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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Exactly...A Pyscho starts shooting up the Mess Hall full of Scouts.....How Many Scouts could be saved in the Time it takes to run to your car, pop open the trunk, open a gun safe and run back to the Mess Hall? Remember Folks that people who committ crimes don't care about rules anyways.....They won't worry about killing Kids or Adults...How many seconds does it take to take a shot? How many lives would be lost in the Minutes it would take to retrieve a weapon?
  2. and today I saw that a Council in PA had their Camp and their Council Headquarters Foreclosed on... ....Somewhere near 10 mil in debt
  3. Proper Etiquette is to not wear head gear indoors
  4. I remember reading on Philmont Outhouse Walls " No need to stand on the Seat....Philmont Crabs can jump 6 feet"
  5. People are always rewriting History.....
  6. Interesting no one has recommended a hand cranked style Lantern. No need for fuel or batteries to replace. Difference in the Eras of Scouting...We never used Lanterns in my Troop...Still don't when I go Camping.
  7. Funny thing about OA and Boy Scouts these days.....All the Parents who are Registered as a Boy Scout Leader... Growin Up Most Parents were not involved in Scouting at all.. Yes Many Lodges are not active as much..just as Councils are not the same. The Council and the OA Lodge here are nothing Compared to what they were in the Late 1970's and the early 1980's... The Council has No First Aid Meets, No Scout-o-rammas, Sold off Best Camp, Has spent very little on the only Camp, thinks of it as a "first year only Camp".. The Lodge does not have fellowships, No Campouts, Mainly Sash and Dash.. Ordeals no longer have Spades and Dominoes Championships..The Ordeals are 1 Nighters..We use to Have Vigil Friday and Crackerbarrel, Brotherhood Saturday and Canidate Ordeal, and wrap it up with New Ordeal on Sunday.. Around here it is Woodbadgers that is pushed now days..Can't do nothing if your Not Woodbadge.
  8. Interesting thought there....So if I had followed this advice I would have never participated in OA...since I really enjoyed my troop..I enjoyed the Community service we did, I enjoyed The camp outs we did, I enoyed working the Hamburger Suppers the church did to raise money for the Troop. However I also loved the extra stuff being OA presented me with..More Camp outs, More Community service, a chance to make more friends. A Good OA Lodge CoExsists with Troops in a Council, they don't conflict. I guess if we adhered to this statement only Scouts who are in troops that don't offer Brotherhood, cheerfulness and service need OA. Myself I would not stay in a lousey troop. The History and Tradition of the Order was that of an Honor Society for those who at the time had achieved the highest rank at the Time...First Class. Hence the election into the Lodge not simply joining. A Way to keep Scouts involved after achieving the best they could at the time. The Basic principals of the Order remain the same today as back then. Respect for Elders, Respect for Nature, Respect for traditions. Most certainly the way we represent the Native American Culture has changed for the Better...Clothing is Regalia not Costumes anymore...We learn from Tribal Elders not Hollywood Directors. Many Lodges have Native Americans involved in events. My Former Lodge has an Elder who also is in charge of the Local Colleges Native American Club for Native Americans. He is also a Commanche Indian. Many of our Dancers not only Dance for OA but also Dance at Native American POW WOWS...Their Regalia is what you would call "real Indian"..It ain't some cheesey clown outfit. They have studied with Tribal Elders and Artist to make sure their Regalia is authenic.
  9. OA primary principal has been "Brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service" not "Leadership in service."
  10. So what are yall gonna count when Camps become Lodge/Cabin Camps for Summer Camps? Since yall say Outdoors only And How Many Summer Camp already set up tents...""Sleep each night under the sky or in a tent you have pitched""
  11. If I was " Boy Scouts of America" I would be Honored that families want ALL their Children involved in the Best youth Organization in the United States. If I was "Boy Scouts of America" I would welcome any youth wanting to be involved in the Boy Scouts of America and not other organizations in the midst of Declining Memberships If I was "Boy Scouts of America" I would welcome them instead of telling them to go elsewhere. If I was "Boy Scouts of America" I would be honored that Daughters inspire to follow in their Father's foot steps and Become an Eagle...Some Eagles don't have sons..Wonder How many 2,3 and 4th Generations have missed out continuing the Eagle tradition because they were born the wrong sex. Someone suggested joining the BSA just to take their Daughters camping....Why would anyone be interested in Volunteering in the BSA just to take their Daughters Camping when They can do that without helping BSA who are saying their Daughters are unworthy to be members but give BSA their Money.
  12. My Favorite Style of Tent to this Day is a "Baker" Style Canvas Tent.
  13. The word “barbecue†comes from the Caribbean word “barbacoa.†Originally, a barbacoa wasn’t a way of cooking food, but the name of a wooden structure used by Taino Indians to smoke their food. Due to the known diets of the Indians in question, it’s likely that the first barbecue consisted of some sort of fish, creatures from the sea obviously being plentiful in the Caribbean. Besides used for cooking, the structure of sticks could also be used as an area for sleeping, storage, and shelter. Today ther are general two styles of BBQ'ing...Smoking and Grilling Smoking is done Low and Slow (usally 145-220) and usually Indirect Heat Grilling is Done over High Heat..Direct Heat Everyone Has their Style... Dry Rub vs Sauce Pork vs Beef Ketchup vs Mustard Base Sauce ( refered to as a Carolina Style Sause).. Wood vs Propane vs Electric Ribs (Memphis vs Kansas City Style) Brisket can be BBQ'ed either way..Low And Slow results in a juicer roast like cut..High Heat results in a Drier cut great for Dipping
  14. What are the Differences in Treatment for Shock between Basic First Aid and Wilderness Training? What are the Differences in Treatment for Stopping Bleeding? Splinting a Broken Bone? Bee Stings? Snake Bites? a Hang Nail? Sounds to me like a Case of "Found Another Way to get Money outta Volunteers"
  15. Wish our Council has something like Longhorn Council these days...We sold off our Wilderness Camp..We ain;t dome much besides Air Condition the Mess Hall... Really hate to say this bit I kinda wish our Council would be Merged with one or More of the Other Texas Councils...
  16. Why I miss Old School Scouting from my days as a Scout 1. Summer Camp had no Mess Hall at Our Favorite Camp...We Did the Cooking for every Meals..just went to the Quartermaster and drew our allotement of supplies for the meal 2. All meals were cooked on an open fire...Using WOOD...NO STOVES 3. We had Fun as Scouts doing all kinds of Activities Why I don't Miss New School Scouting from my Days as an Adult Volunteer 1. Arguing over the Rules because of Interpretation on the Wording 2. Seems like the fun has been taken out of Scouting with to many rules..Which in my Opionin is what is Killing scouting. To many overly restrictive Age limits, and Age Approriate Activities..A Rural Scouter is not the same as an Urban Scout. So a Young Scouter might have been hunting along with Dad or Mom since they were like 7 or so...They get turned away when Told ..your to young to this or that. They don't want to be Scouts any more.
  17. Because NOAC is not about Camping, it is not about Outdoor Activities. It is about Classes and Fancy Shows.... Is That really Breaking News...Has NOAC ever been at a Camp? If The Summitt can't handle NOAC I don't see how it can handle National Jambo and World Jambo..I hear this years World Jambo hosted over 30,000 Scouters
  18. It is a Legend told in Fairy Tails. I am right there with you...around here if We get 1/8 of an Inch..everything Shuts down...1/4 We have to call out the National Guard...anything over 1/2 We stay in the House for 2 Weeks
  19. In Various Countries around the World...Scouters wearing Neckers are given free transportation or very cheap rates on Public Transportation and discounts at Hostels
  20. If there are enough Patches left over and They were not an Official Paid Camper, bet some would like one also. Sometimes it is only the Paid Leaders who get one...any other Volunteers may not be able to get one at Camp for their Volunteer time.. Certificates of Appreciations are simple to design and Print out these days...I would suggest to scan the Camp Patch and Including it in The Design, even if they get a patch. Love the Idea of a Walking Staff...Easily made...perhaps a Troop project for Future Volunteers...Cut branches, Debark, allow to dry, carve and decorate with Troop info...Store for later presentations Maybe a Troop Necker if You have personalized ones..
  21. That is the Main problem with Scouting these days..Instant Merit Badges...People don't teach and make them earn stuff in BSA anymore... Merit Badge Colleges are a prime example..Walk in and in a Few Hours you get Merit badges...Councils collect the Fees...Scouts get Merit Badges...Councils sell Merit Badges and Advancement Badges...Council wins..Scouts are Happy Merit Badge Counselors cost nothing...Council earns no fees..still gets to sell Merit Badge and Rank Advancement..Scouts have to Earn and work Hard..They wait for Merit Badge College
  22. First was the Camp a dining Hall or a Cook your Own Camp? When I was at Summer Camp we did cooking merit Badge at both camps At One of Our Camps when I was a Youth..We had to cook our own meals...When We had people working on Cooking Merit Badge they split the Cooking duties among themselves..Also in class they cooked meals. Each Scout could cook a meal from the supplied food stock, choosing how to prepare and cook it. Class was always the first Merit Badge Class to fill up, priority to Scouts not already having Merit Badge..we had a lot of Scout retake the Merit Badge each year, to get extra food at Camp and there were plenty of Volunteers to Critique the Food. At the Other Camp they just did cooking in class as it was a Dining Hall Camp Sadly they sold the Wilderness Camp off So Yes I can see them all completing the Merit Badge. In 8 Hours I could cook hundreds of meals.
  23. No It Means that 3 of our Cities are Sponsored by LDS Churches...There are only 17 Registered Troops in our Council that serves 13 Counties...Around here The Majority are Sponsored by Methodist Churches Troop 0032 St Marks United Methodist Church 4319 McNiel Ave Wichita Falls,TX,76308 Show Unit... Troop 0022 American Legion Pat Carrigan Post 120 4601 Lake Shore Dr. Wichita Falls,TX,76310 Show Unit... Troop 0015 First Christian Church 3701 Taft Blvd Wichita Falls,TX,76308 Show Unit... Troop 0216 Lds - Wichita Falls I Ward 4325 York St Wichita Falls,TX,76309 Show Unit... Troop 0034 University United Methodist Church PO Box 4244 Wichita Falls,TX,76308 Show Unit... Troop 0001 Floral Heights United Methodist Church 2214 10th St Wichita Falls,TX,76309 Show Unit... Troop 0013 Knights of Columbus 1500 9th St Wichita Falls,TX,76301 Show Unit... Troop 0316 Church of the Good Shepherd 1007 Burnett St Wichita Falls,TX,76301 Show Unit... Troop 0011 First United Methodist Church PO Box 2125 Wichita Falls,TX,76307 Show Unit... Troop 0073 First United Methodist Church - Iowa Park 201 E Bank St Iowa Park,TX,76367 Show Unit... Troop 0219 Lds - Burkburnett Ward 1010 Arthur St Burkburnett,TX,76354 Show Unit... Troop 0600 Knights of Columbus Burkburnett 600 Davy Dr Burkburnett,TX,76354 Show Unit... Troop 0155 First United Methodist Church - Burk 301 E 4th St Burkburnett,TX,76354 Show Unit... Troop 0100 American Legion Post 198 PO Box 1001 Archer City,TX,76351 Show Unit... Troop 0091 Kiwanis Club Of Henritta 112 Pioneer Trl Henrietta,TX,76365 Show Unit... Troop 0116 First Baptist Church of Bowie 1515 Jefferson St Bowie,TX,76230 Show Unit... Troop 0071 LDS Church PO Box 846 Seymour,TX,76380 Show Unit...
  24. By the way around here LDS Scouts at Primary Age (11) still fall under the Auspice of Boy Scout not Cub Scouts....Everything they do Counts as being a Boy Scout...Not Cub Scouts.. Around Here the LDS Troops are very Rare. Our Council in 13 Counties only has 17 Registered Troops...3 LDS in 3 Cities
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