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Everything posted by jpstodwftexas

  1. No Don't Blame the SM... Your Correct in Blaming the OA Lodge...It is their Responsibility to ensure the Candidates get the Information. Not everyone of us have the Perfect Scouting World. We don't have the ideal book scouting experience where nothing goes wrong. My OA Experience in the Last two years at Roundtable.. Not 1 OA Announcement.. No OA Announcements on Local Council's Website. and I have more Horror Stories... In My Lodge you definitely can get that "Good Ole Boy" feeling. There is the Cook crew... There is Camp Crew There is ..You get the Idea I have gave up on Volunteering to help on Projects, I have gave up on hope of being asked to assist on Projects. I simply just show up and whip out the Camera...Someday they might just share them, meanwhile I share them on my own Facebook page and on other Forums like on here. They get set to Public so people can also share them. Ironically I have been asked By Section to Help, I have been asked by Other Lodges and I do help them. I also am the Only Member in my Lodge to pay for a First Time attendee for a Youth to attend Conclave..Wish I could afford more. Our Lodge Facebook page is set to secret...You can not find our Facebook page. Our Lodge Website has nothing on it. Although the Lodges should be Boy Lead. Why do the Boys fail in their Missions...Their Advisers fail in their responsibilities. An Adviser should step in to prevent Obvious failure, yes some things will fail..but some should never fail.. And Failing to send out Induction letters is an Obvious Failure.
  2. I doubt and I certainly Hope that the first though through the Scout's Mind was not the Award..I know when I jumped into raging flood waters in Scouts in the 1980's on a Canoe Trip down the Brazos I never Thought about a Medal..And I still don't care that I never got a Medal...Nor the other 5 times I have helped saved people. I just did it, Knowing they could or would die if I did not help.
  3. Friday night upper 20's....Saturday around 65 around 4
  4. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2014/01/16/boy-scout-saves-kid-who-falls-through-ice-in-oswego/
  5. Ever Notice how they are cut? They are not Cut to be worn tucked in...They Have No Tails to be Tucked in. They Are Straight cut to be worn Untucked. Meaning they are the Same length on Front, back and Sides. A Shirt Designed to be Tucked in have Longer Fronts and Backs with arched Sides I have the Same Problem with Shirts not staying Tucked in. They Need Long Tails or Longer Lengths.
  6. Just Photos from Wichita Lodge 35 Winter Ordeal Held at Camp Perkins Scout Reservation https://www.facebook.com/johnpaul.stoddard/media_set?set=a.800852283264899.1073741872.100000204053599&type=3
  7. Dang ...I am Glad I paid 2.00 a Month Dues as a Scout..I can't even afford being in your Troops Working for the State of Texas
  8. Or when Ya Try and Compete at a Sectional or National Conclave and you are obviously off script
  9. We switched from Day Camp to Resident Camp last year. Cubs start with 5 Pm Check-in on Sunday 12 Noon Check out Wednesday Webelos Check-in at 1300 and Check Out 12 noon Saturday
  10. How Many Lodge Members do you Have? How Many Lodge Committees do you have? How do they think Forcing people to be on Committees will make them more active? Sounds like your more Likely to run off people from Activities.
  11. When Lost I prefer to just put a Leash on my Homing Pigeon
  12. Well Each Council can Only have 1 Lodge...So The Dissolved Council will no longer have a Lodge. The Dissolved Councils Districts ending up in Different Councils will result in The Youth Membership on Voting on Any Changes in their Current Lodge. They Could Change Names, They Could Change from a Lodge with No Chapters to Multiple Chapters, They Could Change Lodge Totems reflecting the New Regions Etc....
  13. Well I guess I am to stupid to remember where I put My Checkbook then....If I have to pay to Volunteer forget it..I will just pay to attend what I want and not have to work or worries
  14. Remove the COR? I wonder what the CO has to say about that? Since when does the DC run the CO?
  15. So Basically BSA Councils are saying Unless You Have Woodbadge...Regardless of Any other BSA Training and Experience you have..Your to Dumb to lead anything until ya pay for Woodbadge then suddenly you know it all and Can Lead..Until you Take Woodbadge you don't No Anybody then Suddenly you Know everyone after two weekend.
  16. I don't see the New Brotherhood on the National Sight yet...Only One I see is from 1999
  17. Only Ceremony a Lodge is allowed to Write is Their "Call Out" ceremony.
  18. No Training Compares to the Real thing..I was 14 at the Time of Terrible Tuesday April 10, 1979. Watch the Video, this was My First Experience with a Natural Disaster My Mom was a Student Nurse at Bethania Hospital, I was In Troop 6. Mom had to Report to the Hospital so I spent first 14+ Hours working in the Kitchen..(after realizing I could not handle Blood everywhere).Then next 3 Days working Search and Rescue sun up to sunset. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxeXvcaX_Zc
  19. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Awards/HornadayAwards.aspx
  20. If You can Handle another Road Trip take a Look at Galveston Sea Base in Texas http://www.bacbsa.org/programs/sea-scout-base/52615 https://www.facebook.com/SeaScoutBaseGalveston
  21. There are many ways A Unit could be Mobilized in a Disaster without getting under foot of the Professionals. One of the simplest way is Help Open their Scout Hut or if Sponsored by a Church assist them in Running a Shelter. Scouters could assist registering Victims of the Disaster..and Coordinating that list to Local Authorities and Relief Agencies..Communications is a Big Help..Everyone wants to know if Loved Ones are Alive asap..Provide Child care..Provide Hot Meals..Provide a Warm and safe place to sleep..Provide ways to communicate with loved ones. Provide a place or way to clean clothes. Set up Bathing Stations..Not Every Hero must be on the Front Lines
  22. Is there Not a Script Already..Written by National.? Having a Unique "Script" for Ceremonies is unnecessary and Also run a-fowl when and If You attend pow wows and conclaves. They all use the National Script.
  23. My son set a goal of getting them all (I have no idea how to do Snowboarding/Snow Skiing in South Florida)... A Road Trip up the East Coast comes to mind.
  24. Seems to be a Common issue now days..Last troop and several Troops I visited seemed to be at the Youth BOR requests, even when they don't Have their Handbooks or are in Uniform.
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