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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. Yea I do lean towards the Council Method.. Yea My Chuckbox may turn into a Modern "Chuckwagon" Idea behind Chuckbox..Make a Container where each items has its own space where it can be readily found and easily Accessed without having to Unpack a lot of stuff Your idea go with the multiple Plastic Container Idea where you break up items stored by likeness where you have to dig around and re-stack and Unpack as you need items. I simply hate having to get 1 Item out of a Box and either having to move something or Unstack something. Yea I know it is Wasted Space but when I want to use the 5 Gallon SS Pot to Cook I don't want to remove umpteen items from inside it and I don't want to have to pull it out to get a 4 quart pot from inside it when I need to heat a Small portion. Another Idea behind the Chuckbox..Have an have an Elevated work Station making it easier on the back in case there are not Tables available in the Campsite. Your Idea go with PLASTIC TOTES ..Now You Have added Table to the list of Things You have to carry to accomplish the same thing with Cheap plastic Totes. Stackable Totes just don't seem to have the same ability to function as a Stable Table as a well designed Chuckbox. Another Advantage Chuckbox (Old Timer reason to Have a Chuckbox) Camp Clutter..I was brought up in Scouting that A UnCluttered Camp was better. a Single Chuckbox to me is Way More Uncluttered than 5-20 stackable Totes spread out. As for rain issue. I remember that Our Chuckboxes could be left outside in the Rain because of the Way they were made, however I remember we always put them under a Tarp because us Scouts hated just standing in the Rain (and I still hate standing in the Rain). So I have a 10x20 Canopy I put up...For Christmas I hope to get the Sidewall Addition which will make it a 30x20 or an Enclosed 10x20
  2. Imagine that, shows the difference in Scouting and BSA Scouting, look at all the Girls in their Videos
  3. LNT ...bit of Irony...look to the Summitt...What kind of Trace did we Leave there..All those Natural BMX Bike Trails, The Natural Skateboard Parks..The Treehouse...The Zip Lines
  4. That is more inline with what I was thinking. Need a Way to make sure it is Updated also. The Scoutcamp.org is outdated for Sure..we Sold Horizon Wilderness in 1998 and it is still listed on site
  5. I believe that Sea Scouts are part of Venturing program
  6. Has Any Crew Opted to adopt the Boy Scout Shirt as their "main" shirt?
  7. Would be Cool if we Could get a Site Together and Post Boy Scout Camps. Like an Interactive Map by States We had a Unit stay at our camp enroute to Philmont.. Staying at Scout Reservations can save you money and a Great way to meet and make Friends.
  8. You Do.. Trails End has a Place to set up Personal Sales online for Free which you can advertise the Link Year Around. Your Unit Members can announce your sales our Personal Facebook accounts. I Announced our Sales On Facebook on the Local TV Stations pages for Free. I announced It On Area Radio Stations pages for Free...They even announced it for Free on Air all Day Long. I announced it on the City's Facebook Page for Free. I made a Flyer in JPG form and I Shared it on Facebook..And People Shared it on their pages..I shared it in Area Facebook Trading Posts... We had No problem trying to Sale in a "Bad" location late in the Sales Period..One Unit Complained because they say People heard our free ads on Radio and bought from us and told them already bought besides Sometimes you have to be your Own Promoter.
  9. I would say that about Covers the Subject pretty good. Only Whitewater we see in Texas is "Floods" and in Water parks Our Lakes are so low we had to Cancel the Aquatics Portion of Summer Camp..seems no one wanted to wade out through all the mud to try and get to the Water.
  10. Nike commented Today, 07:02 PM Wait a minute. You've got all this stuff and rely on one old John Wayne can opener? is it on your key chain? I keep 4 at all times.. 1 on Key Ring 1 in Chuck Box 2 Unopened In Case we Lose One I buy them at Academy Sports 2 For .99, hard to beat that price. I also give them out to Cub Scouts who help with Chores when on Campouts.
  11. When we Carried it..It Hung Freely from The Staff. When we needed to Mark our Campsite or an Particular area we hung it From the Top loops so It is Displayed Horizontal. Originally I was Gonna add Gromments in the Corners To easily Display it That is what we were going to do before the PACK has issues and a lot of Members transferred to a New Pack. We were going to add the Rank Patches all the way through and add arrow Light. In the Pack Dens stayed together and Flag retired when Boys crossed over and then Displayed on Scout Hut Walls. The Boys gave me the Flag when I resigned from Pack. Of My Original 5 only 2 Stayed with Pack 2 Transferred 1 Quit.
  12. Ironically, while getting riled up over my choice of rhetoric, you demonstrate my point perfectly: You want to speak from a position of authority assumed by interpreting them as strictly as possible, yet you do so from a position of ignorance. That is exactly why the Guide to Advancement specifically addresses the "no more, no less" issue. For your enlightenment, the requirement regarding the actual swimming reads "Swim one mile over a measured course that has been approved by the trained instructor who will supervise the swim." Not one mention of what type or size of the body of water. And as pcola pointed out, for those who read more that what's actually written on the page, the literature references swimming pools 3 times, but silence from you on the issue. Like I said, tin gods. It's admirable and desirable to push our boys to reach their full potential, and I know that's your goal, but in the course of doing so we do not help them by making up requirements that don't exist. Ouch...that's got hurt the ol' ego
  13. Thanks for the Link qwazse [TABLE=width: 353] [TR] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 250] Tiger Cub Scouts [/TD] [TD=align: right] 212,677 [/TD] [TD=width: 80, align: right] -4.63% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Cub Scouts [/TD] [TD=align: right] 726,775 [/TD] [TD=align: right] -2.76% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Webelos Scouts [/TD] [TD=align: right] 589,221 [/TD] [TD=align: right] -3.84% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Total Cub Scout-Age [/TD] [TD=align: right] 1,528,673 [/TD] [TD=align: right] -3.44% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Boy Scouts [/TD] [TD=align: right] 848,236 [/TD] [TD=align: right] -0.01% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Varsity Scouts [/TD] [TD=align: right] 62,432 [/TD] [TD=align: right] 1.87% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Total Boy Scout-Age [/TD] [TD=align: right] 910,668 [/TD] [TD=align: right] 0.12% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Total Venturers [/TD] [TD=align: right] 219,453 [/TD] [TD=align: right] -5.05% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Total Explorers [/TD] [TD=align: right] 116,589 [/TD] [TD=align: right] 3.28% [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Total Youth [/TD] [TD=align: right] 2,775,383 [/TD] [TD=align: right] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] So while It seems Cub Scouts make up the Largest Membership they suffered drops in Membership, Boy Scouts the Least and The Only Group to Increase is Varsity and Explorer?
  14. Me and My Dodge 1500 Move it all the Time I guess I could use one or two of those Stoves to heat stuff with on the serving Table. Again Guys I ain't looking for replacement stoves because I don't Backpack Camp..I don't cook for just Scout Troops. I don't just Camp with Scouts. Last Camping trip with Area Outdoor Group we had 60 people all Ages. When You Can Cook for 50+ on that stove by yourself let me Know. Wanna Impress me cook a 10 lbs Pork Butt on it and Post a Picture of it. Once you can do that we will work on it till you can cook 450 Lbs of Meat at one time, along with Baked Potatoes, Roasted Corn on the Cob, and 25 Lbs of Pinto Beans all at one time on it.
  15. None....Basically we are Told we are a First Year Campers Camp...No One is gonna send First Year Campers to us, since we don't have facilities or Adventure Programs...We have Out of State Councils sending us Cds about their programs. we got a Discs from Middle Tennessee Council last year
  16. Interesting... was a Cub scout and A Cub Scout Leader...I can not recite the Cub Scout oath and Law from Memory...However even after being away from Scouting Since 1986 I can still recite the Boy Scout Oath and Law from Heart.
  17. Cedar Staff is made from a Salt Cedar..I found a nice branch about 7 ft long, stripped it down and Sanded it. Added a few Feathers and wrapped some parachute colored cord around it at the Top. The Ribbons are Embroidered with Christmas Parade 2011, Veteran's Parade 2011. That way we commemorated each event we participated in.
  18. Berliner, I hear the First Training will be at The Grand Canyon and Everyone is gonna be tossing rock into the Canyon
  19. Can you earn it and the Historical Trails at the Same Time? Will it be a Jacket type Patch or will you Wear it on the Uniform?
  20. I wonder what are the number of registered Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts?
  21. I cook for more than Just Scouts so I tend to have more gear than Most "Patrols", so Far this is What I have come up with in Equipment, as I have them spread out in different containers in the House and Storage Areas Enameled Serving: (4) 8 Cup Percolating Coffee Pots, (12) Coffee Cups, (4) Large Coffee Cups, (12) Plates, (12) Bowls (20) Forks, (20) Spoons, (20) Knives, (20) Steak Knives, (20) Large Plastic Glasses, (20) Plastic Bowls Cooking: (2) Cast iron 8x11 Griddles, (1) 24x36 Cast Iron Griddle, (1) 5 Gallon Pot, (1) 12' Dutch Oven (2) 20" Ceramic Pizza Stones, (2) 6 quart pots. Stainless Steel Serving: (4) Large Spoons, (4) Large slotted, (4) 4 oz server, (2) 4 oz slotted server, (2) 6 oz server, (3) 10 oz soup Server 2 spatulas, Wok P38 style Can Opener, Set of Measuring Spoons, Set of Measuring Cups, (3) Wire Whisks, (4) Mixing Spatulas, Cutting Boards Heavy Duty Roll of Aluminum Foil (500 ft Roll), Ziplock Bags, Paper Towels, Disposable Aluminum Pans Dry Goods and Spices, Sugar, Flour, Morrison's Peppered Gravy Mix, Taco Seasoning, Chili Mix, Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Garlic Salt, Garlic Powder, Elbow Macaronni, Pinto Beans, Onion Flakes, Basil, Beef Bullion, Chicken Bullion, Dry Ranch Dressing,Box of saltine Crackers, Bisquick (add Water Only Type), Hot Chocolate, spice Hot Apple Cider, Coffee (Caff and Decaff), Teas ( Various Flavors For Hot and Cold), Honey I want to Include Solar Lights. Maybe an Old Fashion Bottle Opener on the Outside..mainly for Looks. Thinking I may Design it to Fit on Tailgate or on a Trailer. I usually Haul my BBQ Trailer to Events. When I do I have a Converted 15.5 Gallon Keg I use to heat water. The Big Griddle has pretty much replaces all skillets. As you Can see It sits on the Firebox. I am Thinking I willrework the BBQ Trailers also. I bought it, It was homemade. needs New Axle because new Rims don't fit the Hubs. I never use the right side direct fire grill..and The Upright Box never heated enough to be used like they wanted to..an Oven/warming Box.
  22. The Idea was to add the appropriate Rank Patch as they aged..add the Wolf, Bear and Webelos. We have a cedar staff for it to Hhang on. I designed it so that there are loops to either hang horizontal or verticle. I made Ribbons to add from the staff for each event they attended, such as Veterans Day Parade, Christmas Parade, Pinewood Derby. etc...
  23. Same thing is Happening in Boy Scouts When We sold one of Our Camps a Family Members stated that they never thought that the Boy Scouts would have sold the Property otherwise they would not have Donated it to the Council. The Other Camp has a Stipulation that the Land Returns to the Family if the Camp is Closed or the Boy Scouts stop Operating it as a Camp. We can not sell it.
  24. On the issue of Sharing the Wealth...There will always be some Slackers who never sell that wants a Share of the Money. If The Money goes into a General Pool where everyone draws off in Equal shares eventually the Fund Dries up. Why? Because there are those who don't sale and get a Share and those who do all the Work will eventually give up because they are Doing the Work. Yes Fund Raising Especially Popcorn sales when it is Done By Everyone at the Same time is Complicated. There is always one Sweet Spot to sale. Around here That Spot is booked up Months in Advance by the same people. They Don't care because it is about their Sales not Yours. Around here Businesses have Started limiting the Number of tmes a Certain Uit can Book Spots to prevent Units from Hogging the Location. in My Youth years we Had hamburger Suppers every 3 Month
  25. Welcome to the Forums. Welcome Back to Scouting. Mind if I ask what Position you Hold? Tell Us more about your unit or units?
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