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Everything posted by johndaigler

  1. Hi, I'm a new Den Leader in suburban Chicago. My son's a wolf and I'm truly excited to be part of the program again. I was a Scout from ages 8 - 18 and with the exception of an Eagle badge (still kick myself to this day) I was neck deep in Scouting the whole ten years. Life rank, summer camps, '73 Jamboree, Philmont in '75 and '76, Klondike Derbies (a touch of frostbite in '72), Scoutaramas, all the Catholic boy awards, and I think every pack and troop position a boy can hold. I loved it and have missed Scouting all these years. Though I'm still not sure about changing to those red berets . . . My Dad truly lived the program and passed it along to my 4 brothers and I (3 Lifers and an Eagle!) He was Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Wood Badge, St. George and Silver Beaver and at 50 came out of Scouting retirement to struggle through Philmont with us. If I can help my son and his friends get a tenth of what Scouting was to him, then I have no fears what my boy will grow to be. Ooops, I'm going on to long! All I wanted to do was say hi and introduce myself! Wish me luck! I'll be seein' ya! Be well, John
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