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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. I Will and I do. Wore them at Philmont along with Cowboy Boots and A Straw Cowboy Hat
  2. Who camps without fires to get warm and dry out clothing anyways?
  3. I did...in California and North Texas Wore jeans year around
  4. jpstodwftexas

    NOAC 2015

    3:1 Ratio....Better Hope the Lodge can get a Minimum of 6 To Attend then..Otherwise gonna be hard to have 2 Deep Leadership..
  5. jpstodwftexas

    NOAC 2015

    SR2-3N has raised and Distributed $600 Scholarships to Each Lodge in Region through Auction (patches, memorbillia) at Conclave last spring..I believe they may have had enough to to do a Second Scholarship and they Hope to do 1 more next Conclave.
  6. I guess I grew up in a Weird Troop...We had Lashing Competitions...Tent Pitching...First Aid Competitions....Cooking Comps In Camp we had Archery Comp...Sawing Comps..and above listed
  7. One way to use it.. In My Youth Troop we had Honor Scouts.. Scouts earned points for...Attending Meetings...Wearing Proper Uniform..Attending Events (Campouts, Camporees)..Advancement...Earning Awards, Merit Badges..etc..and Community Awards such as Attending Church..School Participation.. At the The end of The Year...Points were Tallied... 1st Place Honor Scout got Philmont and Summer Camp Paid for.. 2nd Place Got 1/2 Philmont and All Summer Camp paid for 3rd Place Got All Summer Camp Paid for 4th got 1/2 Summer Camp Paid for plus each won a Medal to wear on Ceremonial Uniforms You could do "High Adventure BAse of your Choice" depending on where you live. Spend it on Members of the Unit...don't waste it on Possible Members..Use it wisely
  8. jpstodwftexas

    NOAC 2015

    I doubt very many in my Neck of the Woods besides the Good Ol' Boys and Gals who get to attend the Biggies will be going. I am sure Locally we are gonna be over 1500 to go. Proud owner of the Summit yet NOAC is indoors......
  9. jpstodwftexas

    NOAC 2015

    Already full...your to late unless your part of the In Crowd.
  10. Love them Bakers...still trying to find me one.
  11. Sounds like yall need some Grubmaster Training... Plan a Menu..Including Portions....Adjust as needed...Stick to the Menu... You need certain Stables...Salt, Pepper, Garlic Salt, Flour, Sugar, Beans, Brown Sugar, Tabasco Sauce (or prefered Brand of Hot Sauce), Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea, Lard and Dried Herbs and Spices. All other Ingredients need to be purchased as needed. You will get it down where there are no leftovers...
  12. Back in my Youth when we used Canvas Baker Tents..In the Winter I would dig a Hole about 5 foot Long..2 Foot wide by a Foot deep...Build a Nice Fire..get plenty of Coals and then Bury the Coals....Kept my Tent the Warmest in Camp.. Then we discovered Wood Burning Stoves...On a side Note..Wrapped Breakfast ready while you slept..A Hot meal without waiting.. Problem with heating stones...not every stone is good for it..try heating Sand Stone and see what happens to it
  13. S P A M..Squirrels Possum and Mice..great Dutch Oven cookin'
  14. I do the same thing. If your group is for a Scouting Unit then it needs to be public. If your not sharing scouting info then your fine. Most people do not use a Facebook group for Young children to communicate but to share accolades and share event pictures...Free Website basically.
  15. Donations goes to the Charter Organization not the Pack..since the Charter Organization Owns the Unit.Your Charter Organization will advise you on how they want a Bank Account set up. There is much skirting on Fundraising in the BSA it ain't funny.. No fund Raising at Unit Level ! ! !...Yet it is the Units that Sell Popcorn and get a Portion back based on what they sell...Not What the Council sells as a Whole...any one know of any Council that gives every Registered Unit .001 per cent of Gross Sales regardless of how much they sale? Scouts receive prizes based on what they sale..Councils give away free Ipads, Iphones to Top Sellers ..etc.etc.
  16. To me the Purpose of a Facebook page for any Scouting Unit..No Matter what age is to share the experience of Scouting with all people interested scouting and to preserve the History of that Unit for Future Scouters. You can set who can post comments and posts pictures so you can control who posts what...No Spam, No Pornographic Pictures etc... As for Posting Pictures...While Some parents may not want their Children "Named" in photographs I am sure most won't mind them being in pictures if they are Not Tagged. I rarely see any Units Tagging Youth (and It would be stupid to Tag this way) "Little Johnny Q. Public 1234 Main Street Anytown USA 123456 (111)111-1111 johnnyqpublic@anyemail.com"
  17. BSA Training is meant to bring Money into the Council's Pockets, plain and simple.
  18. We only went Camping...but we had lots and Lots of Fun...No Activities planned...We Found things to do..and Hardly wanted to leave on Sunday evenings because we were having so much fun..We did 2 Campouts a Month when there was a Camporee because we went to them also.
  19. Wondering if they are gonna Offer something all registered members can wear, not just the Fortunate Rich ones who get to attend
  20. 7000 each to attend world jambo...holy moley
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