There is some guidance on the national website:
And the official form has some clarification points on the back of the sheet.
I certainly agree that this format is open for abuse, but the abuse must be sanctioned on three levels. The Pack level, the Unit Commissioner, and the District Executive must all sign on the dotted line. If you lowball the numbers to something ridiculous, like 25% retention, hopefully someone at one of those levels will call you on it. I seem to remember hearing something about "A Scout is Trustworthy". Let's also not forget that this is a new program, and invariably new programs will have some growing pains. Eventually, the new system will be accepted and the argument will die down, or it will be rejected and another new system will be put into place.
I do question the wisdom of the new format, but if approached in the proper spirit it should be effective. The goal, of course, is to get units to establish goals and strive for something. The old QU approach had its problems as well. For one thing, it was entirely arbitrary, a set group of numbers that never took into account specific circumstances at each unit. For units who couldn't meet the goals, it was not always fair, and for units who could easily meet the goals it promotes laziness (some units would JUST meet those numbers and not strive for anything else).
Quality is an esoteric goal. We should all do our best to provide a good program to the boys: if the program is provided and is in keeping with the BSA guidelines, then that should be a quality unit. I can't help it that half my parents think soccer is more important than scouts 4 months out of the year. I still bust my butt to make sure the program is available, and I do what I can to accomodate them. In my book, that's quality.
So, who's to decide? If arbitrary numbers don't seem fair to you (as they don't to me), then maybe someone else should just make the call? Not a chance: can you imagine the problems if UCs or DEs were doing a thumbs up/down sort of a thing? Talk about infighting! So that won't work either: so what you have is a system like the new one.
Scouter, evaluate thyself!
Joel Cochran