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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. Actually, from my perspective, it was tougher to get Eagle then than now. We had to earn ONE required MB to Star, and only five to Life. That meant you were still on the uphill side of things.
  2. First, welcome to the forums. Second, do you own the title to the property? That’s a rhetorical question, I read your post. You volunteered to salvage a building the Council owned ... remember, when a charter folds, title to the remaining real property reverts to the partner or the Council. let me make this simple: Scoutreach youth need fun and learning too. It’s the job of leaders to figure out what will get their attention. Good luck and good hunting.
  3. I had this conversation with my banker. They sadly could not back out of a new lease. COVID has proven they don’t need a lot of office space, they’d be better off with a power, phone and internet allowance and home offices, with a conference room and 1/1 rooms for when live meetings are essential.
  4. My opinion only. The chartered partner, through the COR, should provide hard policy level limits on what the troop can and cannot do. In the current state of flux of National, they own more risk, IMO, than they used to. Troop committee, thinking about what CO imposed, should factor in any guidance from the Council The SM, CC, COR, and SPL should have a quiet talk over cocoa about what the limits mean SM should be there to help SPL form a planning meeting of PLC, which includes the limits. Youth ownership of the program decisions matters
  5. The betting pool is open i give the next suit ... six months.
  6. Welcome to the Scouter Forums! Let’s start with the first idea Why don’t you let the youth do the planning? our role as leaders is to help them grow. Program, what do the youth want To do? Food, what do the youth want to cook? Location, where do The youth want to camp? Right now, my first impression is this is an Adult Run Troop Method troop. Oh, wait. Those are not methods!
  7. @RichardB Mr Bourleon, what’s ground truth, please?
  8. The info was destroyed by the hackers. Right. we are going to get flooded in crap by the ambulance chasers.
  9. A friend of mine is a project teams executive at CISCO. He shared this with me. I post it here verbatim.
  10. If I have to treat you like a Bobcat Cub Scout I can. Please do me a favor and delete your reply. When i see you have, I will delete this.
  11. They were part of Exploring because Exploring was the senior youth program of BSA, before the creation of venturing and lfl.
  12. A few years back, I talked to Western Los Angeles Council (once the San Fernando Valley Council, the council of my youth)) about record retention. To say that files from 30 years ago are long gone is an understatement. Finding youth and adults from the Boomer and much of the Gen X era is a pipe dream.
  13. My personal thoughts: National is short the funds to make down payments when they sign the various contracts, and their bankruptcy masters refused to allow them to draw on debt. I think Irving is hiding this reason from its customer base Covid is a concern. We are talking about a small city, and that city would lack the spacing even an ordinary apartment provides. You’d need 4x the tent age for staff alone. Finally, not every vendor has a cancellation clause, indeed some have forfeiture clauses.
  14. Welcome, let me put the answers in order for you 1) DO NOTHING ON YOUR OWN. Involve the CC and the COR. This impacts your chartered partner. 2) Request your chartered partner consult their attorney. There is a matter of who has what parental and guardianship rights. 3) outside of the CC and COR, do not say a word of this to anyone. You slander/libel any of the adults involved, they can own the chartered partner and you Do only what the CC and COR together tell you to do Finally, instruct the grandparents to do all further communication with the CC and COR Good luck.
  15. MOD NOTE Because of the cancellation/postponement, I’ve moved this to open discussion program and renamed it
  16. I was searching for the way forward graphic and encountered this... Its from a Michigan Council. The families are required to release the council from COVID liability as an inherent risk. If this is National policy, I’m out of here. https://michiganscouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Youth-Waiver.pdf
  17. I have the feeling this graphic is not for public dissemination.
  18. My two cents: If she donated the property and built the building, and the Council opts to rename them, then the Council owes her heirs the money back, with interest equal to the annual rates of inflation. It’s the right thing to do.
  19. Have you called your unit commissioner and DE?
  20. Have you gone to the scouting.org website? The program you seek is Scouts BSA.
  21. When I was a Cub Scout, the den mother held den meetings at her home. I should know, Mom was my Den Mother.
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