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Am I too lax, or is this guy too tightly wound.
jpstodwftexas replied to perdidochas's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Bingo, Your Correct..But I can't tell you how many Times I have "Heard" registered... I was Told I could not have Meetings because I was the Only "Registered" Leader even though I had 5 Parents present.. Part of the Problem is there is Not 1 Rule Book but Many and they all sometimes seem to Contradict each other. And they are Not Even Called Rule Books.. Why Can't BSA have 1 Rule Book with Simplified and Plain Wording? -
Central New Jersey Council dissolving
jpstodwftexas replied to RememberSchiff's topic in Council Relations
Typically I believe when Councils Dissolve or Merge All Lodges in The Old Councils will Merge into one Lodge..Youth Membership will continue to Work Together for a Period set Forth By the New Councils Scout Executive as Co Councils..Youth Membership from all Merged Lodges will Vote on New Lodge Name, Totem and Number..Once Voted on and Decided They will be Submit to National OA for Approval Items to consider in this process are: 1. The council Scout executive of the new council should appoint a lodge adviser and a lodge staff adviser for the new merged lodge. 2. Current lodge officers should fulfill their responsibilities jointly until the election of new officers. There is nothing wrong with having co-chiefs or co-vice chiefs during the transition period. (I have seen 6 to 11 Months Listed for Mergers) 3. The name and totem of the new merged lodge should be determined. (Any combination of the former lodge names and totems may be considered, as well as new ones.) 4. An organizational plan should be developed to fulfill the responsibilities of the new merged lodge in the new council. (Lodge Rules should be written and approved by the council Scout executive.) 5. Scheduled lodge meetings and activities should be completed while merging the calendars and establishing dates for officer elections and activities of the merged lodge. -
Glad your Fortunate to Have Chapters...Not Every Lodge Does Mine Does not. Are your Chapters Split due to Locations or Due to Size? How is your Lodge Leadership Laid Out? Lodge and Chapter, Lodge Only or By Chapters Only? Service Weekends should be Separate from "Ordeal Weekends"..However it seems most Lodges combine them now days due to lack of participation and competition for time against every day life things..ie School, work, Relationships etc.... A Few Questions..Will your Lodge Continue to Have a "Lodge Ceremonies Team"? What will it's Function Be? Who Selects the Membership on the 'Lodge Team" vs "Chapter Team". Is it done by Competition? By Vote? or By Solicitation open to Everyone? Could there be an Issue with Favoritism among the Teams and Who gets Selected for the "Lodge Team" or which Chapter's team gets gets selected to Conduct the Most Ceremonies...Could it be because Chapters were Complaining that a Certain Chapter Functioned as the "Lodge Team" the Most? Why is it that Only Three Chapters have Teams? Lack of Advisors? Lack of Interest by Youth? Is it Financial? Is it due to Membership Size? Is the Membership Equal in % of Membership in all chapters? We have 1 Camp so We have 1 Call Out Ceremony at our 1 Week of Summer Camp.. How Many Camps Do you Have? If Multiple Camps, Do they Run Same Time? Are they Regionally aligned to the Chapters? Are these actually Service Weekends or Ordeal Weekends...If just a Service Weekend then there is No Need for a Ceremonies Team. If Ordeal Week Ends also..You need Fun activities for Members not participating in the "Ordeal" portion Several Things can be done with the Ceremonies Team..A Rotation Can be Done several Ways..Since you Have 3 Chapters you could assign a Chapter a Service/Ordeal Weekend. on a 3 Year Rotation... (Event 1=September, Event 2=March, and Event 3=June) Chapter 1/Event 1 Chapter 2/Event 2 Chapter/3... Chapter 2/Event 1, Chapter 3/Event 2, Chapter 1/Event 3, Chapter 3/Event 1, Chapter 1/Event 2, Chapter 2/Event 3 Another Way to Split the Ceremonies Rotate them on a 3 Year Rotation Year 1 Chapter 1 Pre-Ordeal, Chapter 2 Ordeal, Chapter 3 Brotherhood.. Lodge Vigil Year 2 Chapter 2 Pre-Ordeal, Chapter 3 Ordeal, Chapter 1 Brotherhood..Lodge Vigil Year 3 Chapter 3 Pre Ordeal, Chapter 1 Ordeal, Chapter 2 Brotherhood..Lodge Vigil PS I Recommend Fellowships rotated in a similar Manner...If your Not aware Fellowships are just Fun Gatherings.Sadly Lodges forget the Fellowship Portion and just focus on the Free Labor events.. Each Chapter could host a Fellowship..Fun Away to Promote patches in your Lodge.. Each Fellowship gets a Unique Patch...And A Special Patch for attending all. Fellowships has a Fee to Cover patches and Meals. Host Chapters do the Cooking and Coordinates the events scheduling. Call Outs..If More than 1 Camp assign it Regionally.If Possible..Hopefully you have 3 Camps in your Council Depending on Your Ceremony ...Since Each Lodge May have its own ceremony and Leadership Style it hard to Give advise here. Do you Have a Single Lodge Chief and Chapter Vice Chiefs. Do you Use The 4 Ceremony Characters? AW, K. M, N Do You Have Dancing Or Just Call Them Out? If Dancing, Everyone Adults and Youth Should be as to Participate if in Regalia. Do you have more than 1 Drum and Singer Team? Arrow of Light, and Other Demonstrations would be best served By Regional Division also. Obviously if You Attend Competitions and Pow Wows Each Chapter Should Compete Separately..avoiding the Possible Favoritism Complaint
Yea Do away with Everything that A Scouter can do Outside scouting...Oh Wait, There would be No Scouting Left..Outside of Earning Ranks What is there Unique About Scouting...Community Service, Nope Now days your Required to have so Many Hours To Graduate from High School...Camping..Nope there Are Now Clubs that promote Camping at all ages...Not just to Boy Scout Age or Venture Aged Scouters.. Name one single Merit Badge that is so Unique to Boy Scout Activity It is Not Taught somewhere or learned outside Boy Scouts..Yea I know No one can Award a "Merit Badge" because BSA Lawyers will chase you down like a Fox..But You can teach someone Computer Science, Metalsmithing, Cooking, Fishing, Archery, and every other so called Merit Badge Activity also. Do Away with Physical Activities Because they should be Having Recess and Physical Education in School everyday..So No Need for those in Scouting Citizenship...Nope got those Classes in Schools also no need for Redundancey.. Only thing Unique In Scouting is the Manner it is Presented and Taught.. For Cubbies, yes almost all want some sort of Patch or award...As they age out, they lose importance
Am I too lax, or is this guy too tightly wound.
jpstodwftexas replied to perdidochas's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Alas No One pointed out the "In Plain View" in that statement It was Stated 2 Deep Leadership Did Not Apply to Scoutmaster Conference Since it was not an Outing but merely a Meeting and implied it would not violate 1 on 1 Contact. If 2 Deep Leadership does not apply then it must allow 1 on 1 in peoples minds Well Yea Now Days Many establishment Allow People to sit around for Hours on End Sipping a 75 Cent Soda, so Yea You can sit at Public Places, However none around here allow me to Bring in My Critters for My Merit Badges to be Taught. And despite your Luck finding Parents willing to sit around several hours for several secessions, I have yet to have any parents do it..I have turned away Scouters because they can't find someone to come with them and stay or want to take the merit badges at the same time. Like so many people and Organizations now days...Common Sense has gone out the Window in scouting Rule 2 Deep Leadership...No Common Sense and you get discussions over statements like "Hey It was just the Scoutmaster and two Parents..You have to have 2 Registered Leaders at all Times...Parents are Not Registered Leaders..Argument ensues for " Leadership" actual Rules written Somewhere Else..Followed By No Leadership Because they we Not Out side or Can See Everyone at all times" 1 on 1 Argument ensues because 'In Plain Sight' is forgotten or Overlooked and then You Throw in "What was said vs What Heard" -
Well Good Luck Matt. I have been trying to get my Council to Add Stuff for years. They don't want to change Much at Our Camp. The AC is Going in the Dining Hall and Should be Completed by the End of this Month. We Should have a New Shotgun Range this Summer Thanks to $4000 Dollar National OA Grant and Wichita Lodge 35 $6000 Pledge..Other Than that....Just more promises and "Future" un-named projects. Really wanting To get the Nature Center going asap but it keeps getting Sideline due to Funding and I ain't allowed to raise funds. As it might "interfere" with FOS and Certain Family Donations
Just check out the Camp and the Program... My council is promoting Summer Camp using a Video with no photos from Our Camp..except maybe the Climbing Tower. Definitely not The River Canoeing , Not The Archery Range, Not the Rifle Range, Not the Lake Barge.We have a Pool and that is it. No C.O.P.E, No Lake, No Permanent Climbing Towers, No Zip Lines, We hopefully will have the New Shotgun Range finished by Summer Camp. Our Aquatics program portion of Camp was Canceled last year due to low Lake Levels Unless we get Drastic Rain Levels we won't have it again this year..Our Lakes are at almost 28% Levels right now. We did Swimming and Lifesaving Only at the pool, We Bused the Scouters out to the Lake each day when we was able to in Prior Years..Bummer
I had a Hardship Driver's license at 14. I drove a lot back then just saying... another example of how things have changed..of course I have always drove pick ups so I mainly carried equipment
I would Rather Buy the Stove which Charges..dual purpose item. Now design one that charges more, has a larger mass and can be attached to a much larger surface and Keep it Cheap in Price I would consider it. I could use on on My Firebox on My BBQ Grill The Surface can easily reach 600 and I run it over 14 hours straight many times. I use Solar Rope lighting On My Canopy..Would be nice to Have an additional way to charge the batteries..Sometimes there just ain't enough Daylight in the Winter to get a Full nights charge or I get placed where I get to much shade. As for Leaving the Phone at Home..Take it..just don't use it unless it is an Emergency. Sometimes a Cell phone could mean the difference between Life and Death and You will never know when you truly need it until it occurs.
Am I too lax, or is this guy too tightly wound.
jpstodwftexas replied to perdidochas's topic in Open Discussion - Program
To Be the Devils Advocate...Who would be responsible If one of the Boys got hurt and Froze to Death ? Quote this Quote That..sometimes it is best to play Safe on Both sides..What exactly is an "Outing" and What is a "meeting"? By Not Observing Activities your opening up to Potential Claims...Johnny was Harassed, Johnny Was Assaulted, Johnny was Hurt and It was Not Reported. If It was to Cold outside for Adults, it was to cold outside for the youth. Scouter99 Wrote "3. Two Deep. The Guide to Safe Scouting's wording on 2 deep and 1-on-1 are very plainly written, so of course 98% of people have no idea what they mean. 2 deep applies only to outings, and to outings only. Not to troop meetings, not to SM conferences, not to PLCs, not to breakaway portions of an activity. Outings only." They Apply to all things scouting. I am a MBC and It Applies to me. one of the reasons why Merit Badge Colleges are getting so popular. Many Merit Badge Counselors can't over come the 1 on 1. He is saying Scoutmaster can hold a Conference in a Closed Room by himself. There are adults at the meeting after all. Why does it not apply to meetings and it does to Merit Badge Counselors..We are Not outings. If a Sm can Hold a Conference by Himself a MBC should be able to Teach a Merit Badge 1 on 1 Right? No Matter what Not every Single situation can be written..and Explained in full detail in Scouting literature. We Stress The Buddy System for Youth why Don't we Stress It for Adults? There will always be a situation where the Rules and situations Cross. Example: Adult Scouter is Returning From Latrine passes a Single youth Scouter on the way to Latrine..Youth Stops and Says to Adult "Hey Mister Scouter. Your a Merit Badge Counselor for Nature right?" "Yes I am" Mr Scouter replies. " I want to get that Badge." Mr Scouter replies " Talk to me when You Get Back to Camp." Does that situation Violate policy...As Written Yes it Does..No 1 on 1..In spirit No because the Situation was not planned. Can people argue both ways yes...BSA like the Rest of the Society we are getting to legislative and overly paranoid. -
just goes to show ya... Ain't just the American Scientist discovering new things
Are the Youth Happy?
Well looking at Camps on Catalina Island I would say $700 for camp ain't bad...I found prices starting at $1500 to $4000 so With Out knowing what camp I can't say if it is a good Price truly or Not. Sadly Private Camps are one of the reason why Many Councils are closing Camps..Financial concerns out way the benefits.
There is No Typical Pricing for Summer Camps.. Where is he Going? What Type of Camp Program do they Offer? Does that Cost Cover Transportation, Lodging and Meals in transit to and from camp?
Hosting Scouts from Scotland
jpstodwftexas replied to jpstodwftexas's topic in Scouting Around the World
Still waiting on a few thing but i played around with graphics program and started working on the "Honorary Texas Citizenship" for them. -
This should bring some discussion going forward
jpstodwftexas replied to skeptic's topic in Advancement Resources
Of the Drop Outs I have Know..None have said they dropped because of "less Bling" it has more to do with more Activities available to them. As Kids get Older it is Harder to keep them interested. Once Scouting Becomes Mundane to them, they begin losing interest. Older Scouts must continuously be challenged. And of Course you start having to compete with "Girls" -
True but It just might be better to use someone not conflicted by LNT ... Look outside The Troop for Trainers..No Rules say you have to use only your own Leadership At Event invite those Outside Experts to Be Guides and Judges..
Perhaps all Units should come up with an Aging out Ceremony..Honoring each Scout,s Journey through Scouting.. I know the Saying is "Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle" but there is No Shame in Saying "Once a Scout, Always a Scout"..Scouters should continue to Live by the Scout Oath and Law For the Rest of their Lives. Why Stop after you age out...Continue to do a Good Deed Daily. BSA Should do more to retain Scouters past 18...for Life. I know Traditionally It has been "unOffical" and basically expected for Scouters to Age out..Leave Scouting...Get Married, have Kids and Then Return to Scouting..and Stay till they Age out and repeat the Process.I fell into this unspoken Cycle...I returned when My last Girlfriend's son started Tiger Cubs..Looking Back I feel I let the program down because I could have contributed over those 30 somethings years I missed out on. I wanted to return to Scouting but like Most, I used the excuse "I don't have Kids in Scouting to stay away." I felt people would look down on me and think I was Weird being around Kids without Kids of "My Own." I will say there is one Regret in My Life...Missing all those years in Scouting. All the Missed chances to help Youth enjoy life..Missed Camping Trips, Missed Camp Fires, Missed Summer Camps...Missed Chances to positively influence Youth in a Good way. We should be trying to retain Scouters for Life..Not till they age out
I vote Meh...... The Program has changed before...The Basic Fundamentals remain the same.... Continue for the Boys
Requirement 7: Take part in an emergency service project, either a real one or a practice drill, with a Scouting unit or a community agency Requirement 8: Do the Following Prepare a written plan for mobilizing your troop when needed to do emergency service. If there is already a plan, explain it. Tell your part in making it work. Take part in at least one troop mobilization. Before the exercise, describe your part to your counselor. Afterward, conduct an "after-action" lesson, discussing what you learned during the exercise that required changes or adjustments to the plan. Prepare a personal emergency service pack for a mobilization call. Prepare a family kit (suitcase or waterproof box) for use by your family in case an emergency evacuation is needed. Explain the needs and uses of the contents.
That will come in real handy when you get lost in the wilderness... rescuers won't be able to find ya because LNT .... good news your body is biodegradable and plenty of animals will love to snack on ya.
Well kinda like In YP Video... We see a Scout with a Hand on his Shoulder...The Answer we are expected to give is based on what we see in the picture..Not what we Assume....We Could assume the Hand on his Shoulder is his Father or a Legal Guardian not that of a Leader "grooming" the Youth..and we assume the Shoes seen in the Background are actually on the Feet of Scouters watching on. Of course in the Picture above we could assume that the scout is just walking naked through a park on a nature hike
Again Being Trained, IOLS is not recommended or required to pull a tour permit..Tour permits can be pulled by any Two Leaders meeting the Following Stated Rules Boy Scouts of America policy requires at least two adult leaders on all BSA activities. Coed Venturing crews must have both male and female leaders older than 21 for overnight activities. All registered adults must have completed BSA Youth Protection training. At least one registered adult who has completed BSA Youth Protection training must be present at all events and activities. Youth Protection training is valid for two years from the date completed. Going to a Museum, Radio Station, or even a Zoo require a Tour Permit in most cases...Two Committee Members can pull the permit
Cooking Merit Badge - New Requirements
jpstodwftexas replied to Brewmeister's topic in Advancement Resources
I personally think that Cooking for Each Merit Badge should be done Separately.. Cook for Cooking Cooking Requirements for Camping Merit Badge listed in it's own Requirement Cooking Requirements for Back Packing Badge listed in it's own Requirements Lets face it...we try to short cut and Earn Merit Badges in a Day Now Days, So we want to do it all at one time. Cook 1 Meal for 3 Merit Badges..Git 'er Done Attitude