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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Each Person's Duty to God is defined by their own personal belief..A southern Baptist's Duty is not the Same as an Orthodx Jew's...nor is theirs the Same as a United Methodist..or theirs as a latter Day Saints...yu get the picture However every Member Youth or Adult must be willing to say the Scout Oath and Law and attempt to adhere to it to the best of their ability ...ie raise their right hand and make the Scout Sign and Say the Scout law and Oath. If ya can not do it...find somewhere else to have fun.. I never tried to change the program to fit my needs. I attend a Church on Scout Sunday if I can....thats about it..I personally don't believe in an Organized Religion.
  2. NONREGISTERED SCOUT EARNS EAGLE ! ! ! Wow is all I can Say.. Someone has be putting themselves into a "Legal Mess for Sure" What would have happened if he had been injured? Does this mean we can have unregistered leaders also? Can we have Nonregistered Volunteers? Does YP apply to them? Very Simple No PAID Registration : NO NOTHING..and I mean Paid for every year he has been involved...SCREW BEING GENTLE..... TELL MOM NO...SHE MADE THE CHOICE Now LIVE WITH IT. If You Do Award it you Dishonor everyone who has followed the rules.
  3. i guess I look at it at a different way Boy scout earns X Amount of merit Badges Which ya Divide into Required Eagle Merit Badges + NONReguired Merit Badges= Total Earned Under current Rules the minimum is 12(Eagle)+9(electives)=21 Proposed 2014 minimum will be 13(Eagle)+8(elective)=21 When you review for Eagle to List the Merit Badges Earned...Not when Earned So you simply take the Eagle list and check them off...everything else goes to Electives as long as he earned it it counts Nothing say a Boy Scout has to Earn only 21
  4. I wonder if those new scout like Organizations have a National Board who sets all the Policies based on some expert's advice. I see several differences already..All Ages are CO-Ed..and they offer a wide variety of stuff based on interests and abilities not just "Age Appropriate" as deemed by some expert somewhere. I bet they have little red wagons
  5. Why is it everyone just assumes Baby Boy is calling home to Mommy Just Maybe some scouts were out there Snapping "scouting pictures' and uploading on Scout Web Sites and keeping Fellow Scouters interested in the Summer Events.. Here is How I have Seen Cell Phones Used Well We set off for Summer Camp today 18+ Hour Drive from Texas to Colorado...Destination CAMP MIDDLEOFNOWHERE...Posted Snap Shot of "Troop" prepared to leave "Wow We Found this great little Place to Stop and Eat....JUSTLIKEGRANDMASCOOKING Diner...FANTASTIC homemade Apple Pie....Snap Shot of Several Scouts eating Pie "Man we just stopped for the Night at this Great State Park..Wish Yall could See the View of The "CAPROCKS here in the Texas Panhandle... Breathtaking Sunset...Posted Pictures of Sunset..Scouts around campfire "Woke up to a Beautiful Sunrise in the Canyon..Saw several Deer...Cooked a Greaat Breakfast"...more posted pictures "Arrived at CAMP MIDDLEOFNOWHERE...Man is it Beautiful...Beautiful Lake...Fantastic Old Mess Hall.. PICTURE PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES Wow Billy is Having fun his first time riding a Horse Wow Johnny just Caught a Huge Trout WOW WE PASSED SWIM TESTS WOW AFTER WOW..LOOK HOW MUCH FUN WE ARE HAVING Pictures Pictures Pictures Pictures AW SHUCKS>>>WOW we had a Great 14 Days here at Camp..Heading Home Tomorrow...Can You believe we did all this...(2000 pictures Later) Not Every Kid can Afford a Fancy Camera..MANY are Really Bulky...What Cell phone Does not Have Cameras..maybe about 5% now Days..Most even Have a Video capability Can't instantly Share on Social Media with a DSLR Digital Camera/Video Camera Ah What a shame that other Troop banned their Cell phones..I guess we could get their info and share pictures Later.. Meanwhile Some Youth is Looking at the Posts of their Friend saying, "MAN THAT LOOKS LIKE FUN, I AM GOING TO JOIN BOY SCOUTS." 50 Years Later.."Grandpaw can I join Scouts, looks like Yall had a lot of Fun Back in your Day..>>youth sitting at Computer Surfing an Old Scout Website looking at Historical Photos
  6. No What I am saying is that NO One person is more Important than another. However if the Tax payers provide a service for his children then Our children should get the same service. Which could be refused if ya did not want them,
  7. How do you validate the validity of the Data.. Gun Haters say 9 out of 10 Americans support Gun Control Gun Lovers say 9 out of 10 Americans are against Gun Control Which Statement is Factual? How would you know unless you contacted and questioned every single person polled and Unless you Knew What was recorded as their answers. Researchers will get the results they want..
  8. I believe that "NO" one person is more Important than anyone else in this world..person gets armed escorts at tax payer expense we all get it.
  9. Any of yall happen to catch the Newspaper Article about the Two Colorado police Officers arrested and charged who shot and Killed a Moose out of Season while on Duty...Yelp those are Highly Trained Professionals I have seen plenty of Police Officer who could not shoot the Broadside of a Barn with a Shotgun at 5 feet.. Although I am a Correctional Officer I am Qualified each year on Weapons simply by Shooting 1 Shoot Gun Shell into a hillside, Hit a Man sized Target at 50 Yards 7 out of 10 Times with a "assualt rifle" AR15 (.223) and Shooting a .357 with .38 Special Loads..12 Shots at 3 yards, 12 Shots at 7 yards and 6 Shots at 15 yards. I regularly am laughed at initially by Local Law Enforcement at Competitions Simply because They are Highly Trained..Yet I am the One Laughing when I win...simply because I have been shooting Many Years starting around 7 Years of Age. I have spent many years shooting. Not Just shooting but "target shooting" for perfection..I shoot for Scores not simply hit a Target anywhere. Point being...just because Your wearing a Badge does not mean your Highly Trained Do I consider myself highly trained..yes 14 years of Yearly Hunters Safety Courses 4 Years JROTC VARSITY RIFLE TEAM..(including an Olympic trial in 1984)..3 Hours a Day Target Shooting...Prone Kneeling Standing..I usually shot about 2000 rounds a Day... US ARMY Expert Rifle..Perfect Score German Sniper School...Gold (Expert) Competition Shooter for 20 years (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun) and Blackpowder Do I Hold a CCW Permit...NO You also Happen to see where the New NY Law limited even their Police to a Max Capacity of 7 Rounds??? Whats the Difference in Carrying 1 30 Round Magazine vs 3 10 Round Magazines..about 6 seconds in shooting time Will a .22 tubular feed Rifle be banned also? Mine can be loaded with 15 rounds. Do I support a Total Ban on 2nd Admen Rights:NO Do I support limitations: Hard to Say, simply because more and more rights erodes away gradually. Do I believe that Bans will stop Crime: NO Do I believe that Guns will prevent criminal acts: If used Properly...Dead Criminals do not repeat crimes.. I Never shoot to incapacitate I shoot to KILL>>I never Point a Gun at a Person Except to Kill
  10. My Council held a Summer Program for the first time in 15 years at our Local Camp last year. In My Day we had two camps..one on a Lake..We held 5 Weeks of Summer Camp..3 on the Lake and 2 at the River Camp...What Happened..we sold off the Lake Camp kept the River Camp and Never got around to improving it...Troops decided it was better to go long Distances to go to Camps with Facilities and Outdoor Activities..Summer Camp is no longer just about earning a few Merit Badges Boys want to go where the Fun is... Rappelling and Climbing Towers, Zip Lines...BMX Biking, Horse Back riding, ATV, Watercraft Look to the Summit as a perfect example of what Boys want.. Youth want adventure not just Summer time lectures. There are monetary options as said if you open up to more the Just BSA. Look to the south of me and there is a Camp that Has all kinds of Options open to the Corporate Big Wigs...COPE Course, Cabins for retreats. They Make Bokoos of Money. Corporate Expenditures more than Make up for the BSA turnout...
  11. "" The National Advancement Team is mandating only use of the Blue Card ... which invalidates modern database record-keeping at scout camps during the summer season."" Wow, would ya be surprised to learn that not every Summer Camp has a Computer system ??
  12. you suggesting etched in stone perhaps? Very few Stones Disintegrate when getting wet... but then the Boys would get tired of Lugging them around for a week at summer camp and the would just end up in a Campfire ring somewhere
  13. Well Now there seems to be more to the Story... Seems there was really a "Girl" involved... And she says she says she lied to him about her Death to protect herself from Drug Dealers I am guessing this was not a perfect "Eharmony" romance or a "Match".com made in heaven after all...
  14. Well Well Zero Tolerance By The Book Have Scout Arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon, making Terroristic Threats Have Judicial System Deal with the Problem They Can...provide Mental Counselling, Mental Health... Judicial System can make or Break the Scout back into a Viable Citizen or the Can Turn them into a Hardened Criminal.. That way Nobody Can Blame Boy Scouts for Anything.. BSA Needs a 1 Strike Rule to protect BSA
  15. Wow Seriously Your asking When is the Best Time to Form a Troop? I think some people just over thinks these Things. Before the Boys are ready to Cross Over you need to Find a Charter Organization..Find Committee Members, get Initial Financial Support and Be ready with welcoming Arms... Perhaps recruit some Local Scouts away from the Other Community, Maybe Ones that Need Leadership Positions to advance and have no position now because their troop is Full. Recruit some Scouts which The Commute is a Hardship on.. The Troop must be ready for the Boys to Visit...Otherwise there will be next year or the Next or the Next because You keep loosing them to the Other Community. It will be extremely hard to recruit them once they have already made friends in another troop
  16. Wow Seriously Your asking When is the Best Time to Form a Troop? I think some people just over thinks these Things. Before the Boys are ready to Cross Over you need to Find a Charter Organization..Find Committee Members, get Initial Financial Support and Be ready with welcoming Arms... Perhaps recruit some Local Scouts away from the Other Community, Maybe Ones that Need Leadership Positions to advance and have no position now because their troop is Full. Recruit some Scouts which The Commute is a Hardship on.. The Troop must be ready for the Boys to Visit...Otherwise there will be next year or the Next or the Next because You keep loosing them to the Other Community. It will be extremely hard to recruit them once they have already made friends in another troop
  17. Yea I keep up with the 3ID.. I was aware they deactivated Wondering why people can not just answers questions? Is your Location so top secret that you can not say where ya are?
  18. NIKE...Where are you located in Germany? I was Stationed in Aschaffenburg 1 BN 7INF REG 3BD 3ID "Rock of the Marne" Banking Privileges??? Boy Something has Changed ...my Bank was Stateside. We were not forced to Have a Base Account. All US Military facilities had to Except any Legal Check or Debit/Credit Card....Only way your Banking privileged got suspended is if you wrote Hot Checks then Ya were cash only for the Suspended time. Our Scouts met at the NAF Rec Center..Which Sold BSA Merchandise because Base Exchange would not CO was a Stateside Church. JAG Never gave us any problems. We purchased what we needed through the BASE EXCHANGE for Basic Supplies and Commissary for Food as Individuals not as a Troop due the ETS and PCSing of Members to Frequently. Seeing as The Troop was Not a German Organization the Government was never involved in our Finances. Depending on the Exchange Rate it was better sometimes to Buy of Post.. Our Scout Trips were Handled through ITT Tours.A Nonmilitary Company. Nothing like Having Everything Handled for you like having Charter Buses arranged.. We went to Italy for 7 Days for Only $259 each Participant. We took 2 45 Seater Buses. We Even stayed in Hostels many times for a Few Dollars a Night. A Few Times The Troop stayed at the Resorts in Garmish..Just booked as if a Normal Group
  19. Looked around but could not decide where to Post this Sadly today the Northwest Texas Council BSA 587 lost one of Our Family Steve Sells Camp Ranger Camp Perkins Scout Reservations Wichita Lodge 35 Vigil Member Please keep hi family in your Prayers Prayers can be posted to Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Northwest-Texas-Council-BSA/178060212270458?fref=ts
  20. Our Lodge just Lost a Long Time Member.. Where can we get a Copy of the Broken Arrow Ceremony?
  21. You ask why Inactives are kept on Rolls... AWARDS FOR UNIT Appearances
  22. Very simply put... The problem stems from Home. Parents do not rule the House anymore.. I have a friend who won't tell her child ...no Never eats what she cooks.Has to have what he wants each meal. Watches what he wants Growing up...We ate what Mom cooked.otherwise you went hungry till next meal..No snacks allowed. After my dad passed away and mom had to go to work, I took over the cooking at home. So when I joined Scouts, When It came to Cooking on Scout Camp outs I was at odds with them simply because of the food cooked on the first planned camp out after I joined..I hated the simple stuff..After the first time being told if you don't like it you can cook your own..I said fine..I was warned by Scoutmaster camp cooking was not that easy just be warned I might get hungry doing it myself. Our first camp out Saturday Breakfast They ate pop tarts.. I ate Scrambled eggs with bell peppers, onions and fresh garlic smothered in Shredded Cheese, Peppered Bacon, Jimmy Dean Hot sausage and fresh hot drop biscuits served with Hot Chocolate Lunch They ate Hot Dogs and Chips and Drank Soda I had Grilled Chicken Breast with grilled mushrooms, red and yellow bell peppers, garlic and Onions,served over angle hair pasta with a butter sauce, Garlic toast and a green salad, Sun Tea Dinner They had Hamburgers , chips, and Soda I had Sirloin Steak, Baked Potato, Steamed Broccoli with cheese sauce and Sweet tea and a Cheery Cobbler Sunday Breakfast..Everyone asked If I had enough to share We had fresh Hot Pancakes with Syrup, bacon, fried eggs, breakfast potatoes with diced peppers, onions, minced garlic, Fresh hot biscuits Sunday lunch we had stuffed bell peppers, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, fresh salad, garlic toast After that I became what you guys call the Grubmaster..I planned and cooked every single camp out meal till I left the troop to join the Army..Anyone wanting to earn cooking Merit Badge came to me before they went to a MBC
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