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    British Columbia, Canada

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  1. I think everyone who actually is following and heard about Garrett is a little emotional about it. I am from Utah and so I followed the story when I heard it and now I just can't get it off my mind. I, like others, feel so useless wanting to do something for him but can't except pray.
  2. The idea of starting a SAR group sounds cool to me. I want to become an EMT when I'm older. Here in BC,Canada, there is no volunteer EMT service that I know of atleast, the BC Ambulance Service handles all that.
  3. No he wasn't. If i read right, all he has/had was a fishing rod and the clothing he was wearing. Since the camp was close, they didnt bring a lot if I read right. Poor kid.
  4. I'm just wondering, can you drink the water out of any of those lakes/rivers? Could it have helped Garrett stay alive? Also what kind of vegitation grows in the area? I know the chances of him being still alive are closer to next to nothing but I still have a little bit of hope and God does work in misterious ways...
  5. to summit911, great job and i really wish i could join you but I live in BC, Canada. My name is Aaron, age 15, of BC. I was born in Utah however. Garrett was brought up in a chat room by AK-Eagle and it touched me a little and I would really like to see this kid come home alive. I like the idea of online people using topographical maps to suggest locations. I dont know why the thread on that was locked. I dont think I would be much help but I would love to try. Right now all I can do is pray.
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