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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. The critters, which already actually climb on the cots at night, are going to have a field day with this “great idea”.
  2. Moderator comment i split this into a separate topic because our youth will be having a completely different experience than any of us ever did. I am reminded of an old military adage: The PLAN is NOTHING; PLANNING is EVERYTHING. As the OP noted, running 11 students in a 66 Passenger school bus is a formula for failure. Be prepared to try and help your Scouts make sense of nonsense.
  3. Saw the video. Is Camp Swampy going to refund for anyone whose self assessment, in the words of the song, says “Stay the **** at home”? In addition, is anyone looking at those who registered for the Philmont side of this and inviting them to WV, or as I assume, lots of professionals are too busy to worry about the paying customers?
  4. In 2010, the International Scout Bureau released an article on MI5 and MI6 papers from the Nazi era relating to Scouting. It has much to reflect on even today... Some key quotes Finally, The link is here.
  5. Fred Harvey-ish tables of 8 in the dining halls of HRB and Naish, and mass picnic tables under the shelter of Bear Camp. . I wonder how Camper Timmy and his leaders will eat?
  6. Serious question Philmont is a significant property, but by mortgaging it, someone else holds its title. Summit Bechtel: Who really owns the land? Northern Tier: As I understand it, BSA has a few small enclaves on Federal land...true? Sea Base: Again, what, three small enclaves with access to a lot of open water? It seems to me the market value of the land is not exactly what will satisfy the plaintiffs, unless they accept pennies on the dollar claims ... and that’s before The lawyers get their cut...
  7. @CynicalScouter here https://scoutingwire.org/bsa-membership-fee-increase-details-and-faq/?fbclid=IwAR16VajHDXlujmMe6yUlpWRyp7ajG15VLkMUkTD1ZDUc_-WLTPn1gc4CuMc
  8. Please share these specific procedures beyond the HA health form...
  9. Ding dong the beret is dead, the beret is dead, THE BERET IS DEAD
  10. At this time, both Heart of America and Pony Express Council have moved Scout Camp to the right and cut the number of sessions. don’t know about Pony Express for Cub Day Camp. HOAC has moved Cub Day Camp to the window July 13 to August 13.
  11. It IS in your lane to say “If you have any contact with youth, your youth protection must be current. Please attend to it, I’d hate to have to remove you from an event for it. “
  12. All, FYI and action VA has announced there will not be “flags in” events at the National Cemeteries this year before Memorial Day. VA has further announced there will not be public ceremonies on Memorial Day this year. Only families of deceased veterans will be granted admittance, as I understand the message. If you’re a Commish or program officer (CM/SM/Advisor), here is the National Cemetery Administration website. This is not open for discussion on Scouter. If you take umbrage with the VA decision, contact your Senators and Representatives. https://www.cem.va.gov
  13. THIS IS THE ANSWER. As CM, you have that as an option. You should also reach out to your unit commissioner.
  14. Trev, Add in two other factors ... Covid-19 and bankruptcy will put a further brake on any action involving Irving.
  15. Heart of America Council has moved all day camps to the right. The earliest begins July 6, the latest ends August 6. https://www.hoac-bsa.org/day-camp
  16. Your ads are tied to your internet cache, your cookies, and, if you have a google account, your google history.
  17. Welcome. What I recommend is contacting your local school district. Adult continuing education includes how to use software such as spreadsheets and word processors. Cost ant time commitment is minimal.
  18. I talked with two friends. One is on the National Camping AND National Special needs Committees. The other is a current SE. From the first, a conference call last week had 450 folks on it. From the second, each states health department has a majority vote on any and all camps opening up.
  19. I sadly agree. First, I hope the Council and National liability carriers are giving non negotiable guidance! Second, I pray no corona outbreaks happen During or after camp, because those families will OWN their councils.
  20. You’re writing program at the 500 foot level. What you need to do is what Baden Powell did. Write a book. Write it so the boys will love it. Then, test your principles in a single unit environment. BTW, wrestling isn’t a contact sport? I’m laughing.
  21. I got an answer from my friend. The cash flow isn’t there, in major part because the events aren’t there. A lot of Council fundraising happens in the spring. Community FOS luncheons, golf tournaments, shotgun and sporting clays tournaments, all create income. When they don’t happen, and thanks to Covid they aren’t, Councils and yes National are like any other business ... they have to cut back. Councils only have two resources: People and property. Guess which is easier to dispose on a dime? People.
  22. I have a friend who has been an SE, and is now a volunteer in a couple areas. I will ask.
  23. Your Council has a special needs operating committee. Ask your DE for their phone number. Hundreds of Scouts, in many Councils, have faced this challenge. Your need is to tap into the knowledge and make what’s unknown to you, known! Good hunting.
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