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Everything posted by johndaigler

  1. Swimming definitely should be required. Options for some of the physical sports (skiing, cycling, etc.) Badges is fine. Hiking should also be required. Shouldn't every Eagle be wearing "50-milers"? Probably even two - afoot and afloat. I like the idea of Scout History and/or Traditional Scouting. For Cub camp this year, our boys spent some time on a ropes course. They called it Pioneering, but there wasn't a single good knot or lash to be seen. Every thing was clamp tightened. Random ropes strewn all over the ground, etc. If you're not gonna find skills properly demonstrated at camp then it's definitely time to take a few steps back toward tradition. I believe in using tools and machines to accomplish what we used to do by hand, but it was a ROPES course at a SCOUT camp, for cryin out loud!
  2. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson didn't mean that you shouldn't be happy, but that you should find happiness in being useful, honorable, compassionate and in making a difference. No need to be grumpy, scoutldr, sounds like you're living and living well. Find joy in each small victory, each boy's individual little successes. How can you be grouchy when you know that every time you gather together with a boy or boys, there's at least one small win for each of them. And for each of them, one small win for you. Stop being greedy. You're agitated that you can't fix all the problems and teach all the boys' by breaking through all the "ignorance, stupidity, laziness, carelessness, thoughtlessness, and selfishness"?? You've only been working at it for 49 yrs.. Giving up now just wouldn't be the Scouting way. Don't let your legacy be: "He never understood how much good he did." Life isn't like a hike in the woods; there's no such thing as "Leave No Trace". Every life we touch, we leave an impact, every life will be changed by what we bring to them. I'm with Eamonn, . . . whether it's students, scouts, sons, wives, parents, cashiers at the supermarket, neighbors, colleagues, or unmet friends on the net: I hope that each life I've touched will be better for my being a small part of it. Some will remember me kindly, some won't. That's good enough for me, I think the "legacy" thing takes care of itself, when we take care of each other. Peace jd
  3. Boys are Scouts for 7 yrs. - couldn't we set the expectation that they learn to swim to a certain standard? I understand the argument about fitness, but maybe we need to swing a little bit back toward physically fit scouts. On the whole, our youth (and adults! present company included), aren't healthy enough. Seems like preparing for life long health and fitness is an excellent goal for Scouts. Would the anti-dinos really wield such influence in a religiously-tolerant, knowledge based organization like BSA??? { unsure, slightly cynical smirk }(This message has been edited by johndaigler)
  4. Speaking of songs . . . is there a resource for recorded Scout music: campfire songs, etc.?? I know BSA has 1 or 2, and I know there's the Burl Ives stuff, though even that is terribly hard to find. But, how about an iTunes or napster for Scouts?? I wonder if this site could set up such a sharing place?? Most of our songs would be legally sharable -- if we had or made recordings.
  5. (This message has been edited by johndaigler)
  6. yikes - didn't know any of that - especially back in the mid 70's. All I knew is that he was a battle-wounded Medic who could help put into words some pretty intense feelings. Besides that, I have very different role models (and hopes) for my sons than I had for myself. Though, I doubt that's unusual. Speaking of songs . . . is there a resource for recorded Scout music: campfire songs, etc.?? I know BSA has 1 or 2, and I know there's the Burl Ives stuff, though even that is terribly hard to find. But, how about an iTunes or napster for Scouts?? I wonder if this site could set up such a sharing place?? Most of our songs would be legally sharable.(This message has been edited by johndaigler)
  7. Can you type with panache?? I always felt better about having to wear the beret (being unaware of such things as panache!) if I hummed the "Ballad of the Green Berets" to myself. Now, Sgt. Barry Sadler -- that's panache!!
  8. The kids we're talking about learned their attitudes with us as parents. Who are we complaining about??? Us or them??? Or are we old enough to be thinking about our childrens' children??? Since we're probably not talking about our own children (who border on perfection . . . at least while sleeping;) . . .)are we concerned about their peers or our own???
  9. FScouter, tough to make that comment, but you did it kindly and well! Pack330, if FScouter is off the mark, what else could the issue be? You talked about the problem's end-result symptoms. Think about the causes. Why is your team not there to help? Aren't they used to helping? Is this a newish problem or has it always been this way? You've been doing this for a while, what's different lately to cause this new issue? Your parents help but not your
  10. All our best thoughts and prayers.
  11. How about: Paleontology Writing (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) Team building and Leadership Volunteerism Self-Defense Public Finance Magic Logistics and Problem Solving Dance Den Chief"ing" Religions of the World Governments of the World Cultures of the World I'm curious -- how well are "time sensitive" merit badges holding up . . . "computers" still relevant and challenging?, atomic energy?, others?
  12. I apologize, Ancient One, the 70's were . . . difficult . . . for me: new eyeglasses, Watergate, puberty, high school, girls, Disco and to top it all off -- red berets! I will try to learn from this, He Who is neither Black nor White! Actually, I thought I looked like my Dad's WW II photos in the old peaked caps. In the red beret, I was afraid I looked like Marcel Marceau!
  13. R7, Clear enough, ... except..., "Force Feed"????????????????????????????????????????? BSA doesn't "force feed" merit badges, ranks, religious awards (and I would assume, therefore, a religious tolerance award) or much else (except for those questionable red berets back in the 70's!) You don't have to keep jumping into the deep end of the pool! Open the door, R7, the world's not really that scary! You seem untrusting of where BSA might go with such a concept as "religious tolerance". That seems funny to me since BSA is much more in tune with you and your sensibilities than with my poor mental meanderings. Thanks for the chat, See ya somewhere else perhaps,
  14. R7, Clear enough, ... except..., "Force Feed"????????????????????????????????????????? BSA doesn't "force feed" merit badges, ranks, religious awards (and I would assume, therefore, a religious tolerance award) or much else (except for those questionable red berets back in the 70's!) You don't have to keep jumping into the deep end of the pool! Open the door,
  15. Packsaddle, put aside the use of "ecumenical" in one letter by one idividual for a minute. BSA certainly isn't suggesting that it's capable of doling out religious training - or that it any way represents the combined faiths of the various churches, even that smallish group called "Christian". That certainly would be the scariest concept I've read in this whole thread!!!! I don't think anyone wants BSA teaching boys'anything more religiously based than a "strong moral compass". Boleta, BORs discussing a boy's faith. I haven't been involved in any since my own years ago, but that seems close to an uncrossable line. I hope those adults are extremely careful and respectful of "reverance" and "God" defined by someone other than themselves. FB, Why not leave the person's personal faith organization with that concern. Certainly, they'll do it better than BSA. We could/should offer something different - like an emphasis on respecting/understanding the choices of others. I don't think "tolerance" should be an understated, unwritten custom. It needs to be taught and celebrated. Rooster, I don't think you and I can go much further. You keep using "Pagan" as a drop-dead point, which is a bit too easy for my taste, the world's filled with shades of grey and it seems like you want it black and white. I understand your lack of trust in beliefs so oddly different than your own, but my concern is that you (and BSA) set yourself up then to be the judges of just what constitutes a "real religion" and what's "non-sense". As long as you feel the impulse to draw that line anywhere at all, then I won't see you and "tolerance" in the same sentence. It's your call for you and yours, but tolerant people accept others' choices, including the ones they can't fathom.
  16. WOW, you take big steps, Rooster!!!! I'm not sure how you traveled from my questions to a boy and his dog, but ... Let me try again, and don't over think this or put words in that you imagine I mean. Just take me at face value - I'm a simple man. I think religion is best taught by families and religious organizations. Scouting, however, proposes to take the young men of the world and help them become more/better, but is not a religious organization. Additionally, history shows us that religion is often a point of misunderstanding, contention, and worse. I think Scouting would better serve the boys if there was a program that "rewarded" understanding, tolerance and acceptance of others and their belief systems. After all, we're willing to reward the boys for having these belief systems. I'm just looking to get your thoughts on that. But I want your best effort, not some throw away comment about a boy and his talking dog. BSA already accepts scouts who would fall under your word "pagan", and we as Scouters certainly approve of reverance, so I'm just suggesting we better learn to understand/accept each others' reverance. Sorry, Rooster, to make it up onto the soapbox you'll need to try a little harder.
  17. Rooster, the soapbox isn't so high yet that you can't climb up. There's room for more than just me up here. I think, if we tried, we could find room for Merlyn and Ed and all the others as well. Though our beliefs may differ, that shouldn't mean we can't work together . . . just bring something to the table. What would you add to a religious tolerance program? Don't you think it's a good idea? Isn't it within us to teach the boys to be better than what we are? Isn't it our responsibility
  18. so,... about this "Religious Tolerance" award program. I see a committee of scouting leaders working with religious award committee leaders - a large unruly group, but dedicated to the cause {(Of course, we'd have to leave out a special few and include a special few so that Merlyn and Rooster can continue their game without boring us further...)(Remember, I'm about religious tolerance not self-imposed-blindness tolerance!)}. We could begin our search for award requirements with general research that requires better understanding of others and their beliefs. Then move onto an in depth study of one religion that historically seems at odds with the Scouts own religion, focusing on the environmental/political/societal events that impact religious traditions. Next, I think, could be a requirement to attend a religious service or ceremony in several different faiths, perhaps focusing on those least like a Scouts own faith. Hmmmmmm, What else could we include??? Any ideas???
  19. (Man in too-hot suit (full uniform?) steps up onto soap box...) Wow, we sure can go round and round. It's interesting how quickly we moved away from "Scouts" and how few posts talk about boys and character development. Let's be indifferent to each others' choices and focus on what can help the boys face adulthood in this world - that we exemplify and define so well. Aside from all the banter, and unfortunate nastiness, many of us seem to be straying from the original questions. How can Scouting face the future? Do we hold fast to 100 yr.old ideals? Do we scrap them? Do we grow and change as the world grows and changes around us? Do we want to invite ALL boys into the movement? Would we really lose ourselves if we made changes to what we see as our basic Creeds -- or do we make ourselves better? This stuff was easy for Powell and the early Scouts (just like it was easy for Franklin, Jefferson, etc.) because of the world they lived in. Non-Papist, Christian, white, men ruled their known world. Anything else (women, different race groups, different religious groups, Catholics, foreign nations, the environment, children, etc.)was of less (if any) importance. "God and Country" is only a short step from "God and King", after all. We all know that we come to this forum and to our scouting efforts in the hopes of helping boys. Though it will be more difficult for us, do we see ourselves as less than Powell, Beard, Hillcourt and all the others? Let's put our differences away and work on our commonalities. If we worked together, we could be the Powells for the boys of 3004. (Having spoken much too long, man steps off soap box and walks away -- note "Taps" playing in the background.)
  20. Perhaps it's time for a unifying "Religious Tolerance" award???
  21. Religion is one of this Earth's great dividers of people. Perhaps BSA should disconnect itself from the religious awards program? (with only the slightest bit of sarcasm . . .)Given the history of humankind, maybe religion needs to be grouped with lazer tag and martial arts? (more seriously, and maybe even an appropriate direction for the conversation . . .) Is it possible for a Scout to earn any religious award that is not within/of their own faith? Perhaps it's
  22. There's some great ideas to get you off and running here!! But don't just be satisfied with short term success. Keeping those volunteers coming back and continuing to encourage new volunteers can be a struggle, too. We've taken the approach that informed parents feel connected and connected parents participate. At the end of each Den meeting, our boys take home a short newsletter that explains what activities we did, what achievements we worked on, and how that can be supported/extended at home. The initial setup (MS Works)was a bit time consuming but once the format is established these one pagers seem to write themselves. Parents love knowing what goes on and what to expect; and the boys use the newsletter to help explain/share all the fun they're having!
  23. (I don't know why my post didn't completely print . . .) You can do it as gently or as dramatically as necessary. You can send him to training, you can kick him out, you can sit down and talk with him about his choices and their causes. But, when he touched that other Scout he stepped where no Scout, boy or adult, should ever go. The rest of your boys don't deserve him, and the good of the many outweighs the good of the one. Help him if you can, but help yo
  24. I think you have two separate issues to deal with. #1) Your process and structure for leadership selection, training and supervision. You can think that through at length and gather all the good advice, knowledge and experience you can find before making any changes or additions to your troop's organizational structure. #2) This particular Scout. You don't have time to overthink this problem. He needs to be removed from his role. You can do it as gently or d
  25. I'm with Pack 56 in the Kildeer, Long Grove area. Northeast Illinois Council, Aptakisic District. Thanks for the wishes!! I know where Des Plaines is - we have to visit the Choo Choo every once in a while!! But where's Wood Dale? OldGreyEagle, we recently moved out here from Bloomsbury, NJ! My boys miss their monthly visits to Roadside America!! And my wife misses the hills, and Christkindlemarkt!! You know what we really miss? . . . Wegmans! Ya just can't find a good supermarket nowadays!
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