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  1. We are planning to retire our 50 plus year old Pack Flag and have the committe present a new one. (Cost about $100) We were going to fund raise to buy the flag but a former cubmaster and district comm has offered to buy the flag for us. We are going to see if the local museum will expect or old retired flag as we were the first pack in the region. Jonathan Hill Bear Den Leader Pack 47 Westwood, NJ
  2. During sign up I asked if they wanted to do this, those that did I get their cell numbers and providers at the same time. Most people have unlimited texting these days. (I don't because it takes me half an hour to write two sentences and as a teacher I hate what it's doing to the English language. Joff1965
  3. ScoutMomSD Thats why I like this E-Mail to text message thing. I get a quick piffy reply back from some (not all). In fact I'm sending out a quick message in the nest ten minutes. I'll see how it goes. Joff1965 Pack 47 Westwood, NJ
  4. For SCTDad No, I don't think there's a Spam issue here. It's just like sending a text or E-Mail
  5. I just started doing the following and it has helped. A lot of my parents are avid text messager senders. I'm not, but I learned that I can E-Mail my messages right to their cell phones. When I do this I usally get immediate responses and even when I don't I know they get the message because I know how much they use their phones. You get their cell numbers and providers from then and then add the tel numbers to following. ATT or Cingular - number@cingularme.com, number@mobile.mycingular.com, number@txt.att.com T-Mobile - number@tmomail.com(Update: If it doesnt work, try number@tmomail.net) Thanks lex241 Verizon - number@vtext.com Sprint - number@messaging.sprintpcs.com (Sprint PCS) number@messaging.nextel.com (Nextel) Alltel - number@message.alltel.com Virgin Mobile - number@vmobl.com Boost - number@myboostmobile.com I only send brief messages this way such as; "Reminder Den Meeting this Monday" or "Please check E-Mail for important message" Hope this works out for you if you try it.
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