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John-in-KC last won the day on April 19 2021

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Flyover Country, USA
  • Occupation
    US Army
  • Interests
    Enough to counsel several merit badges.
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    Sorry, not on a public forum.

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Community Answers

  1. Scouters in UMC Churches, This is not yet final, but it’s close. Read it carefully. It may well have major impact on unit funds and equipment, among other matters. https://methodistscouter.org/a-new-agreement/
  2. Video posted on Vimeo…HTTPS://Vimeo.com/558165244
  3. This implies the Council has enough Commissioners to support this course of action. One reason I ceased registering as a Scouter/commish was … wait for it … metric management. I was not about to force my units to do lean six sigma data input.
  4. The SE of Heart of America Council, having spent a few years outside traveling, was invited back by the board. He’s doing well.
  5. When you post a link, please clean your browser cache, log out, log in, and test your link. Scouters are friendly, I just had a report of a dead link with a proffered replacement. Scouters are helpful too, they post ready to use links. Thanks! John
  6. One way to take a weekend break is to close this thread. We will be back Monday
  7. First, welcome to Scouter. second, relax. Scouts USA is about youth becoming independent. Frankly, I’d rather see you as a merit badge counselor, Troop Treasurer, or ride coordinator … work in the background. as far as the COR goes, he can try to say that all he wants, but families go to the unit with the best program. There is absolutely nothing he can do to stop families from making choices. If your District Advancement Chair is anything like a friend of mine, he will take away access to Scout Net advancement module for the unit, and have a district guy do it! So, enjoy the journey, and do the right thing by the youth members.
  8. I have to laugh at some naïveté amongst the local councils When the tort lawyers finish with the National Council, they will rank order the local councils from richest to poorest. They’re going to come after the richest councils, and they will do their damndest to break any covenants on gifts that they can. Mark my words.
  9. Robert, welcome. WRT to Philmont, I believe the deed of gift from the Phillips family has covenants upon it. Also, much of the space used in the back country is National Park/National Forest land. It won’t add much to the final Kitty.
  10. The problem with this argument is we are, or were, dues paying members of BSA. At unit level, we were members of a licensed (ok, chartered) aka contracted organization. Council and National provided goods and services, we provided the last mile to the youth. IF we were in District or Council service, we were volunteers or employees of the local corporation. Think about camp staff. if we were in Regional/National volunteer or professional service, we were part of big BSA.
  11. Remember that the commercial policies are both back up and service to BSA, it’s self insured for the first $1 or 2 M ( I forget which)
  12. Welcome to Scouter. I moved your post to our worldwide forum.
  13. In my neck of the woods (Kansas City), severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are the major risk. After the deaths in the Omaha Council a few years back, we built storm shelters in each campsite of our Scout Reservations. Other than that, when we get lightning we bring the kids out of the lakefront and out of the pools.
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