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Everything posted by johnnylaw101

  1. Just got my son's Cub Scout Leave No Trace patch. It is HUGE... to place on his right pocket it goes over the right and left edge of the pocket, and has to go 'under the flap' for it not to touch his recruiter patch (which is just under the pocket). Is there a smaller version of this patch ??
  2. Just got my son's Cub Scout Leave No Trace patch. It is HUGE... to place on his right pocket it goes over the edge of the pocket, and has to go 'under the flap' for it not to touch his recruiter patch (which is just under the pocket). Is there a smaller version of this patch ??
  3. Just so we can roundtable the topic... Any gimics or fun things to promote and ensure good attendece at Den and Pack meetings... (more than just "make it fun") I would like us to discuss specifics... i.e. COMMUNICATION: (1) Email... at the beginning of the year or sport season I get both mom and dad's home, and work emails. (i.e. My wife and I each have our own personal and work emails = 4) Organize a CONTACT/GROUP LIST on your email so that you only need to type one message, and dont have to enter every address separately. (2) Text Messages.... LOVE em' !!! Again, get cell phone numbers for mom and dad... and create a CONTACT LIST in your cell phone. (They all can do it... just learn how) Then you can send just ONE SINGLE TEXT at the same time to the group list. I will send text message reminders the day of the meeting both at noon, and again one hour before. (i.e. "Cub Meeting 2nite at 7 pm!! C U there!!") (2.5) www.onecallnow.com Is a auto message service. You record a message and it is sent out to the families. (like campaign season from candidates) (3) Keep it simple... When, Where, Who, what time.... (4) Keep it regular... same day of the week, and same time. (5) Calendar... download a blank calendar for the following month.. put events on it, and hand them out... they hopefully will put on their refriderator. (6) Little prizes for attending and completeing 5 advancement requirements. Get a star for coming, and a star for every 5 advancement completed towards their badge. At 8 stars they get a prize.... a compass... a neckerchief slide... 99cent store toy, ect... Any other suggestions or tips that others use ??? (This message has been edited by johnnylaw101)
  4. I have been both a Cub DL, and soccer coach.... There are always parents who just seem to be unable to organize their lives. This is why we are the leaders/volunteers and they are not. It's just part of the reponsibility we assume when we volunteer for kids. With that being said here are some tips about easy communication. (1) Email... at the beginning of the year or sport season I get both mom and dad's home, and work emails. (i.e. My wife and I each have our own personal and work emails = 4) Organize a CONTACT/GROUP LIST on your email so that you only need to type one message, and dont have to enter every address separately. (2) Text Messages.... LOVE em' !!! Again, get cell phone numbers for mom and dad... and create a CONTACT LIST in your cell phone. (They all can do it... just learn how) Then you can send just ONE SINGLE TEXT at the same time to the group list. I will send text message reminders the day of the meeting both at noon, and again one hour before. (i.e. "Cub Meeting 2nite at 7 pm!! C U there!!") (3) Keep it simple... When, Where, Who, what time.... (4) Keep it regular... same day of the week, and same time. (5) Calendar... download a blank calendar for the following month.. put events on it, and hand them out... they hopefully will put on their refriderator. Any other suggestions?
  5. I would say that the car was properly disqualified. The rules are pretty clear... to use just what is in the box. I would let the boy race the car, and get a partisipation ribbon, but not allow him to race for the winner's trophy. What would not be fair would be to deny the boys that followed the rules and used the proper wheels to a fair race. We need to teach character to our boys... that rules are set and need to be followed. As a Tiger Dad and Scouter I did about 40% of the work on my son's car. I did the cutting, he did the sanding. He held my hand as we drilled the holes... he put the fishing weights inside and put putty over the hole... he did the painting... I had to do the axles as he could't press hard enough to get them in. I did the hot glue gun, he put the spoiler on.. Unfortunately there are plenty of ways to make your car illegally faster.... shave down where the weel rubs the car into a cone shape... shave the wheels to be narrower... make it run just on three wheels... If you get caught.. you're DQ'd as to the trophy.. but the boys car should still partisipate.
  6. I have no idea how much council patches are worth... but I have two different style of Mission Council patches... which no longer exists. (was merged into Los Padres Council) Any idea how much council patches like this might fetch?
  7. Thanks for the info... here is why I ask. one of the requirements for a Scouter to earn the Emergency Prepardness Pin is to: "Put together a unit emergency kit to be kept at your unit meeting location. (This includes all locations where you might have a meeting.)" Now, if I am just a mere Den Leader, and we already have a first aid kit for the whole Pack (the unit). Does not seem to make sense to have TWO first aid kits kept at the Pack location. Would I be ok, and comply with the spirit of the requirement, to make a First Aid kit for my den, and keep it with me at all Den activities?
  8. Many times I've seen the term "Unit" used... Is Unit a Pack, Troop, Crew ? or can it be also a Den or Patrol ?
  9. Ok... So it sounds like the final answer is: NEW !! Red on TAN unit numbers are coming out for Cub Leaders for the centenial uniform... (as per the following website) http://scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/uniformguide.pdf I am planning on using the Green on Tan Training strip I just received, and not exchange it for the red on white... seems to match the color scheme. Interesting... Baden Powell created the first Wood Badge because he wanted uniformity in Scout leaders... that british leaders were creating unique and different uniforms.... have we deviated from that philosophy with different colored unit numbers for leaders?
  10. Red on Tan unit numbers? This is the first I've heard of this... but there they are on the site listed below... for male adults. Is there a Red on Tan Training patch?? or just use the green patch? ??? I agree that there seems to be no reason to give Cub Leaders different unit numbers than Scout Leaders... http://scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/uniformguide.pdf
  11. Back in early April there was a discussion about what color unit numbers, and what colored "Trained" patch should be used by CUB SCOUT LEADERS on the new Centenial Uniform... There was no consensus back then... I think the best position I read was, "A Scouter is a Scouter, and cub scout leaders should not be required to wear different colored (red) unit or Trained patches." The photo of the new uniforms for inspection guides have a cub scout leader with green unit and green trained patches. Also similar green on a Webelos scout photo.... Has national given any guidance ? I am becoming a new scouter, and will be buying a uniform... need a hopefully definitive answer...
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