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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. Welcome and good cheer. You’ll find a wealth of information in the Camping and High Adventure Forum, as well as Open Discussion, Program. Good hunting and good Scouting.
  2. A Venturer, once past First Class, may work on merit badges from his/her Crew. A Venturer must be a member of a Scouts BSA Troop to earn Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.
  3. Pardon me for being foolish, but will there be control groups of non Scouts and Scouters, or is this yet another RAH RAH SCOUTING disguised as an attempt at a rigorous study? is there even a hypothesis?
  4. Because Moderator staff try to keep continuity of topic
  5. Not sure about Sea Scout rules, but a Venturer, once First Class, May continue all advancement in the Crew. That, of course, is under the 2018 Guide to Advancement. We will have to see what the 2019 Guide brings us.
  6. Contact Kenn Miller. He’s the director of operations at the Summit. He might be able to do a waiver.
  7. Im one of those people. Someday Johnny Smith is going to approach Ms Jones for a job. The more adults he’s met, the better chance he’ll understand how to form a complete, coherent answer.
  8. As others have stated, it depends on what the dynamics of the committee are, how much authority the Council President, Board and SE give them, and can the committee impact the council mission... ive seen councils where those answers are yes. I’ve seen councils where kitchen cabinet committees of insiders hold the authority, and the “official” committee is there to be a rubber stamp.
  9. Downed wood: Amazing how fast in many environments it’s been well scoured. Fire rings... I won’t tell you how many units I’ve seen “modify” and enlarge rings. Now, for COOKING, I recommend that weight be distributed amongst a patrol. Not everyone has to have all the metal.
  10. I got really tired of the commissioner rat race when I was expected to be the manpower for the District Activity Operating Committee’s events AND do unit service by way of visitation and support. I had a day job, too..,
  11. I edited the topic title. I think we are better served talking implementation.
  12. I had reason, in the Army, in peacetime, to have ammunition in the field. I knew some “cowboys” who carried chambered. I figured I’d have at least some time to chamber, I kept my .45 in my holster, and my magazines in my LBE.
  13. No it’s not. BSA uses a licensing (chartering) System. The license includes the duty to select best qualified candidates for adult leadership. Voting leaders generally doesn’t get us the best, rather the most popular.
  14. Moderator Note Moved to Open Discussion, Program with the proviso this is about methods and techniques for the approved BSA program. Matters involving the rightness or error of teaching field sports to youth will be moved to I&P.
  15. Let me put some resources in your hand https://i9peu1ikn3a16vg4e45rqi17-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/420-907-Rifle-open-shoot.pdf This is for Scouts BSA: This guide is intended to provide units, districts and councils with an overview of the requirements for running the shooting program ensuring all BSA Policies are followed under NRA Certified Rifle Instructor and Range Safety Officer (RSO). In this publication, you will find youth requirements, training requirements for adults who are providing the program for camp and weekend program venues. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/outdoor program/shooting sports/BSA_30_min_Rifle.ppt This is the current introductory class for Scours BSA https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/shooting-sports/ This is the BSA shooting sports program top page. You will note BSA mandates current NRA certifications.
  16. We had a member here, someone with a real PhD that member looked at the curriculum for a doctorate of commissioner service, and laughed. ... the project usually wasn’t even worthy of an undergrad end of course term paper in someone’s own university major. This Scouter was then on a tenure track hiring committee. A candidate had actually placed DCS on his CV. He did get called for an interview. According to the member, he threw up in the hallway after leaving the room. Let’s just say they went full throttle on him. Lets just say that CCS is supplemental training, and leave it there.
  17. Part of it is Leave No Trace. It discourages fire rings, clearing to mineral earth, using downfall wood for fires, ad infinitum. When you go to Philmont, you WILL use gas or solid fuel compact stoves. It’s not negotiable anymore. As far as plastic dining gear goes, I had a plastic mug, plate, and fork/spoon even in the 60s. It was called “manage the weight on your back.”
  18. Your Council, IMO, is out of compliance with #33008, The Guide to Advancement. I’m glad I live where I do.
  19. There is ONE board of review for Eagle. It comes after the requirements are complete, after the project is done, and after the local council had administratively verified the applicant as eligible. So, what is this about an initial BOR?
  20. I’d report this event to the local council Advancement chair and if applicable, the host council Advancement chair. What is described is simply not acceptable. At an out of district event once, I was asked to “teach” and sign off on a MB in two hours. I asked coordinator if he was nuts. He told me this was what they promised the youth. i told him goodbye.
  21. Did the two young men pitch their own tent and sleep as Scouts? Did they assist with camp cooking or cleaning, or help the Pack do things? If yes, I’d count it. If they were bumps on a log, I’d pass. It’s your call as SM.
  22. My Bobcat is the only one I remember, but I remember touring the Chevrolet factory, the railroad shops, the...😀
  23. Did you post this on bookface in the WB group?
  24. What the devil is this addition to the requirements of “an initial board of review”? You do have a copy of the Guide to Advancement, yes?
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