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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. I am leaving the Lodge and the Local Council and registering with another Council and Lodge...I am through with Scouting Locally.
  2. Funny how there is so Much... Difference from Councils...Some are Friendly and Inviting and Open to Supporting the Boys..and then there are those that Councils are ruled with an Iron Fist and is open to just a few volunteers who kiss the ground a certain few Walk upon.
  3. Woodbadge in My Council...Pompous Elitist..Course way Over priced...And Mandatory in order to Volunteer for anything
  4. I know why...Because The Letter Writer runs the Lodge...They decide what the Lodge does and what gets presented to Youth for their Vote. The Lodge is Basically at their Whim. Lodge is basically dead and Council is barely hanging on. I had already started to move on to Another Council and Lodge...Several are 150 Miles away and I have also considered moving to several Councils on paper even further away.. But I won't stand for Lies being told about me.
  5. If I could share pictures on here I would post the Letter and Screenshots showing I did tell them about the Scottish Scouts and asking for Help and No Replies from them.
  6. This goes back to September 2011... So Yea if you ain't been around and following my posts you are gonna be lost. Lodge Consisted of approximately 168 Members on Paper at January Winter Ordeal...No Idea how many on Paper as Of Summer Ordeal and No Idea how many were elected at Summer Call Out... Lodge has 3 Events each year..Winter Ordeal, Summer Ordeal, Summer Call out.. Since 2011 we have had only 2 so Called Fellowships There was No OA "Official Lodge" contingency at Jambo and No public sharing of any Photos.. Last NOAC ..Group was "full" when I came Back so was not allowed to join in nor anyone else (2012)..Lodge Asked to borrow Video Camera I told them They could borrow mine...said they did not need one they got one...What do you know No Photos or Videos.. Last year 2013..We barely had I think 6 boys go to Conclave..So this year 2014 I paid for 2 Scholarships ($80.00) and we still took only 7 Boys. I tried to get Dominoes and Spade Tourneys going again like when I was a Youth..Shot Down I offered to get Tepees for Summer Call out..Was Told it was Taken Care of...Nothing was set up... I offered to Bring food to Cracker barrel...Got Chewed out for Changing LEC Planned (really Tim Planned) Cracker Barrel..Food paid for out of My Pocket not Changing) I offered to cook for those who wanted or was coming out early..Again chewed out because it was gonna change Cracker Barrel ....Ummmm no it would not as Our Friday Night Meals are always "Bring your Own or Eat before you come" to camp.... I tried to get Rings cleaned up...Shot Down..Someone else was doing...not done I offered to Host Movie Nights (which I do on my Front Lawn with Neighbors on a White Queen Size Sheet with DLP Projector).. Shot Down I offered to Host a Pot Luck Dinner...Shot Down..Tim said Lodge could not afford. I posted and asked for Volunteers to go Help Southern Region Disaster Relief in Moore Oklahoma...A Non Scouting Non OA friend went with me....NO LODGE MEMBERS HELPED Lodge was gonna have a Taco Dinner Last Year as a Fund raiser...failed ..No Fliers No Advertisement..I offered to make Fliers Last year we sold Ribs at Superbowl as Fund Raiser..I hauled ribs all day long 1.5 Tanks of Gas...No Youth Helped..This year we did not do it.. Lodge was gonna have a BBQ Fund Raiser ( I pitched Idea first..Shot Down) No Advertisement ..No Fliers..FAILED Lodge has not set cost for NOAC 2015 Yet....They set Goal of 20 ....No Details yet on anything I think They are down to 3 Ceremonies Team Members and Maybe 2 Dancers. They Had to ask other Lodges to come Help Dance...We have been allowing Youth Ladies to Dance last 2 Years as unofficial Dancers. Only Pictures and Videos shared are Mine
  7. Will I be able to Transfer my Membership to Another Council and Lodge? I was Black balled by Former Lodge Adviser and Current Northwest Council 587 Vice President of Governance Timothy W. Hunter because of a personal vendetta. Among the Things he seems to be made at me for is not Paying to attend Woodbadge. The Youth of the Lodge were never informed of the event through the LEC..As You Can see I did Provide Mr Hunter and the Current Adult Adviser Donnie Smith and the Dance Adviser about the Scouts from Scotland. The Facebook group for Wichita Lodge 35 was set to secret and now is Deactivated. Until June there has been no Email, No Newsletter provided to the General Membership of the Lodge. I attempted to post on the Facebook group however my posts about the event were never approved by a group administrator thus never seen by General membership either. I was never informed in February that it was brought up to LEC and they wanted More Information. Every time I tried to bring it up it was hushed. It never was discussed with the LEC or the General Membership. I never Claimed or represented myself to the Scouts from Scotland as anything other than a member of the Local Council and Local Lodge. When asked to attend events with them I clearly informed they I had no authority to make that decision, so no scouts locally went with them anywhere. I simply helped arrange stay. They wanted to go canoeing so I recommended they attend Camp Worth instead of coming up here and us taking them because Camp Worth already had a program and it was close to the Airport the would be arriving at. Local events were changed because they asked because some of their other events changed..So I did plan to shorten local activities. I told them the Cost for them while here would be free except for a Meal at a Restaurant in Oklahoma I wanted them to see while at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge. I spent 650.00 dollars on Food. I was covering the cost of the Facilities at Camp Perkins. I was told since the Camp Ranger was a Philmont the Facilities were not availableto me so I arranged for the Scouts to stay at my house..3 BR/3 Bath. Females and Youth would have their own private bathrooms and the ladies bedroom had locking door (if they were concerned). I was transferred shifts at work without a lot of Notice so I was no longer available to drive around the scouts so I did attempt to find drivers on my personal facebook page, no local scouter stepped up to help me. After The Lodge took over only 1 youth participated in activities with them. I did speak with National Legal about the alleged Copyright Issues on the items I had made for use on my Regalia..I never Sold any item. Several were given to Council staff including the Ranger at Camp Perkins. Everything I had made was an example to show the Boys..again never allowed to present to the Boys. As a Matter of Fact it was I that informed the National Legal Office that they failed to renew the Copy right protection on the MGM Indian Head in 2012 and the Protection was not current at the time of the alleged incident and was being used on Butterneck Squash from a farm in New York sold at Walmart. The alleged incident occurred in 2013. I have volunteered for many things in the Council and have been turned down repeatedly. I have volunteered repeatedly for Lodge activities and have been turned down. The Lodge has had failed fund raisers because of poor leadership. I am the Only Lodge Member to have participated in the Southern Region Disaster Relief in Moore Oklahoma despite asking on Facebook. I paid for two attendees for SR2-3N 2014 Conclave out of my own pocket this year. I have Volunteered to Host Movie Nights, I have Volunteered to Host Pot/Luck Dinners, which Mr. Hunter stated at the time that the Lodge could not afford. If you do a Youtube Search for Northwest Texas Council on you will see that I have done more than anyone else to promote scouting in the Council area. Feel free to look at the Photos I have done promoting scouting. I honest feel that I have done nothing to desire being banned from the Local Council and the Local Lodge. I was applying to Work Staff at NOAC 2015 however I don't have a Lodge now and approval to work what can I do. I would like to attend but can't without a Lodge Wondering what the response will be? Even after Black Balling me they have the Nerve to Ask for payment on FOS Donation after Mr Hunter stated in a Letter I received My Support was no longer Welcome
  8. What you can do... BE Cordial.......Invite other Packs to your Events. BE Seen .........The troop can make sure it is Seen by Helping at all Council/District Events. Never seen never heard never Works. BE Known........Have a Strong Social Media. Communication is a Strong point. Share the Scouting Experience. There is no Better way to influence a Young Scouter and his Family than Showing them you do things than with pictures. Talk is Cheap however a Pictures say More. Be Proud....Share through communications Advancements, Awards, Event Participation and anything the troop does
  9. Sounds like my Council already....We did not run A Summer Camp for 15 years anyways...No Need for Camperships...We prefer our Troops except first years scouts to go out of Council.
  10. Typical...Politicking spoils another possible Scouting Activity..
  11. Do away with All Council Offices...They can Work From Home..Registration can be done online... Do Away with Scout Shops...We Can Shop Online. Stop Frivolous Banquettes and Extravagant Council Dinners
  12. Since the Lodge here does nothing except 3 things..dues are collected...Lodge here has Winter Ordeal, Summer Ordeal and Call Out....No Fellowships, No Trips, No Monthly get togethers
  13. I never had a Baker Tent Collapse and never got Wet or Snowed during a Storm....and they stayed warm also.. And Stayed cool in the Summer with the Sides rolled up...well as cool as you could be outside in 100+ heat during the Summer months.
  14. here is the Texas option From the $30 specialty plate fee, $22 goes to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for making grants that benefit educational projects sponsored by Boy Scout Councils of Texas.
  15. As a general rule...If you attend an Event you can wear the patch released for that Event.. It is generally encouraged that you wear the Most Current Issue of Your Lodge Flap Otherwise. You are only Suppose to wear a OA Lodge Flap if you are a Registered Member of that Lodge.. Wearing the Patches, for many depends on What type of Patch it is....Many Lodges release several varieties of the Same Patches and Their Values different based on Number produced. Keep in Mind the Rarity and Value makes them for Targets to be Stolen...Many sets are stolen every year...Growing Up Wichita Lodge 35 had 1 per Life...Those Sale over 650 a piece now Days...They get stolen every time you turn around... Traders and Collectors collect for many reason.
  16. Nope...In Texas youth tend to still enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, hunting, fishing and spend a lot of time outdoors......until they are taught by some some structured scouting organization that those activities are "not age appropriate" for them until they get older.
  17. Amazing how different Scouting can be from area to area. I know of packs which would camp a month or two straight if they had a chance
  18. Nice too see the spirit of Scouting still alive in some Scouts a Scout is Kind.. http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2014/08/02/packs-extraordinary-kindness-strangers-essence-scouting/
  19. Where is it worn and how depends on the Situation....If your undercover you wouldn't want people to see it until it is time to show it off...Then you pull it out and Start belittling people for their in Fractions..Once your a Uniform police you will be required to carry the Badge on you at all times, even in Civilian wear since you never know when and where you will encounter a Scouter. The position is adult position, so Unless they are a Un-pronounced Atheist or a Closet Gay they can not hold the position, since a Uniformed Police Officer has to be a registered adult leader...
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