I have really enjoyed reading these forums and am looking for sage advice regarding dealing with some issues. My son just moved up from Webelos this spring along with 5 other boys. The Troop that we joined meets at same location as the Pack so it was a natural move to join that Troop rather than explore other options. As an Eagle Scout with fairly extensive Boy Scout summer camp experience I was very enthusiastic about my son moving into Scouting.
Well, it has been a rather eye-opening experience. The Troop has a number of active parents which is a plus. Unfortunately, none of them apparently have a great deal of scouting training with the exception of the former Scoutmaster who has stepped down into ASM role for job demand reasons. The older boys wear uniform shirts only, no neckerchiefs, no pants and no real attention to shirt patches. The Troop is not functioning using the patrol method and meetings have been a bit disappointing with about half the time spent sitting around listening to announcements and half playing basketball or football.
On the plus side the troop is very active in terms of outdoor activities but at a recent campout the main activiites were "kill the kid with the ball" and similar games which completely freaked out the new scouts.
We live in an affluent suburb and I dont believe that financial concerns are the issue with the uniform. In speaking with the parents of the other new scouts we would like to change the Troop to better reflect Scouting as we knew it. We would like to keep our sons together as a new scout patrol. Our thought is that when the other kids see how a patrol can function then they may get with the program. We considered starting a new troop but I would rather fix what is broken with the current troop. The parents of the older scouts seem relatively open to the idea but I dont want to push so hard that things dont work out. The Troop Committee seems firmly to believe in mixed aged patrols but with the older boys showing little scout spirit I am concerned that this will be a disaster.
I will be the Cubmaster for the Pack and we will hopefully graduate 6-9 Webs each year so I cant really put too much energy into the Troop given my responsibilities to the pack. Help!
Thanks for any wisdom.