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  1. Thanks for the info. I'll pass it along.
  2. We just had a Troop JLT a couple of weeks back. Our lunch had a similar reaction, they just started swapping. We did have a little friction come up when we had six cans of Hawaiian Punch and six pouches of Capri Sun fruit juice in one bag. The Hawaiian Punch went real fast and the Capri Sun guys felt slighted. We also had six Twinkies and six Ding Dongs in a bag. Everyone wanted the Ding Dongs. We were able come up with some good talk and reflections based upon these two situations. May have to do this with more bags next time.
  3. Hello All, Our new Advancement Chairperson was looking through the piles of paperwork that our Pack has accumulated over its 10 year plus history. This paperwork includes copies of rank advancement and belt loop records. The scouts are now long gone from our Pack. Does anyone know how long we are supposed to hang on to this information? Thanks in advance.
  4. Ditto Here. We also use the Prayers from the Program Helps. We also have it printed for the scout to read right after bringing in the flags and the pledge. Works great - no complaints.
  5. CubsRgr8, The winter/spring program at Philmont is called "Kanik". Try a google search on "Philmont Kanik" for more information.
  6. Hey Minn_rick, A few posts back, you asked for sources of "short, true, stories involving heroism, sacrafice or adventure". Check out this web site and the other links in the leftside navagation bar to see if it does anything for you. http://dailyinbox.com/aiu/
  7. Our troop travels from Houston to E-Rock every January to do some rock climbing. We hire a group out of Austin to bring their gear and expertise to teach the scouts. I highly recommend "Rock About". Check out their web site at http://www.rock-about.com/
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