Just so we can roundtable the topic...
Any gimics or fun things to promote and ensure good attendece at Den and Pack meetings... (more than just "make it fun") I would like us to discuss specifics... i.e.
(1) Email... at the beginning of the year or sport season I get both mom and dad's home, and work emails. (i.e. My wife and I each have our own personal and work emails = 4) Organize a CONTACT/GROUP LIST on your email so that you only need to type one message, and dont have to enter every address separately.
(2) Text Messages.... LOVE em' !!! Again, get cell phone numbers for mom and dad... and create a CONTACT LIST in your cell phone. (They all can do it... just learn how) Then you can send just ONE SINGLE TEXT at the same time to the group list. I will send text message reminders the day of the meeting both at noon, and again one hour before. (i.e. "Cub Meeting 2nite at 7 pm!! C U there!!")
(2.5) www.onecallnow.com Is a auto message service. You record a message and it is sent out to the families. (like campaign season from candidates)
(3) Keep it simple... When, Where, Who, what time....
(4) Keep it regular... same day of the week, and same time.
(5) Calendar... download a blank calendar for the following month.. put events on it, and hand them out... they hopefully will put on their refriderator.
(6) Little prizes for attending and completeing 5 advancement requirements. Get a star for coming, and a star for every 5 advancement completed towards their badge. At 8 stars they get a prize.... a compass... a neckerchief slide... 99cent store toy, ect...
Any other suggestions or tips that others use ???
(This message has been edited by johnnylaw101)