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John G

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  1. John G

    Red Wool Jacket

    As a member of the scouts during the mid 70's through early 80's I have a clear memory of the BSA Red Jacket. The jacket in my day was worn as an accessory to the official uniform and was typically used to display ones patches from all of his camping / camporee / jamboree / scout camp experiences.It was a sign of experience and seniority as well as an opportunity for one to express his own "layout" in terms of the collected patches. Now these jackets fostered discussion and comraderie between members due to the fact that scouts typically saw patches where they had or had not been and could either reminisce,ask about, or give details about them. And Yes most of the time the red jackets were literally coverd with patches. They were a real hit at camporees. Still have mine and every patch on it is a cherished memory. Oh and by the way, my seven year old son has already taken a strong interest in it. Looks like he's on his way to the BSA. Regards J. Garbarini Troop 1001 Port Washington NY 75 -81.
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