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  1. Wow. I check to back in to find my whole scouting career reduced to my pushy parents, and popularity. Oh well. I did tell a small lie, I did take official scout shorts to the Jamboree. But I did perform an appalling number of duties and achievements not wearing official scout pants, and I don't think it left any scars. My whole point is......there should be so much to scouting, that nit-picking of the rule book should be so far down the list, it never comes up. It's all about the boys, and quality programs. So is Boy Scouting growing? Hmmmm....wonder why. When there are more uniform questions on the forum than camping questions, do you think that shows we're relevant to todays boys? I don't.
  2. "Pants do not make a better scouting program" I was glad to see that statement. After returning to Scouting after a 30 year layoff, I am surprised to see the things emphasized in the programs, and the lack of emphasis placed on learning the outdoors. I'm kind of shocked I was able to obtain Eagle, Vigil, attend Philmont TLD, and a National Jamboree without knowing what the term "Class A" was, or owning a pair of BSA pants. It's also amazing that some people don't understand the term "limited income". Guess we just need Scouts to be all about upper middle class boys. Personally, I'll take boys with no uniform, if it gets them involved and makes them better adults.
  3. As a new user of this forum, all I can say is.........you guys need more to do. You could have planned and executed an outing with your troops with the time and energy put into this thread. Bottom line is......let your conscience be your guide, no one is grading your troops' salute.
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