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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Has anyone been to Swampbase Yet? If So what are your Impressions of the Base?
  2. King Ding Dong commented #11.1 Today, 06:05 PM Really ? And your evidence is what ? So much for a scout is courteous. Well Mainly because You kept say "I" instead of "We" or "He" in your Original Post. And Please Define Your Version of Courteous? Did I use profane Language? Did I call You or Anyone Derogatory Language? Was I bullying You or Anyone else in My Post? Did I Yell (All Caps) at You?
  3. [h=2]National Outdoor Achievement Badges and Award[/h] #1 06-30-2013, 10:30 Am ""' Do I understand the requirements correctly ?"" I would say NO you don't Understand the requirements As many have already pointed out " under the Auspices of the BSA simply means means following BSA Rules of Representing BSA..Obtaining BSA Tour Permit..FOLLOWING ALL BSA SAFETY RULES. Following Two Deep Leadership. Functioning as A Scout Unit..Not as an Individual or as a Family. Aquatics. A Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may earn the National Outdoor Badge for Aquatics upon successfully completing the following requirements: Earn the First Class rank. Earn the Swimming and Lifesaving merit badges. Earn the Mile Swim BSA Award. Earn at least one of the following merit badges: Canoeing, Kayaking, Rowing, Small-Boat Sailing, Whitewater. Complete at least 25 hours of on-the-water time, applying the skills that you learned in the merit badges. Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, small-boat sailing, or whitewater activity under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including time spent in requirements 2 through 4. A gold device may be earned for each additional 25 hours of aquatic activity. A silver device is earned for each additional 100 hours of aquatic activity. The Scout may wear any combination of devices totaling his current number of hours of aquatic activity..... Where does it Say anything about 100 Hours of Swimming. Note Requirement 5 says any combination. This can be easily accomplished at any Sea Base, or Northern Tier or even the New SWAMPBASE in Louisiana. Next Year Even the Summit will be Offering White Water Rafting. The New SWAMPBASE is offering Kayaking, Airboat Rides, Swimming.. I believe They Paddle 65 Miles.. 6 x 24 Hour is 142 Hours right there..alone..Bingo you Have Silver in One trip..
  4. Not every Scout is in Scouting to earn Rank and To Earn Awards. Some Scouts join just for the Friendship and Fun. Fun Being the Camping, Hiking, Canoeing, Sail boating and the Great Scout Bases and Camps and the Fun they can have there. Fun is affording them a chance to do something Different than what they can do at Home. Scouting is never fun when you force Rank and earning Awards on them. To Many People have forgotten the "outing" in Scouting. Sounds like the Award is for your "pride".
  5. Camp 4 Location: Yosemite Valley, near Yosemite Lodge Elevation: 4,000 ft (1,200 m) Open: All year Reservations: No, but the campground fills early most mornings from spring through fall. Cost: $5/night per person (a total of six people will be assigned to each campsite) Number of sites: 35 RV length: Not permitted Trailer length: Not permitted Parking: Parking is available adjacent to the campground. A parking permit is required from spring through fall. You will receive a free parking permit upon registering. Sleeping in vehicles is not permitted. Groceries: Nearby (Yosemite Lodge, Yosemite Village) Showers: Nearby (Curry Village and Housekeeping Camp) Pets: Not permitted (learn more about pet regulations) Each campsite contains a fire pit (no grill), picnic table, and four shared food lockers [33"(D)x45"(W)x18"(H)], and is near a bathroom with potable water and flushing toilets. Camp 4 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places because of its nationally significant role in the development of rock climbing as a sport. How to register at Camp 4 From spring through fall, a campground ranger staffs Camp 4 each day. You must register with the ranger in order to stay at Camp 4. The ranger arrives at the campground kiosk around 8:30 am, although, a line has often formed well before then and the campground may fill before everyone in line is registered. Space is available on a per-person basis and each person wishing to register must be present. Six people will be assigned to each campsite; people in one group may be assigned to different campsites. You can register for up to the maximum stay limit (you don't need to register every day). There is a 30-night camping limit within Yosemite National Park in a calendar year; however, May 1 - September 15, the camping limit in Yosemite is 14 nights, and only seven of those nights can be in Yosemite Valley or Wawona.
  6. Had an Interesting situation come up A Crew from Mississippi is wanting to stay at our Scout Camp.. 2 Adult Females..5 Male youths..2 Female youths...Heading to Philmont Is this possible? No one can seem to give a straight answer from National They stated they would be willing to Tent camp at our Camp..I see no problem since they will not be sharing tents with any youths..Two deep leadership.. But someone thinks that safe scouting prevents this from happening since it states the rule of 1 male 1 female leadership applies to all camping.
  7. Boy Scouts has simply become an "Eagle" Factory..Scouts no longer Earn Rank they simply advance on a Timeline. They Progress simply by having little or No skills. we have adopted a "No Scout Left Behind" concept in fear we will offend them. I helped a new scout the other night on fussing and whipping a rope because the Star and Life Scouts did not know how to do it. Scouts no longer have to learn and retain knowledge
  8. No..they did not do any of the Work. Would you allow a Scout to bring in a Report prepared by their Parent or an Accountant? The Requirement implies doing the work themselves.
  9. Value...That is all in perspective. Looks as if Someone has Traced onto the Diagram..that would lower any value.
  10. And What would have Happened if No One to have it... would they have refused to send a group to Jambo?
  11. Accidents where people get hurt is not the main reason they are stopping "Taps" but because "Taps" are used in the Ordeal Ceremonies. Each Lodge has been given the opportunity to write it's own "Call Out Ceremony".
  12. My Last Pack held Different Divisions One for Each Rank Tiger Bear Wolf Web 1 Web 2 Plus Pack Over All in Which the Winners Competed Open Class Youth..Any Kid Open Class Adult.. Top Finishers in Last three competed against each other for Grand Champion Years ago our Council held a council Pinewood Derby
  13. Still Can Not Start New Discussions
  14. DUhhhhhh Tried that in several Forums I get a Pop Up Says....You are not Authorized So anyone have any Idea why I can not start a topic any forum anymore?
  15. You mean we will have to Change TWO DEEP LEADERSHIP AT ALL TIMES !!! You Mean We will have to Change NO ONE ON ONE..ADULT/YOUTH Situations What part of the Current YP has to be changed? Tell us exactly what will have to change? Do we allow NonCustodial Adults to be alone with Noncustodial Youths Now? Do we allow NonCustodial Adults to share Tents with NonCustodial Youths Now? Do we allow NonCustodial Adults to teach Sex ED to NONCustodial youths Now? Do we only allow missionary Postions to be Taught? Do we Allow Sexual Heterosxual Activites between Consenting Individuals Now on Scout Activities? I have always wondered what the Official Uniform for a Scout troop is on a Nudist Colony?
  16. I quit a Unit..Simply because I was told It was my responsibility to teach sexual Orientation and condem Homosexuality.. Wrong as A scout Leader I am NONSEXUAL.. I am not required nor is it acceptable under BSA YP or Texas F2FYP to teach any sexual orientation..As A Scout Leader I do not teach or discuss sexual orientation, sexual techinques, sexual anything to anyone. I am required to ensure a safe enviroment for everyone.. Adult and Youth Talking sex..NOT ALLOWED Adults and Youth Talking Sex...NOT ALLOWED Adults and Youths Talking Sex...NOT ALLOWED Adult and Youths Talking sex..NOT ALLOWED Youth and Youth talking sex...NOT ALLOWED GROUP OF Youths Discussing Sex ....NOT ALLOWED NO ADULT NONPARENT/YOUTH ONE ON ONE ALLOWED ANYTIME Two Deep Leadership at all times.. Bullying by anyone for Any reason not allowed.. Why is it everyone has to over complicate everything? If scouts want to participate in a parade...let those who wish to participate do...in proper Scout Uniform...No changes...DO NOT FORCE ANYONE WHO DOES NOT WISH TO PARTICIPATE TO PARTICIPATE Uniform Wear.....Only wear Official Uniform...NO NONE AUTHORIZED Uniforms, Patches, Neckerkief... ETC.. No different than Now..Do we allow KKK Patches? Do we allow Black Panther Patches? Do we allow Scouts to Wear Red or Blue Bandanas? Do we Allow profanity or sexually Explicite clothing? NO we don't..The Gay Pride Solidarity Knot is not an Official BSA Knot it can not be worn.. Everyone from Troop or Patrol wears the same Neckerkief..No individual pick and choose.. Proplems will arise all the time. During my Youth days..we camped near a (private property dump site)..several boys found Playboys and several other mens Magazines..boys will be boys...the articles were read of course..They also made great fire starters when they were found by leaders...although I do remeber the fire was burning already real well !!!..Campout was not canceled..and youth were told to stay away from the dump site. since no one brought them no one was banned. Back in my Days we could "Snipe" hunt with the New Scouts..not allowed now days. Single "Creepy" Leaders...Handled through exsisting policy..NO ONE ON ONE ALLOWED DATING COUPLES sharing a Tent...Handled already through Exsisting Policy...NOT MARRIED...Adult or Youth...Not Allowed.... I am single...Girlfriend has son in Scouts...We do not Share a Tent on Scouting Events..
  17. Yea.. All those other countries just have no idea they are doing it all Wrong. Wait till they read all those studies and realize they are making a big mistake. I find it interesting that in Videos and Pictures from Other "third World" Scouting programs, there seems to be a Higher % of Females. Watching the Promos For World Jambo..I see too many frilly girls rappelling and other Manly activities...they should be learning how to use the Easy Bake Ovens
  18. Class B and Patchtown are offical BSA Liscenees as long as the patches meet the size requirements..use them if you want..
  19. Like Twocubdad wrote... I would love to see how much of a budget is granted for the Merit Badge program and where it goes exactly...Study Matterials ????? As a Merit Badge Counselor.. I am a Volunteer..I buy my Own Books...I bought books which an Interested Sout can check out from me if his troop does not have one. I can not see a Scout having to Buy his own unless they just insist. I teach Nature, Reptile and Amphibian Study and Pets
  20. Pack I was with Last Year Trophy for Each Rank 1st 2nd 3rd,,Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Webelos 1, Webelos 2...Each Scout ran multple times.I think 3 times..Best Compiled finishes advanced 1st Place each rank competed for Overall 1st 2nd 3rd place trophies plus we had Open Class ( Adults and Youth outside the Pack and Nonconforming cars) 1st 2nd 3rd Certificates for several other Categories Best Design Best scouting inspired Best boy Completed...You could tell which a scout had done by themselves
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