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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. None.. We only run 1 week of Summer camp and that was over about 1.5 weeks before Jambo. I think we had 34 scouts go to Jambo
  2. Yes you can have a Meeting Because You have Two Deep Leadership one of Whom is Registered and has YP..
  3. Well 100+ days are not Uncommon around here in the Summer. We have had an Unusually Cold July here this year. Wichita Falls has set several National High Temperature Days in Recent Years. Around this time of Year we typically have 100 degree Nights also. I work at the Prison and the Housing Areas can reach 100+ easily.
  4. ScoutNut keep telling yourself that...Registered Leadership is Required at Den Meetings.. Two Deep Leadership..Minimum 1 Registered and YP Current. The activity badge counselor may be an adult family member of a Webelos Scout, a pack leader, a teacher, a coach, or another adult qualified to teach one or more activity badges to Webelos Scouts. This is usually a temporary position and is not a registered BSA position. My Answer is About Webelos Den Leaders and What Is Required with them. Christineka asked about Requirements.. A Webelos Leader has to be present at Meetings and they Have to registered. As for Parents the General rule is that if they will be having contact with Other people's children they Need YP also, otherwise they may only assist their own child. As for limits there is no general rule as for the distance a Registered leader has to be from the Activities. Can a Registered leader do other things while at Meetings..Yes..Just Use Common sense BSA knows you can not be in multiple places at the same time. If possible ask all the Parents to Register as an Adult Volunteer and Take YP..Nothing says you Can Not have 30 Assistant Webelos Den Leaders..
  5. At Philmont when I was there in the 1980's had Hot showers at some Camps...You simply had to start a Fire under a Boiler ..Watch it and keep it stoked..and cut and replace the stacked firewood for the Next Trek Crew.. Really who needs a Shower every single day anyways...Sissies
  6. Mission Statements do not tell the Story of Scouting..You should be recruiting based on Experience not some piece of paper
  7. Outside of Archery and BB Guns. Listed Below are two Activities Webelos can Participate in..According to the Rules they Can only Fire Bows, BB Guns, and Air Rifles if the following Guidelines are followed..They Can Learn about Muzzle Loaders but not handle or Fire All shooting sports activities held during a council resident camp will follow the standards in National Camp Standards, No. 430-056. All shooting sports activities held outside of a council’s resident camp will follow the rules and regulations found in the BSA National Shooting Sports Manual, No. 30931http://www.scouting.org/filestore/Outdoor%20Program/pdf/30931_WB.pdf Level 1: Air Rifle Shooting Experience Purpose. Introduce and recruit youth to the BSA and the BSA shooting sports programs. The BSA is taking the range and the experience to the people. Examples. An air rifle range set up at a community event, county or state fair, a mall, a store opening, etc. Youth. Minimum age: 8 years old. Male or female Rifle. .177-caliber air rifle with a minimum 2.5-pound trigger pull; open, scope, or dot sights; air, CO2 , or pre-charged pneumatic Ammunition. .177-caliber pellets Range. A BSA-approved range, a public or private commercial range or club, a portable range, a shooting trailer, or a temporary safety enclosure Training. Five minutes of three rules of gun safety. Guns are tethered to a table and magazines are loaded by instructors. Youth just point at targets and fire. Taught by a National Camping School shooting sports director certified as an NRA rifle instructor, or an NRA certified rifle instructor or NRA/USA Shooting/CMP certified rifle coach. Safety. Eye protection is required. Range supervision. A certified NRA range safety officer or a currently certified National Camping School shooting sports director certified as an NRA rifle instructor or an NRA certified rifle instructor or NRA/USA Shooting/CMP certified rifle coach Ratio. One NRA range safety officer or one currently certified National Camping School shooting sports director certified as an NRA rifle instructor or an NRA certified rifle instructor or NRA/USA Shooting/CMP certified rifle coach or NRA instructor for every shooter on the line Course. Bench rest position only, large bull’s-eye targets with a target carrier system, resetting metallic targets, balloons, and other fun, breakable targets Level 1: Muzzleloading Introduction Purpose. Introduce and recruit youth to the BSA and the BSA shooting sports programs. Examples. Could be held at a county or state fair, conservation club, or school program (with prior administrative approval). The BSA is taking the range and the experience to the people. Youth. Minimum age: 8 years old. Male or female Rifle. Flintlock and percussion rifles and accoutrements Ammunition. Samples of appropriate ammunition for display and explanation Range. Not applicable. For display and discussion purposes only. Training. Guns are not to be handled except by an instructor. Taught by a National Camping School shooting sports director certified as an NRA/NMLRA muzzleloading rifle instructor, or an NRA/NMLRA muzzleloading rifle instructor, or a National Muzzleloading Rifle Association rifle instructor. Safety. Display and discussion only Range supervision. Not applicable Ratio. Small groups Course. No course of fire
  8. [h=1]Webelos Den Leaders Qualifications: Is at least 21 years old, subscribes to the Declaration of Religious Principle, and agrees to abide by the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law. Possesses the moral, educational, and emotional qualities that the Boy Scouts of America deems necessary to afford positive leadership to youth. Should be interested in and enjoy working with boys and able to work with adults. May be a parent or guardian of one of the boys in the den. Recommended by the Cubmaster after consultation with parents or guardians of the Webelos Scouts involved, and approved by the pack committee and chartered organization. Registered as an adult leader of the BSA. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/CubScouts/Leaders/About/ThePack/webdl.aspx[/h] [h=2]Youth Protection Required Training[/h] Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers. Minimum two-deep leadership on all outings required. Two registered adult leaders, or one registered leader and a parent of a participating Scout or other adult, one of whom must be 21 years of age or older, are required for all trips and outings. Appropriate adult leadership must be present for all overnight Scouting activities; coed overnight activities – even those including parent and child – require male and female adult leaders, both of whom must be 21 years of age or older, and one of whom must be a registered member of the BSA.
  9. Is there NO HOT WATER at All..Or could the facilities just not handle the Demand of 40000+ visitors at one time? I am sure that they can install Solar Hot Water Heaters or Boiler Type Hot Water Heaters before the Next National Jambo. I don't see lack of hot water Crippling the Expansion of SBR. Honestly do you think 40000+ people took showers ever Single Day? And What Kind of Expansions are Needed at SBR other than What is Already there?
  10. So it seems Jambos and NOACs are for Rich Scouts or Rich Councils..It would cost me less to go to KISC in Switzerland than to a Jambo.
  11. We were not a Back Packing Troop.. Except for two trips to Philmont I never Backpacked in Equipment. My Last Philmont we never even pitched Tents. We slept in Hammocks or on Ground without Ground Cloths. I know Can't Now We used Bakers at Summer Camp..Cots no Ground Clothes.. Even On Summer Camp Staff we Had Wall Tents on Raised Metal Platforms with Wooden Floors and Slept on Cots... NO A/C..Now Days staff sleeps in building with A/C..and the Raised Platforms have been neglected and are being torn out. I want to save as many as we can and Build Small Cabins on them.
  12. I wonder why? As for the Way it is written Maybe they assumed to much...Like Assumed Nobody would try and Sneak in the Family Holiday at the Beach at the Hilton as Camping. Like trying to Sneak in The Family Pool without Following safety Rules..Maybe They assumed that since the Initial Segments were earned under the Auspice of the Boy Scouts of America people would understand without having to write that the Gold and Silver would also be earned under the Auspice of the Boy Scouts of America. Why Did they Have to Write in each section.. Earn First Class? Ever Stop and think this award was designed to be earned over time...segments first..followed By Gold..then Silver..Then National Medal for Outdoor Achievement I wish they Had this when I was a Scout..but I am Happy to Have the 50 Miler, Historical Trails and the Paul Bunyan awards..NO METALS
  13. We used Baker Tents... No Floors or Zippers
  14. I wonder if it has more to do with the way certain units act than the number of people camping? Is it More Overwhelming for a Group of 50 than Ten Groups of 5?
  15. We didn't.. It ain't but we do it anyways.. Many Units doing Local Camping have gone to Paper and disposable to avoid dish detail
  16. Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event. However You Must apply BSA Rules They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming They Observe BSA Guidelines
  17. Each Unit has Tour Permits. They Have two-deep leadership..They Follow BSA Rules..They also wear Shirts Clearly marked Indicating they are Representing BSA. we usually arrange for them To Stay free at our Camp if possible or at a Charter Organization
  18. charmoc commented #24.4 Today, 03:02 PM Wow, when scouters fail to “get it†have to result in demeaning language and name calling is a pretty sad day for scouting. I feel sorry for those of you (and your scouts) who had to result to such tactics to make your point instead of citing the written documentation from BSA to substitute your arguments. Unfortunately I have met many of you through the years and have seen the damage you have done to many young men left in your care. But I see I got under your skin pretty well, which proves my point that if you have to defend your position with such a tirade, they you don’t get it and probably never will. Are you a Registered Merit Badge Counselor? Well I am.. We must Follow BSA Youth Protection. We can not do One on One Contact. Maybe your Coucil does not But mine does. In Regards to Tour Permits..An Example, So a Scout wants to earn swimming Merit Badge outside of Summer Camp on his own or a Troop does..They are going to the YMCA to Earn it.. Would they require a Tour Permit. YES... it is outside of Council-Owned Property..and It is not a Council or District Event Below is a Cut and Paste from Scouting.org...written documentation from BSA as you pointed out. Q. When do I need to complete a tour and activity plan? A. Times when a tour and activity plan must be submitted for council review include the following: Trips of 500 miles or more; or Trips outside of council borders (exception: not to your council-owned property); or Trips to Florida Sea Base, Northern Tier, Philmont Scout Ranch, Summit Bechtel Reserve (you will be asked to present a copy of your tour and activity plan upon arrival),national Scout jamboree, National Order of the Arrow Conference, or a regionally sponsored event; or When conducting any of the following activities outside of council or district events: Aquatics activities (swimming, boating, floating, scuba, etc.) Climbing and rappelling Orientation flights (process flying plan) Shooting sports Any activities involving motorized vehicles as part of the program (snowmobiles, boating, etc.); or At a council's request (Contact your local council for additional guidelines or regulations concerning tour and activity plans; many have set guidelines for events or activities within council boundaries such as for Cub Scout overnight camping.) [*] [*]​ One-on-one contact between adults and Scouts prohibited. One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is not permitted. In situations that require personal conferences, such as a Scoutmaster’s conference, the meeting is to be conducted in view of other adults and youths. Two-deep leadership on all outings required. Two registered adult leaders, or one registered leader and a parent of a participating Scout or other adult, one of whom must be 21 years of age or older, [*]​You also wrote "We need to avoid overthinking this. Next thing you know we put it in the “too hard to do†category and scouts wont attempt to accomplish this award. Open up the dictionary and read the definition of “auspiceâ€Â. Then go on line and look at several definitions from other sources. It all boils down to doing something with the support and guidance of the sponsoring organization. Yes, this is an individual award. Those who think differently need to look at the requirements, and look at them again. You can see earning specific merit badges is part of the requirements and nowhere in any of the scouting literature states that a scout must have two deep leadership and tour permits to earn merit badges. Quit making this hard. are required for all trips and outings....
  19. You asked me why it appeared It would seem you really wanted to the Award instead of your son...YOUR INITIAL POST..the Use of the Word "I" Over and Over. It has been clarified in subsequent posts. Do we need to keep Harping over it?
  20. If anyone Needs Miles For Cycling Wichita Falls Texas has Hotter-n-Hell 100 Bike Ride In August every year. We have several Scout Units participate each Year. Still time to register. Wichita Lodge 35 will be working Event again this year. I am sure if yall look around you can find a Bike Ride to participate in as a Scout Unit
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