Ceremony Except The Burden...even though I served all 4 Roles...I guess after 31 Years my Mind is Slipping....I did Brotherhood in 1983 Also.
  5. well i guess it really boils down to the presentation....not impressive if the principals are reading it.
  6. For Southern Scouts Requirement x. Discuss the Difference Between Grilling and BBQ'ing Requirement X(a). Discuss with your Merit Badge Counselor the difference in Texas and Carolina Style BBQ Sauce Requirement X(b). Discuss with your Merit Badge Counselor different cuts of Meat ( Brisket, Tenderloin, Baby Back Ribs, Skirt Steak) and best way to cook outdoors Requirement X©. Discuss with your Counselor various Woods to cook with and their Basic Characteristics and best cuts of meat to cook with ( Mesquite, Apple, Cherry, Red Oak) Requirement X(d). Tell your Counselor the Difference in Green and Seasoned wood. Requirement X(e). Choice either a Dry Rub or a BBQ Sauce and create your own recipe Requirement X(f). Discuss appropriate side dishes for a outdoor meal Requirement X(g). Discuss Appropriate Deserts for BBQ/grilling Requiremnt X(h). Using the recipe in X(e) Cook a Complete meal and serve to the Merit Badge Counselor along with 4 appropriate side dishes and 2 Deserts
  7. My personal opinion is that NO MBC should be Unit Specific. If you are unwilling to Teach a Merit Badge to all Scouts you should not be teaching. However there is no rule against it.. Is there a Rule preventing a SM from being a MCB..No Does it call into question the SM integrity if he only teaches a MB to his Scout...to me yes, especially if it is a required Eagle.
  8. I bought a 2002 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 and I am regretting it also...3 breakdowns in 6 months...luckily the Car dealer carried a side not on the recent repairs on the transmission which was 1600.00.. now i am facing another 300-500 dollar repair. so Now my 5 seater is parked until i can afford those repairs...mean while i continue to make payments of 500.00 a month till next March.. in Texas it would not cost me much more to insure than a Motor Home unless I went for hire, then insurance and a license is high. P.S my Truck averages 9 miles per gallon when it runs....
  9. I have seen several good buses on Ebay for around 13,000.
  10. Look into 5.11 Tacticle Pants...they are high but they last a long time, wear well, don't fade
  11. Our local camps never forced anyone to take a group picture.....or even offered to take one
  12. Funny our adult female members wear appropriate FULL REGALIA for females... not every male member wears a headdress as for dancing look at native american powwows seems plenty of women dance and even sign... not every Lodge has every style of Dance...their are appropriate dance styles for females
  13. My New Shirt Has Tan Buttons with ..Boy Scouts of American written on them
  14. Ever Notice How BSA Forms and Policies don't Match Up BSA Application STATES *If the parent is not serving as the adult partner, the parental signature on the application indicates approval of the adult partner and also if the adult partner does not live at the same address as the Tiger Cub, a separate adult application is required. Parent/Guardian Information Options are Parent, Guardian, Grandparent, Other (specify) Other Could be Step Dad, Step Mom, Friend, Boy friend, Girlfriend, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister, Niece, Nephew, Cousin That I can Think of... Logic Would say that anyone of those could take the Kid Camping and Tent with scout and Logically we should be able to say especially Someone who was already the Listed on the Application should be able to Tent with the Scout.. However since BSA Department A does not Talk With BSA Department B and they all don't talk with each other we end up with a Mess and Everyone ends up confused..and Interpreting the Rules.. I Find it Hard that a Person Approved can not Tent with the Scout Since they Are approved on the Application form.. I do agree anyone and Everyone who attends BSA Events should have Youth Protection..However Only Registered Leadership is Currently required to take it.. BSA APPLICATION STATES• We encourage all parents to be involved with their Scout. There are no “secret†organizations in Scouting and all Scouting activities are open to parental visitation People Adding and Changing Rules to fit their needs is what is Happening.
  15. And Here I thought I was Special With 2 Nonexistent Messages Guess Not
  16. First I am gonna address the Camping Issue.....You Can Camping at the Beach is no Different than Camping at a Camp Area with a Pool, a Stream, A River, or Lake.. To conduct Water Activities you will Need Adults with all the Necessary BSA Training. [h=2][/h]
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