Thank you for the Thank you, i am 17, but have held a steady job since i was 10, so i am very mature in dealing with people, I did error in saying "attempted", you did make your point. "But my biggest fear for any troop using the singing method is the scout that does leave due to embarrassment" I agree with this point totally, and like you said it what works for troop 1 doesn't exactly work for troop 2, but I have never personally had a scout leave out of embarrassment, I had one young scout pass out at a Mem day service the other day, and we initiated all the care he needed we determined he was more embarrassed then anything, we took him home, still embarrassed. i stopped by the next day to make sure he was okay and to assure he wasn't to embarrassed to come back, he told me he wouldn't miss scouting for the world, i know its not exactly the same situation but it gives you a little insight to how things like that are handled personally by me and by our troop, I could be mistaken on your use of grammar, I apologize, I do have to say, i am stubborn, but i do not believe i "know it all", i am simply disappointed in a few of the new rules and reqs we have to live by, when i was a greenhorn in our troop i was picked on something terrible by the senior scouts, and i stuck around. and i just dislike the horseplay, that does cause some serious hard feelings between the boys from what I've noticed, and I've had pranks played on me and played pranks on some kids, but i stay up to about 1 am at camp to make sure everyone is in their tent and asleep.