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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. Having been a COR and a CC, I want you to be both the resource person and a bit of appetite suppressant for the youth. Help your SPL have options for camping weekends. At the same time, help SPL understand limits, before the planning meeting...it fails common sense to drive 150 miles on a Friday night in Michigan in November. Finally, BSA has its annual program monthly themes. I’ve linked the program planning guide from the WD Boyce Council, which has them for Cubs (think den chiefs) and Scouts... http://www.wdboyce.org/document/program-guide/181492
  2. First, i did my first fifty miler in the San Fernando Valley Council when I was 12. It was called the Silver Knapsack Trail. i repeated it when I was 13. When I was 14, I did a 60 mile segment of the John Muir (Pacific Crest) Trail. Yes, Dad did the trail with me. He was deep in books studying for his undergrad degree after retiring from tha Army when my brother was a Scout, so he wanted the chance. BTW, I’m 62 now. Second, before you bash the programs for youth of attendees at Philmont Training Center, maybe you ought to read their website or discuss with someone what they are about. If you’re interested in the weeklong Trek for PTC youth, message me. My boy did it.
  3. 28 years...that was a helluva retirement he kissed goodbye to. i presume BSA corporate discharged him for cause, ALONG WITH the local council
  4. Welcome to Scouter, @Theone67, as to your question, my two cents would be “donation to the town of ____ built by troop 123, as part of an Eagle Leadership Service Project. “ Theres no RULE about your name, I just tend to be quieter in tooting my horn.
  5. As a counselor trainer, I advised new counselors to keep them eight years. That supports the worst case ... the Webelo who bridges at 10 1/2, allowing him to migrate all the way through the program. Ditto the Troop Advancement Coordinator, or whoever uploads to ScoutNet.
  6. You do not have to re register this adult. Coordinate with your CC.
  7. Trust me, @RichardB and the Safety Mafia will provide that in a new PD 4/5/6...OSHA compliance. 🤦‍♂️
  8. First, welcome to Scouter, @dabears. You are the ringmaster of the Pack meeting! Keep it simple, make it fun! - A den does the flag - A den (dens) does (do) the skit (skits) - A den (dens) does (do) the song (songs) - Your advancement guy and you give out all the patches. - You be Akela and tell a story with a moral. The Pack Committee does cleanup. Theres a National Theme for the month. Two months out, you pin the tail on the den leaders. as Chief of Program, your task is program. Your CC makes sure you have the support you need. You get your den leaders to go to training. You encourage Scoutmasters to pony up Den Chiefs. I wish you well, KISMIF!
  9. Some Councils are big enough to host WB annually. Others can justify a biennial cycle. Still others run in area clusters. I wrnt out out of Council, because I knew both the staff and the students in my own. Expand your horizons.
  10. When did Youth Protection begin? I know it was in place by the time I returned to Scouting in 1999.
  11. This just popped on NPR. Stand by, the ambulance chasers in your Council will be coming after it. This one is in the Pennsylvania Mountains Council. NPR: New Lawsuit Reveals More Sexual Abuse Allegations Against the Boy Scouts of America
  12. Mark my words, the day is coming when the local Council will review projects for safety before clearing to start.
  13. @Zombeye, welcome to Scouter. My folks had this kind of tent. It had a center pole, that had umbrella like framing out to each corner. The holes at the corners tied off guy lines. Depending on how it was set up, it might have a side room that had exterior poles to set them upright. Oh, the awning was also the winter door closure.
  14. Regrettably I can understand the reasons to be wary of this. In my neck of the woods, non custodial parents claiming custody by kidnapping is on the rise. If you read the reports, human trafficking of children, first world children, is on the rise. This isnt 1920 or even 1950. 😞
  15. I understand what old Top is saying. I’ve seen Scouters wear their Eagle patches on their uniforms...
  16. My further question is if he’s off to college this fall, will he have a chance to take an Ordeal in the coming year? IIRC elections have a 12 month shelf life.
  17. What was the first year BSA had National Camp Standards?
  18. Concur. The chartered partner has every right to protect its good name. Pin addition, I’m certain in a lot of states, this is an outright violation of the law, AND a reportable youth protection event.
  19. @scoutereagle12, welcome to the forums. Talk to your local award store in your home city. They should be willing to do it for a nominal fee.
  20. Just tell your friendly unit commissioner that he can do your scut work...
  21. Steps on soapbox Journey to excellence is unit serving volunteers doing metric management for the sake of the professionals. Steps off soapbox
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