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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. Use Green Bar Bill’s method, but move them away from adults teaching/learning to youth doing it. As you teach, train roses and thorns ... share the pluses and minuses. I wish these young ladies well.
  2. Most Federal agency protective details are formed of commissioned law enforcement officers.
  3. You’re lucky I’d it’s only rubber. My last chicken dinner at camp, it was stone.
  4. My two cents on the topic. Chartered Partner asserts its ownership of the unit with a written mandate to Scouts and Scouters alike: We will follow BSA policies of no weapons, alcohol, tobacco , vaping materials etc may be possessed by any Scout or Scouter at Boy Scout Reservations We will follow Camp Whodunit, BSAs policy of an adult supervising administration of medications . Four adults, to provide two pair of two deep leadership, will hold and supervise dispensing of meds per the Scout’s daily schedule. The leaders of Troop 123 will load for camp the night before departure. During loading, each Scout and Scouters camp box or backpack will be thoroughly checked for unauthorized/illegal materials. This include the handover of medications and dispensing times to leadership. Materials found will be given to the parents, but the The consequence for possessing the materials above is Parent pick up of their youth at camp, termination of the youths membership, notification of the local council under applicable child abuse law, and handover of the youths’ records in Troop 123 to the family
  5. Mod Note This will be an ongoing thread for faith and chaplaincy matters. We will cut it off at 25 pages, and open/pin a second thread.
  6. Welcome, @EagleDad79, to scouter. If you are the IH or COR, it’s easy. Find a new CM, train him, then have a big retirement party for the old guy, thanking him for dedicated and passionate service to the Pack. If you’re the Committee Chair, it’s time to have a business cup of coffee with the COR. Anyone else, and you bring your concerns to the Committee Chair.
  7. MODERATOR NOTE... Scouter dot com is not a legal forum, and cannot give advice on the law. If you are posting advice, please also post your State and Bar license number. Thank you.
  8. Are you registered? Are you trained as a member of committee? Have you considered taking the scoutmaster training? finally, the Guide to Safe Scouting applies ONLY to units operating outside a long term Scout Camp operated by the council. Scout Camps, from Day Camp up to the National bases, operate under National Camp Standards. A few Scout Camps, including Philmont Training Center, operate under American Camps Association accreditation.
  9. Moved to open discussion program for a few days, then back to summer camp
  10. Welcome @Scoutmomonly. most Scour reservations have a policy that prescriptions must be held by adults. As for cell phones, what is your Troops policy?
  11. Once again, a unit troop trailer was stolen from the Chartered Partner’s parking lot. It’s from a unit I know, so it really sucks Friends, if you’re an IH, COR, or CC, you’ve some work to do... Annually, empty out the trailer and do a physical, photographic inventory. Document your inventory on some form of spreadsheet. Tents, camp stoves, gas bottles all add up quick. Put the trailer/contents on the Chartered partner’s property/casualty policy, or obtain one WHY ALL THIS? BE PREPARED. Get and use a hitch lock. Through your local police, get and use a tire “boot”. Deep etch on the frame and walls unit and Chartered partner info Make your trailer not worth the time to steal. may it never happen to you
  12. @Alfy04, welcome to the forums. Leave him at camp. Heres my question for you? Why isn’t his troop camping every month, and why isn’t he going camping?
  13. Welcome to Scouter, @scoffman There was just some policy guidance from National on the design of ranges. You might want to read it to see how it fits a long KD range https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/shooting-sports/ https://i9peu1ikn3a16vg4e45rqi17-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/rangedesign.pdf
  14. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. Burning the flag was a protest. Retiring it meant making it cease to be a Flag, THEN properly destroying it.
  15. I was taught cutting one from another makes it cease being a Flag, you are then destroying two pieces of cloth.
  16. Mod note This isn’t controversial moved to open discussion, program.
  17. Reasons to retire a flag... It doesn’t represent the current States of the United States (48 or 49 stars, there are still a few around) It’s frayed, or has been burnt partially, or has been stained such that the stain is visible after cleaning. Minimum to destroy cut the Canton from the Field place each part in the fire. Everything else, to one degree or another, is gilding the lily.
  18. I’d be careful of @SSScout‘s suggestion. I’ve seen a few toxic/vindictive leaders along the trail. Some of them had the ability to make other folks lives outside of Scouting miserable
  19. Leave. This will go from being a passion to being day job WORK. We do this because we love it. If it’s unlovable, don’t let it suck the juices out of you.
  20. G2SS age appropriate activity guide requires the catapault/trebuchet munition to be no larger than a tennis ball and soft. Ripe Tomatoes, yes. Potatoes, no. IMO the leader on this activity will soon have his membership revoked, and BSA will be eating liability. Stand by for a new prohibition.
  21. @BlueTrails_Vet Welcome to Scouter dot com. I see two issues here. The first is training. I see people who don’t understand the Outdoors, Patrol, and Adult Association methods. I also see people who do not understand the aims of scouting. The second is the chartered partner apparently does not understand its duties under the franchise agreement (charter). Basically, you have three choices... Do nothing, or what little you can without rocking the boat Attempt to be an agent of change, with the possible consequence you are told you’re no longer welcome. Quietly exit the side door after finding a unit which runs properly. it all depends on how much baloney you want to eat on the trail. In the meantime, regardless, take as much BSA training as you can. Know what right looks like. I wish you well.
  22. As far as age of Scouts are concerned, use mature judgment and common sense to see how the youth sort themselves out. National’s health and safety lawyers can be 27 different kinds of paranoid, the unit serving direct contact leader has to make it work.
  23. @WolfDenRulz, welcome to Scouter.
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