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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Merlyn_LeRoy commented #11.2 Yesterday, 04:53 PM Which of these are actual requirements for membership, as opposed to things you think ought to be imposed? Okay how would you explain how little Johnny Jahova Doesn't have to salute the Flag and say the Pledge, He never attends Court of Honors, He Doesn't attend any Events and Above all does not Have to say the Oath and Law because It is against his Religion but he is a Scout. Would you kick out the Other Scouts who did the same thing who were Not JW who followed his examples Initial Boy Scout Requirements a JW can not Adhere to Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance. Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath or Promise, Scout Law, motto, and slogan, and the Outdoor Code #2 is the Most Difficult because He can not promise to Live By the BSA Rules
  2. They do not observe Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or other holidays and customs they consider to have pagan origins incompatible with Christianity. They consider secular society to be morally corrupt and under the influence of Satan, and most limit their social interaction with non-Witnesses.The religion's position regarding conscientious objection to military service and refusal to salute national flags has brought it into conflict with some governments.They do not celebrate religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter, nor do they observe birthdays, nationalistic holidays, or other celebrations they consider to honor people other than Jesus. They feel that these and many other customs have pagan origins or reflect a nationalistic or political spirit. Their position is that these traditional holidays reflect Satan's control over the world. There goes there participation in the Christmas Parade, The Veteran's Day Parade, The Independence Day Parade, They will be the Only Scout Not Saluting the Flag. How can they attend a Court of Honor, after all it is a celebration to honor people besides JESUS. And Lord Forbid Boy Scouts of America's NATIONALISTIC SPIRIT Can't Follow the Rules get out
  3. Explain the rules of BSA if he can't follow the BSA rules then advice him to find another organization
  4. Well my Cast iron is Used all the Time..Never a chance to go Rancid
  5. By the Way I season my Cast Iron with Lard...Better than Vegatable Oil..Never use a liguid oil to season with
  6. I have a 15.5 Gallon Converted Keg for Hot Water. Sets on top of the Firebox on my BBQ Traler or on a Propane Burner. It has a spigot installed
  7. As A Merit Badge Conselor do I require the Scouts to buy the Newest Merit Badge Book.... NO.. I Buy the Newest. I will give the Scout or Scouts the Newest Requirements when They see Me. and I will give them a Worksheet Outline of the Work expected and List of the Goals Are troops required to keep all the Books ..again No..Imagine the Cost of buying New Books for 100+ Merit Badges.
  8. But Ya don't get those Fancy FOS Patches if ya give money Directly
  9. My answer Camping Over Night at Least 1 Night.. Hanging out in the Woods You go home and sleep at home. Not Every Troop/Pack has the same Camping style...Not Every Camp site Allows 300 feet between Patrols.. Not Every Camping Trip has to have First Call, Morning Muster, Uniform/Equipment Inspections, Mess Call, Opening and Closing Flag Ceremonies, Lights out and Taps Bugle Calls. In the Early days of Scouting they carried Tarps and Cut down trees to Make Shelters, We can't now days Camping in the 1910's wasn't the same as it was in 1810 so why should Camping in 2010's be the same as it was in 1910's. Equipment has Changed.. Is it Camping if you sleep in a Fancy Ultralight Backpack tent while it ain't Camping in a Large Baker Tent from the 1800's Is it still considered Camping when your forced to cook on propane stoves instead of a Ground Wood fire because your Area is in a Drought and there is a Burn Bam in effect? Is it still camping if you cook and eat Dehydrated foods instead of hunting it down killing it, skinning it and then cooking it without utensils? Do I consider it Camping if you take a Fancy Rv out and enjoy the Outdoors by sitting around a Campfire talking with friends, listening to the Sounds of Nature and doing things like Fishing Canoeing, Roasting MarshMallows..yes Do I consider it Camping if you take a Fancy RV out and sit around blairing Music, Watching Satalite Tv, Playing Video Games and not enjoying Nature ..No
  10. Well for Starters get away from The Idea of Buying a Traditional Home Set.Well for Bunkhouse type cooking buy what fits the Cooks Experience. Buy what fits the Stove. Don't buy 36 Inch cookie sheets for a 28 inch oven. Replace the Home Type Stove with a Commercial type stove (easily found on Craigslist or Resale shops). They Usually have a Higher BTU Rating and More burners and Larger ovens. Maybe even Buy a Commercial stainless steel grill (aslo available cheep on craigslist). Easier to cook Pancakes that way for Large groups. Also buy Larger Pots..Why waste time trying to boil 5 Loads of Ears of Corn in say 2 quart pots when you can boil it all in a 5 Gallon Pot. think outside the Kitchen Cooking so consider getting a bigger BBQ Grill than you smaller typical pation type. I have a 36 inch wide that can cook at least 50 burgers at a Time or maybe 30 good sized steaks. Plus I have a Wood fired BBQ Trailer I use. I have seen 60 inch Propane grills for less than $350 brand new. You could easily cook for over 50 in no time. Also fit the pots and Pans to the Type of Cooking you do..Don't Buy Skillets if you maining Boil or reheat canned Foods. Alot of paste dishes you need pots. Larger Pots and Pans for Larger Group Cooking. Get away from the IDEA of a SET... Think Individual Pots and Pans for your style of Cooking.
  11. Just add up the Nit Pick Cources..Before Woodbadge and it is a Cash Cow. No thanks..If they Never let me Chair an Event because I ain't woodbadge..so Be it.. I renew YP every Years..I did every online free Training..and I have all my Scouting Experience to Guide me not a Notebook.. My Arrow of Light and My Eagle are my Training certificates. Only Knots I wear. Never bothered to get a Tiger or Den Leader Knot..I know I served my Boys well. Several parents keep asking me back, that speaks for itself. Fighting Back problems and Prostate Cancer prevents me from doing more right now.
  12. Training is a Cash Cow for Councils...WoodBadge almost $500. For What? I don't see what you get out of it. I rather go to a Powder Horn Training or National Camp School or Philmont. I can understand Training people who have never been in scouting before..But Really..Might as well say that I didn't Earn Eagle..I didn't earn all the Merit Badges..hiking, Camping, Cooking, Wilderness Survival, Rowing, Sailboating, Nature, First Aide, and all those Wilderness Campouts. I rather get certified in Climbing, or Aquatics, or Shooting Sports so I can run events not so I can wear a Patrol Patch as an Adult and special Beads. But if your not a BSA Training Lemmin then You don't fit in
  13. why re-invent the wheel... just another division amoungst scouts... No Reason to exclude them from OA...No Reason not to except Venture Crews as Boy Scouts..Simply Because They Have Females..It is Time to Allow Youth Females into OA.
  14. Why can't a Youth simply "Better serve his Unit" no matter if it is a Post, Troop, Crew or Ship?
  15. qwaze .. Anyone who is Not a Registered Member of the BSA loses Membership in OA..Youth or Adult..They may rejoin without having to do another Ordeal if they reRegister with BSA and Pay their Lodge Dues and still level of membership as when they become inactive..Ordeal Brotherhood or Vigil.
  16. DCsimmons Early BSA LEader West fiercely defended the use of the term Scout and the right to market Scouting merchandise. The organization's original name was the Girl Guides of America. In 1913, it was changed to the Girl Scouts of the United States and the organization was incorporated in 1915.The name was finally changed to the Girl Scouts of the United States of America in 1947. The organization was given a congressional charter on March 16, 1950. West Sued the Girl Scouts and lost over the use of Word SCOUTS
  17. The first of the older boy, or "Senior Scout", programs created was Sea Scouts with a manual written by B-P's older brother. This program was adopted early on by the BSA in 1912. Later on, other programs were added in the US, most under the umbrella of the Senior Scout program of the 1935 and afterwards. In researching the needs of older youth, the BSA made changes to the Senior Scout programs over the years. The Senior Scout programs of the 1930s and 40s gave way to the Explorer programs of the 50s. Further research lead to the Explorers of the 50s giving way to the Exploring program in the 60s. In the 70s Exploring went co-ed. Programs came and went to meet the needs of high school and college age youth. Most recently, Exploring was split into two separate programs: LFL/Exploring and Venturing.
  18. Sea Scouting is the BSA's implementation of the Sea Scout program, initially developed in 1910 by Warington Baden-Powell in England. The founders of Sea Scouting in the United States are Arthur A. Carey of Waltham, Massachusetts and Charles T. Longstreth of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Both leaders independently established Sea Scout groups in the summer of 1912. This accomplishment was recorded in the inaugural issue of Scouting. They Originated outside of Scouting, They do not use the Same Rank system as the Boy Scouts. When National revised the Explorer program and created the Exploring program in 1959, it purposely left the Sea Explorer program alone to see how it operated along side the new Exploring program. In 1965, they decided to make some changes to Sea Exploring, as embodied in a new edition of the Sea Exploring Manual. This rollout was originally planned for October 15, 1965, but was later extended to March 15, 1966. With the establishment of the Exploring Division in 1969, William Lidderdale was named the first Director of Sea Exploring since 1935. Also in 1969, Sea Explorers would allow girls, usually Mariner Girl Scouts, to participate as guests with Sea Explorer Ships. In 1971, with the rest of the new Exploring program, Sea Explorers would go fully co-ed. Wearing of OA Lodge flaps is not allowed on Sea Scout uniforms (though some do wear them).
  19. WOW how some people forget History of Scouts and can't put two and two together and can't come up with 4. Try Connecting the Dots maybe or Maybe some Scouting History Lessons are in Order Boy Scouts created and In their original conceptions, Life Scout, Star Scout(Life preceded Star until 1924) and Eagle Scout were not ranks, but part of the merit badge system that recognized Scouts who had earned a specified number of merit badges. Eagle Scout was awarded to any First Class Scout who had earned 21 merit badges. Order of the Arrow was Created in 1915...and Membership Requirements remain the same today as they Did in 1915...They required the Youth Membership to have Obtained the HIGHEST RANK POSSIBLE in 1915... rank requirement of First Class. Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts ( LDS VERSION OF A BOY SCOUT) are the same program basically. The "Order of the Arrow" is the honor society of the Boy Scouts of America, intended to recognize older scouts in their teens who best exemplify the scout virtues of cheerful service, camping, and leadership. It was not nor is it a CAMPING SOCIETY Explorers/Venture Crews did not exist back then..have ya connected the Dots Yet BOY SCOUTS have resisted Change.. Should Today's OA require it Youth Membership also Achieve the Highest Rank. Based on the history of having to have acheived the highest Rank possible back then Since Explorers and Venture Crews are not Considered "Boy Scouts" should they have to pay "Boy Scout Registration Fees" to the "BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA" Why are Cub Scouts and Venture Crews Required to Learn the BOY SCOUT OATH AND THE SCOUT LAW Next year...Will Females be EXEMPT from Those Requirements since they Are not Allowed to be Elected into OA?
  20. Well here is another issue that may be called into Question..Does this Private Company meet the requirements of BSA Certification for Climb on Safely. If Not Does the group have someone with the right training. I was trying to take my Den to a Local Climbing Tower and Indoor Climbing Facilities but Council said no because the trained professionals were not certified by the BSA Recognized Training Groups..Facilities meet all State Mandated Training and Safety Inspections. So We all just happened to end up there at the same time and did not work on BSA Stuff..
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