I am going to go a little against the tide on this one, and suggest you may want to wait. I think you need to do a reality check on the pack and what kind of Committee/support structure you have in the pack.
I took over the pack this year from the CM who had been in for 5 years. Like you, my thought was the more training I have to try to figure it all out, the better. I took WB over the summer/fall, and I loved it. It was my mountaintop experience.
My 2nd WB weekend was the popcorn pickup weekend, and I was popcorn kernel, because the previous CM had handled all that. I also had my newly recruited Tiger leader back off because of family issues. Oh, and I am also the WDL.
My point is that I got back with all of my WB enthusiasm, and got so buried in trying to run the pack, get ticket stuff done, that I had trouble providing the level of program that I think the boys deserved. Short version is, I am scrambling to have the Tigers and W1s make rank by May.
The point being, make sure that you have the resources in place to offload some of the administrivia that goes along with running/funding a pack. I didn't have the resources in place to take that off of my plate, and I didn't feel I could take the time to find and teach someone to do what needed to get done.
And before anyone says it, I know that finding and developing these kind of resources is part of the CM job description. And I know that the Leadership aspect of WB is what I need to work on most.
Whining aside (lol), if you have strong DLs and committee people you can pull it off. If you have some weaknesses in the Pack structure, get those shored up before you add the WB experience. It will allow you to enjoy the experience more, focus on developing your skills without as much stress, and guarantee the best program possible for the boys.
Just my 1.98490 yen....