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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Take a look at My Photo albums..You can see Camp Perkins in it Glory https://www.facebook.com/johnpaul.stoddard/media_set?set=a.634210536595742.1073741836.100000204053599&type=3
  2. Our Council has 1 Camp...60 Acres spread out in the Red River basin..Most Unusable because it is River Bed...Dining Hall is Located at Top of Camp ( Non-AC but working on it and Meals are Out Sourced)..a Raised Pool and Shower House..use to be flooded a lot..Someone finally coughed up enough money to raise it up high enough It does not flood anymore..A Pavilion with Adult Restrooms and Trading Post Elevated in case of Floods..Archery and BB Gun Range (very rarely Floods)..A Corral no Stables (Flood Area)..Medic Shake and Quartermaster Shack ( Now Staff Lodging). We sold our Camp Horizons which had a Lake...years ago.. Due to Drought we had to cancel Aquatics because the state park we bused to for aquatic Merit Badges was to low to safely do anything Honestly Camp Perkins is suited for Cubs and Webelos (but even they are bored after 2 days) and Day Events. If we don't improve facilities I am afraid National will look at Shutting Us Down..and Frankly Most Troops and Crews go elsewhere anyways. Shoot out of State Camps send us Flyers because they Know our Camp Sucks So Bad
  3. How do you figure that... Seems Every Graze before my Scouting meals always and still do start with " Will you please join us in a Prayer" or "Please join us in the Philmont Grace" I have never been forced to join a prayer. If I felt a Prayer was inappropriate or overly wind bagged I stood by Reverently until it was finished. BSA is Nonsecular..choosing no religion over another. Most Graces are Nondenominational..Otherwise You have to afford everyone of Different religions and Equal opportunity to say a prayer..Personally I don't have time for a Meal to start with a Roman Catholic Prayer, a Southern Baptist Prayer, United Methodist Prayer, Church of England Prayer, A Buddist Prayer, a Muslim Prayers, A Hindu Prayer and Lord who only knows what ever other Religion is present and wait while they all fight over who goes first..I would simply Bow my Head say The Philmont Grace by myself and sit down and Start to eat
  4. Because Troop Has 3 Patrols... Adults and Guest don't Normally eat with the Scouts 1 Camp out out of 12 Months
  5. Who ever draws the Short Straw or get in trouble on the Trip cleans the restroom
  6. Well thats what I was Imagining..Buses I am looking at have storage underneath and restrooms
  7. I assumed you scanned your own photos from the 1970's and 1980's when the Outing was still in scouting, when boys were allowed to be carefree and have fun. Not wrapped up in bubble wrap
  8. I don't see no scout (Uniforms).. just boys learning how old school scout would have done things or i think his memory is wrong..those are just scans of pictures from the 70's and 80's
  9. Random Google search for something for Scouts.. My Eagle presentation was not a big "happening" just presented at a Regular Court of Honor
  10. Everyone Has Land to Camp on...Everyone Seems to have Unlimited resources to Get Scouts there..Come to North Texas you will be disappointed in Our State Parks if you have 1000's of Acres to Play in..Our State Parks have Paved Roads..Water and Electricity at Campsites..and Drive Up Parking. We do have hiking, bike and Horse Trails..So We could Take 1 Bus or 8 Cars to get everyone there..1 bus makes more sense to me
  11. Competition is so outta whack that businesses have Stopped taking requests from Certain Troops, It had reached a point where Certain Troops had reserved all weekend slots a year in advance and reserved all of September and October Available days. Locally Walmart only allows 1 Group and Only Allows Fund Raisers on Saturday and Sundays. Lowes Only Allows 1 Group at Entrances only No Exits
  12. My Council Announced that Prizes for our Council will be Entire through Scout Shop...Full Details not available yet.
  13. Feel free to pop by and look at the Pictures of Our "Fun" Trip https://www.facebook.com/johnpaul.stoddard/media_set?set=a.693651410651654.1073741855.100000204053599&type=3
  14. Wow I feel Deprived now, Since Every place we go we have to stay on the Paved parking Areas..and Our State Parks don't afford Off Roading Experience. Granted Texas does have a few potholes
  15. Do You Ask to see every parents Medical records prior to Letting your scout ride with them. I highly doubt every who Snores admits to a Sleeping Disorder...Every One who snores has sleep apnea which cause Drowsiness. My CPAP keeps me breathing allowing me to get full rest...I do Teach Merit Badges by the Way... Nature, Pets, and Reptile and Amphibian Study for Now may do more later. It is just an Idea... just like building a BBQ Rig with a Chuck Box or A Trailer with a Small Cabin and the BBQ Rig with Chuck Box just like Building a Nature Center at our Camp just like trying to get an OA Lodge Built and OA Call out Area or a Climbing Tower at Camp
  16. Ummmmm... We don't off Road..Vehicles stop in Designated Parking Areas..off Roading is done by foot, by bike, by boat, by horse or by pack mule...If the Boys go hiking They go on Foot From Designated Drop off Points..If They want to do A River Crossing they do it on foot or by Boat..A Bus will get the Boys to any Camping Area we go to right Now. A Bus will not limit the places the Boys will go for Scouting Experiences. They want the Grand Canyon a Bus Will get them there. If They Want Yellowstone a Bus will get them to the Park. They want Northern Tier Bus will get them there..staff will get them everywhere while at Camp, same with Florida sea Base, or even Philmont
  17. Same as Any Loaded Vehicle any Trip...Especially ones without Roadside assistance..Car with No Extra seating do not help if ones breaks down any ways
  18. I actually looked into it a little..Texas Exempts some portions of CDL for NONprofits. It Can be registered as a Noncommercial Vehicle. No I won't be renting out the Bus for hire. Meaning I won't have to have registration and inspection fees for every state it would drive through. Progressive said it could be covered as An RV which means I can get the same Price for Roadside Coverage for the same price of my Roadside Coverage I currently have on my Dodge 1500 4x4 Quad Cab seating 5 max. I am giving 15,000 for My Pickup I have a seller willing to sale one for 8500 if I can get financing. .. Fun as in Whatever the Boys Decide..No set Deadlines..No Patrols...No Mandatory Work on Merit Badges..No Mandatory You have to participate in a 20 mile 80 lb Backpack 6 am road march..No competition to pit Patrols against anyone to see who did what best.. I am going Up early Friday to help make sure we get a Campsite...I will set Up My Truck Tent and 3 Pop Up Canopies For kitchen Area..Taking Up Propane stove for kitchen..Area in Burn Ban, No Wood Fires Allowed. There goes the Trailer Mounted BBQ Trailer. Rest of Troop is caravaning up after 5:30 pm for almost 2 Hour Drive. Everyone sets up their own Tents...Boys decide if We explore one or all 3 caves at Turner Falls. How Long or If they Will Swim...how Long or if they will Hike...Or Explore the Castle...There will be No Campsite Inspections I do have a CD of Bugle Calls..Not sure Everyone in Public Camp will appreciate First Call...Reville..Assembly...Mess Calls..Attention...Flourishes...to The Colors...retreat...tattoo and Taps but we will see..... We will adhere to BSA safety Guidelines for activities. Everyone who is registered are required to Travel 2 and From in Class A. Parts A and B Physicals are required. Campground has lifeguards so we will not be requiring Boys to Be Lifeguards or Look Outs.
  19. Our troop has "Scout Fun Trips" and this is one, this Camp out The Adults do all the Work and we treat the Boys to special events. Instead of Individual patrols we are just camping as one.. And Yes I said Theater. I have a Projector, Laptop and sound systems I use. We will be showing a Movie on Friday and Saturday Night. I also set the system up in the front yard and show neighborhood movies. Right now I project on a White King sized sheet. Eventually I want a Blow up screen. It Can do a 27 wide x 15 high projection. We may be showing a movie at Cub-N-Pal to The Boys . I am the Troop Adult Quartermaster and a Committee Member. I love to cook so instead of parents doing the buying and cooking I volunteered.
  20. Well I will say that a Single bus would come in Handy this Weekend..Close to 30 Scouters Going to Turner Falls Ok... 206 mile Round Trip..& 7 Vehicles Total.. 12.50 Per Night Vehicle Charge.plus 12.00 Per Night Per Scouter.. Luckily Half the Scouts are not going..If We had the Bus we would Be out just about the same Amount of Gas I will use on my Pick up based on the Estimated MPG given Earlier. We would be down to one Vehicle. We could run the Theater and My CPAP off the Bus..Have not decided if I will pony up the 25.00 per night additional if I can get an RV spot with Water and Electricity..Otherwise I will just run it off the Pick up power converter.. 7x12.5x2=175. New Troop so No Idea how Gas Mileage is Paid..But I figure around another 175 if troop reimburses everyone.. So 300...granted this is just one trip Even if 1 More Scouter would have gone we would have had to have 1 more Vehicle. King Ding Dong.. I am looking Around 10,000 for the Buses I have My Eye on, Saw several Converted Party buses they start around 45,000.. but only carry about 25 Comfortably. I am sure Alcohol consumption would run up Insurance cost more than a troop of Scouts I have Manged to get the Meals down to $10.00 per person but we still need Ice and a few More Essentials Ewww just had an after thought...Could eliminate the 7 Ice Chests and coolers with a Refrigerated unit in one of the Holds
  21. Stick to the Curriculum..Don't add...Don't subtract Don't give in to peer pressure to let anyone slide partial work.. Know your stuff.. Don't sign off on Work done at Camp..or previous MBC just on their word..Make them rehash what was done so you know if they know what they are doing
  22. I got a few Simple Solutions 1> Limit the Total number of Scouters from Each council to 10 ( 8 Youth 2 Adults) 2> Extend the Number of Secessions of Jambo to 4..Limit each week to 10,000 Scouters 3> Figure out a way to cut back on the Cost for Volunteers to work..I wanted to but could not come up with 850.00 and Cut Back on the Amount of Training Costs..I want to Be BSA Certified on Climbing and Other things i just can't afford it.
  23. My Dodge 1500 4x4 Quad Cab get 10.5 Miles per Gallon. been looking around at other places Besides Ebay for a Bus. The Buses I have been looking at have passed Inspections. Several Groups have asked about charters if I do get one..so could pick up a few dollars here and there to cover some of the Costs. Been looking at several Conversions also. A Converted Charter is Cheaper than some many used RVs..added benefits no more Tent. haha. Still depending on How Many times it can be used it might be okay. I agree if it is used 1 or 2 times to Travel it wouldn't be worth it.
  24. Okay Okay I know some of ya will think it is Crazy.. I have been eyeing Passenger buses on Ebay.. I think it would be a great Idea. Would consolidate number of Vehicles needed..possibly even the Trailer..plenty of Cargo space in Most..I have been looking at 48+ passenger buses Make long Trips easier...especially if Bus has Restroom. More Fun...DVD and Music equipment. As Owner I could also rent out the Bus. Would allow me to decorate with graphics
  25. I have no problems with partial Uniforms.. I grew up poor.. however the first thing I bought was a Scout shirt. Many councils have ways to Dress poor Scouts...Many Troops have hand me down Uniforms... A Shirt is Bare Essential..followed by neckerchief and slide and then socks and pants. I always hated scout pants, still do. I wear 5.11 Tactical Pants in OD Green. Back in my day we didn't have Troop T-shirts. We traveled in Scout shirt. In field we wore any shirt
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