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Everything posted by joeleaux

  1. Here's what i came up with: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/215/bridge1.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/710/bridge2d.jpg/
  2. THANKS for solving the "Alumni Connection Card" mystery. Leave it to the BSA to be nebulous in their descriptions.
  3. i have a Garmin eTrex Summit HC, which i use for scouting and geocaching. It has no external port for an SD card, but it's a great entry level GPSr in my opinion. Good luck.
  4. Hi guys, i'm a den leader who is moving to Webelos with my son. In a month's time we'll be heading to our first Webelos Adventure Camp. i need some advice on picking out a tent for hot, sticky, rainy Louisiana camping. Plenty of ventilation and a good rain fly are musts. Any Scouts from the Southern U.S. that can offer some advice? i'm also looking for any good books on camping. Thanks guys, Joel
  5. Hi guys, i'm a den leader who is moving to Webelos with my son. In a month's time we'll be heading to our first Webelos Adventure Camp. i need some advice on picking out a tent for hot, sticky, rainy Louisiana camping. Which forum should i post such a query? Thanks guys, Joel
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