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John S

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Everything posted by John S

  1. Actually Laura, I do web design as a hobby, maybe this would be a good long-term project to fiddle with. If someone can provide the domain, I'll start building. What may actually work best/fastest is to have a message board like this one, divided up into each level of scouting, then by achievement. Thanks for your suggestions both of you, they got me off to a good start on planning the meeting.
  2. I've scoured the net for scouting info, and am pleased that I found this site. But the Holy Grail seems to be a site that would recommend different approaches to the various achievements. For example, my next Wolf den meeting is on the Choices achievement. It sure would be nice to have a handy hitlist of recommendations to successfully run that particular meeting. Has anyone seen such a site? Thank you! John
  3. We do well with "Sign's up!", but it usually means reminding one of the boys to stop talking also. We have one pair in our den who are especially noisy and troublesome, and I make it a point to keep those two very busy and apart from each other. My kids go to a school without walls, where noise control is important. One tactic they use successfully to hush a room is the teacher claps a short rhythm, and all the kids know to face her and clap the rhythm back. She then claps one more rhythm, they repeat it again, and the room is silent. That may help you get control of the room quickly. Clap! Clappity Clap!Clap! Good luck!
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