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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. I was here before I went to WB. I’m still here.
  2. Worth reading, there were more than a few substantive changes beyond the “happy to glad” of Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf
  3. I’m in my 60s, had 14 MB as I recall, and I know I’m a “Life for life “...aka, I was a Boy Scout. I have no need to “validate” my life by buying an Eagle. I have far more than one defining moment in my lifetime.
  4. Found this elsewhere. National is consolidating resources. That said, I’m not sure the US Scouting Service Project will be obsolete any time soon... https://troopresources.scouting.org/
  5. If your child(ren) is(are) in this pack, time to find a new one.
  6. Well, let’s drop the dime and see what happens. Ping @RichardBourleon.
  7. @Jlplemon, welcome as well. There’s a professional at Council who is the OA staff adviser. Talk to him. 🙂
  8. Moderator Note, Scouter is not a forum for legal advice. This matter belongs in the hands of the parent, the CM, the COR, and the Scout Executive of the Council concerned. While we review this topic, it’s locked. We will let you know if we unlock it.
  9. one Thing the story doesn’t tell us is how many are professional service, and how many are admin employees.
  10. I would look at other Packs in the area. I’d also take an objective look at the Den he’s in. How many youth? How many adult leaders? Is there a Scouts BSA Den Chief? Is he being used as a big brother or sister the littles look up to and want to emulate? Cub Scouting IS herding kiddos, but the leaders need to be doing said herding.
  11. It’s absolutely true. I took a group of youth who needed citizenship in the nation through it in my sons troop. I would not do the counseling for record, but I made damn sure he knew the answers. He uses it even now, in political debate, as a starting point. It’s amazing what understanding our Constitution does to shut a blowhard know nothing up.
  12. @Johnapollo138, welcome to Scouter. Need more information, please. Does this pack meet at your church, at your school, or someplace else? What is the age group? My guess is Wolf or Bear... The program goal of cub scouting is “keep it simple, make it fun.” If it’s not fun for him, then Matt above has a very valid option. I await your responses 🙂
  13. Why are you counseling your own son? You KNOW he knows every button of yours to push. Merit badges are a tool of the ADULT ASSOCIATION METHOD. Let someone else counsel him. Now, as to his fitness plan... have him do 5 sets of 10 x 100 yard sprints, 3 times a week. That the distance from shallow left field to the wall.
  14. @Scoutmom1989 Welcome to Scouter. If you’ve had leadership psych or management in college or the workplace, this will be a rewview. Regardless relax and enjoy!
  15. Moderator Note As @Beavah reminded us often, BSA is not known for its consistency in products. Noted: The prohibition on dodgeball by youth members is inconsistent with what several councils, not to mention other parts of the scouting dot org domain, say and do. lets move along...
  16. @WAKWIB Don’t get me started about the excrement HRB Reservation serves for “food”.
  17. Welcome, @dcb Mod note...moving this to the patch trading/collecting forum.
  18. They’re still gonna eat Philmont food ... just sayin’
  19. Yes, I use Waze. I also use Google maps. I like having a mental map, and details. My wife and I were in Eastern Indiana this summer, on one of the Interstates. Waze diverted us onto two lane. Turns out there was a major wreck, and we’d have been stuck for some time.
  20. @Nemo, first, welcome. With your skills, I’d recommend two areas as you get back into the program: Merit Badge Counselor and summer camp lodge director. Id start by taking training online. Youth protection is absolutely vital these days. Enjoy.
  21. Mr Bourleon, considering you probably stayed in the Villa itself, that’s a good thing. People need to understand PTC tents were always the large version... 11x14, with power and a GI metal rack with a decent mattress. Adding a front porch isn’t that much...
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