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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Again being in a Small troop is what spoiled me...Adults helping teach us...Certainly...but did they Run Stuff No.. Scouts ran the Meetings.. We Decided where to go Camping and When. Even when we had a Council Event we still did a Monthly Campout. Did they Dictate Us No.. We Won First Aid Meets every year we were competing..We took First Place in Camporees we attended. almost every time Best Camp site. We won Ribbons at Scout-O-Ramas. No 300 feet for Us. We had a Camp Trailer.. We Used big Bulky Chuck Boxes, cooked in Cast Iron...We Competed against the Adults all the Time.. They Wore Uniforms, We did to.. We Camped using old Canvas Baker Tents.. No High Adventure type Camping for Us...Because there was none available to us...We did not want to waste time walking in Circles around our Local Camps just so we could brag about doing a 15 miler or Wasting over half the time to Drive anywhere to "Back Pack" our way into a Camp. rarely would we drive More than 55 miles to Camp. We Lashed together Tent Frames..We Learned to set up a Camp..We learned First Aid..We learned Learned Scout Skills..We Camped on many Private Owned Ranches and Farms. We Went 55 miles away to Oklahoma Wichita Wildlife Refuge near Lawton Oklahoma to Camp. Look it up, Yall Mountain Folk will die laughing at What is Called Mountains around Here. We participated every year in the EASTER PAGENT there also at the Holy City..( Only Local troop to Do So). We Canoed the Brazos River..No Tents on that Overnighter. Time Frame was 1978-1986 as a Youth for Me..not pre-1950's. Went to Philmont twice by the Way. We did ride our Bikes one time 30 miles to the Local Camp...Would have been only 18 Miles if we could have avoided the Country Route and taken the Main Highway and Interstate. While a Scout in California..I did Camp Joshua Tree Monument Park, Lake Havashu Arizona (London Bridge), Rim to Rim Grand Canyon (South to North), but you know what sticks out most about those Trips..All the Hours crammed into a Hot Van Driving being tired and sore..and a Small Amount of time spent having fun. Fun in California Scouting was the trips to the LA Zoo, The San Diego Zoo, Griffin Park Observatory, Knots Berry Farm, Disney Land..Not Camping
  2. Sorry to hear the Dropped Scouting from Their Lives
  3. Are they Still active? I am Interested in How Many Scouters who get ASAP EAGLES...Stay involved in Scouting for Years and Years to Come after they Eagle vs. Those who Barely Make Eagle by 18. I know more Scouters who have put in Decades of Volunteer work after aging out as Eagles "barely" than I do Scouters who ASAP'd Eagle and Stuck Around to Volunteer. Can a Case be Made that ASAP EAGLES are there for Themselves and Not Scouting as a Whole more than AGED OUT EAGLES? Wonder if it has something to do with when someone Eagles..Could an Easily Earned Eagle lead to less Return Volunteers?
  4. You shouldn't be looking for anything, your Son should be the One Looking. Personally I will tell you How I decided which troop to join when I moved from California back to Wichita Falls Texas. You Decide which one I joined First Troop I went and Looked at (Biggest and Richest in Town at Time). Adult Scouters set me down..gave me My Eagle Schedule. Fancy Scout Hut..Not well Kept..Plenty of awards on the Wall..Scouts running Around..Uniforms untidy.. No Dues..No Adults Involved in Meeting. Only Scoutmaster in Uniform. reputation of an EAGLE FACTORY... Second Troop (Another Big One and Money) as a First Troop..Nice Facilities..Introduced me as a Guest and Then Talked to me about Eagle. No Dues..Some Adults involved..Only Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster in Uniform..Reputation not as Bad as First in the Ways of Eagle Manufacturing. Third Troop (Small in size, meet in a Scout Hut that was barely big enough, Had a Fire place though. Scout Hut was more of a Shack than anything else Hut was Like 12x20, No AIR, No Heating Except Fireplace) Equipment hanging out of the Open Rafters, Awards Every Where. Scouts were in Uniform, Orderly, Quite, Polite..Leaders Welcomed me and said Go Meet the Boys..There was about 8 in the Troop. They were planning Menu for Next Camping Trip...One joked New Guy gets to Plan the Menu. Had Refreshments.. Dues were 50 cents per week. Elderly Scouter talking with Boys about Nature. Every Registered Scouter involved in Troop in Full Uniform. Not Known for Many Eagles Three visits was enough for me to find
  5. When I was in Troop 6 NWTC 587 we had a Year Long Competition...Called HONOR SCOUT..Where you Earned Points towards HONOR SCOUT. Uniform Inspection was conducted every Meeting. Your score was based on the Uniform Inspection Sheet signed by Scoutmaster. If you matched the Picture you got the points, if Not you Lost Points..Now keep in Mind we also got Points for attending Church, Attending Scout Activities..Earning Merit Badges and Ranks, Participation in School Activities, Civic ativities First Meeting In January Troop Members would Tally the Points earned the Previous Year.1st Place 100% Philmont paid For, 2nd Place 1/2 Philmont 100% Summer Camp, 3rd Place 100% Summer Camp paid for, 4th Place 75% Summer Camp paid for My First Year in the Troop without a Complete Uniform I came in 4th place because I Attended 100% activities, so The Competition was Fair. This is a Tradition I hope to revive. Having to define something in writing is why scouting is getting to pushy to some. Of Course all the Rebels who push the limits who Cry "where does it say I can or Can't do it this way?" is causing trouble also..there seems to Be NO COMMON SENSE any more...Zipper down..common since says "ZIP IT" Never had anyone say "Hey the BSA rules says you have to Zip your Zipper"
  6. I wonder if anyone has done a Survey on the correlation of Age Achieved Eagle and Retention in Scouting...also Rank Achieved vs Retention?
  7. Is he still Involved in Scouting or did Baseball take over in his life?.. Wonder what Happened to him afterwards.
  8. P38.. You Can use the Lid from The Can for a Spoon..Can't Open a Can with a Spoon as Easily
  9. Adjoining Camp Sites...spread out..or Find Camps which allow larger groups. Here in Texas the Park Rangers usually don't harass the Scouters. Vehicles are spread out among the Camp Sites. Park Rangers are Cordially invited to All Meals. We voluntarily help Clean the Camp Facilities.. Remember "Do a Good Deed Daily". We enforce the rules, We are quite, We Don't run through other Camp Sites. [h=2]Texas State Park Youth Group Annual Pass[/h] The Youth Group Annual Pass is a special program for youth groups 13-17 years of age. Purchased as an annual pass for nonprofit youth groups, the permit waives entry fees for youth group members (13-17 years of age) and a reasonable number of accompanying adult sponsors. The permit is $100 per year and is limited to groups of 50.
  10. Once the decision is made the Female Youths Would be allowed to full participate in all activities..Who is saying they would be only allowed partial participation?
  11. Who Has time for a Week long trip...Filters 25 Gallon...How big are they? How Much do they Cost? Don't eat the Fish
  12. Never heard of it in NWTC 587... Top Secret I guess
  13. Don't drink the water...I am sure someone will come up with a Filter soon
  14. I will find another Unit when I can...Or Maybe start back up my Old Troop..Which is No longer Active.
  15. And many Troops wonder why their Feeder Pack Members go else where...Den Chiefs will help secure the Bond Between the Pack and the Troop..a Cub Scout who makes friends with Other Scouters will cross over to where their friends are. The Bond between a Pack and Troop needs to be fostered.
  16. Pack18Alex commented #18.5 09-18-2013, 08:23 AM The Boy Scouts shouldn't NEED facilities, they are supposed to be doing back country camping, right? The Facilities are Needed for the Scouters who can't afford trips to places that Offer Activities..Not All State Parks are Equal in Comparison. Someday I will get out and Take a Picture of Our local State Park..and you will see. Sadly not every Council can or will support a Camp that offers Zip lines, Climbing Walls, Repelling Towers, and so Called High Adventure Camps. Scouts in Northwest Texas Council have to leave the Area to attend a Good Camp..Many Scouters can't afford $500 a week for Summer Camp when You Factor in the Additional Cost of transportation. Come to Texas to try and Do your Back Country Camping and You will Find it ain't the same type of Camping as You would be doing in the Appalachians, The Rockies, The Grand Tetons, The Backwoods of The Great Lakes Region. Each region Offers an Unique Experience. Some Councils are offering Unique Camping Experience that even a National High Adventure Base Can't.. Ever Paddle 6 Days through Swamps? Well You can now with Scouters at the New SWAMPBASE in Louisiana. A Locally run BSA facility. In Yester Years Scout Councils usually had some of the Best Camps in their Area. Sadly not every Council allocated enough attention or money to maintain these camps properly..Money was better spent on Salaries and Offices. To Many Mucky Mucks thought the Same Way..Camps were an Unneeded expense as Scouts could always pay to go somewhere else to Camp..Scout Camps were provided as way to make it affordable for scouts to go Camping.
  17. Maybe it is a Leadership Thing...Back in My Days Leadership always wore Uniforms at Meetings including Neckerchiefs and Slides...Now Days it is Jeans and "Troop T shirts" something about it being Hot in the Summer here in North Texas...but I always Wear a Official Scout shirt, Neckerchief and Slide..My Pants are 5.11 Tactical Pants that are not Switchback style like the BSA Pants..same Color..Noboby knows the Difference..and a BSA Web Belt..Scout Socks. and I wear it at Outdoor Events..Never with Blue Jeans like I did as a Youth till I could afford a Complete Uniform..I miss the Unifoorms of the 1980's, I hate the Newer shirts..Always seem to stay wrinkled..Never clean as well either.
  18. Welcome to the Forums...and Welcome to scouting in case your also new to scouting, if Not Happy Belated Welcome to Scouting.
  19. The Last Frontier Council provides non-traditional programs by starting Cub Scout Packs in inner-city schools in Oklahoma City. This video features two of those elementary schools, the kids and volunteers in the them! Please share so others can see how how Scouting is helping our communities. Watch the Video on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LastFrontierCouncil?ref=br_tf
  20. No they are Not Married I was a Committee Member as well as Troop Adult Quartermaster which I just accepted responsibility of and was Removed. Never had a Chance. Attended 1 Committee Meeting , 3 Troop Meetings and 1 Camp Out. Always on time and in Full Uniform. I am still for Now A Registered Merit Badge Counselor for Reptile and Amphibian Study, Nature and Pets council wide He is an Adult in the Lodge also. I was gonna be having some of the Items made as Gift which would be given away. Even using the proper forms.. I was going to go back to College to work on Metalsmithing and Silversmithing and I was gonna be doing gifts and Awards for Free. The Coins were going to made by one of two BSA Licensees.. I was Favoring Northwest Mint Myself..Nothing except art work was designed and for Free. And presentation was gonna be made to the Youth in the Lodge..However It was brought up that LODGE Could not afford the Free Coins..and the Current Coin is Not Selling well for $5 so it was decided to drill a Hole in a Few and add a Key Chain and Sell for $8 now. So Idea was not even brought to vote. No Parent has ever asked me to Remove any Photos from Any of My Facebook Public Albums from any Scouting Event..I usually post close to 1000 pictures from all the Scouting Events I attend..I am the "Unofficial" Official Photographer for the Council. For almost 2 Years now. I do Not Tag Youth. I leave that up to the parents or legal Guardians. I have been asked by Several Councils in Oklahoma and Texas to Attend Events to Take Pictures on a Regular Basis. I was even asked to Travel to Georgia and Missouri to Take Pictures. I served on Service Corp as a Photographer last Conclave I made the Announcement for Several Up and Coming OA and Council Functions because our Communications Suck in My Council. No one is being told hardly anything in a Timely Manner. Our Facebook Page has hardly Nothing Posted..When Camps got the Certifications they Posted Pictures, They Make Announcements daily..Our Nope..We just had a "Sporting Clays Event" No Idea who Won, How Much was Earned, How many participated. As Training I have taken Every Online BSA Training possible. I have asked to Attend some Training Schools as Back ups in case a Need Arises. Camp School, Climbing, Shooting. Reluctant to Shell out the Money just to kiss butt with "Woodbadge 21st Century" I have actually looked into transferring to a different Council and a New Lodge. I have participated with several already in Disaster Relief Operations so i might as well go where I am Welcome.
  21. well Since they are not allowed on Dance Teams or Ceremonies Teams or anything official they Help with Regalia because they Want to.. Is the Only thing as Youths they are allowed to do directly for the Lodge just like a Parent can help..Several Do Cut the grass and other "Manly" work around the Council Camp. It is a Girl that is always called upon to catch a Snake in the Pool House also... Well I relate my scouting experience to Where I live...just as you do. I can't tell you how a troop in Jackson Hole Wyoming would run anymore the someone else who has never been involved there. Only someone who has been involved in a Troop there will tell you how one is run.
  22. I was smart my First wilderness trip.. I dug a Large hole burned a lot of Wood..Buried the Coals and Built a shelter facing a Rock Wall and built another fire...it Snowed..I was Warm, even the WS Staff ended up in My Shelter that Night I also knew to burn green wood that would last longer than dead dry wood..you Gotta inter mix them..I am also the Only one who did not end up with Prickly Pear Needles in my Mouth..Because I was the Only one (Not Even The Instructors) who knew to singe off Needles before Trying to cook and Eat.
  23. Hummm..Me and Scoutmaster seem to have a Girl issue..Him and ASM are Couple..First Campout We got along, He did not like that. At One point he threw a Temper tantrum because I asked him to give her a Break .Nothing between us...I show Up in Full Scout Uniform..He shows up in Troop T Shirt. He said he picks who sits on BOR I am Just a Committee Member..So He proceeds to get Up set because I announced some OA Events to Troop he got Upset..I asked to Be allowed to Join Private Troop Facebook Page..He got Upset Because I posted my Pictures on My Facebook Page..I am assuming he is the One who cried about several projects I was Planning for Both Council and Lodge..and Reported me for Sale BSA related items without a License...And I had not sold a thing and was still putting the Project together to present to the Boys in Lodge to approve or disapprove. I was going to fund new Challenge Coins out of my Pocket.. So In Order to not upset the troop Dynamic I was removed after 1 Camp out. That is Okay with Me...Karma will catch up with Him.
  24. BadenP..Wow maybe you should come tell our Youth Females it has nothing to offer them...We got 'em lined up and waiting to join already with Regalia ...We had at least 6 Dance at Summer Call Out when We Had Open Dances in Ragalia. Several just turned 21 and were inducted as Adults..I wonder why They still want to join after sitting in the sidelines as a Youth in Venture Crew and was Considered unworthy to join as a Youth but bingo 21 Your IN Now. I sure would not have joined a Group that wouldn't let me join as a youth. As a side note Several of the Girls are the ones making the Boys Regalia...seems it is a Girl's duty to sew while the men provide food still..HAHA
  25. I am curious as to way you split into Experienced vs Inexperienced. Why not do 1 to 1 mentoring? Why Split into 2 Groups.
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