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  1. XL, you're an imposter. You obviously don't have children. There is a simple solution. Have the SMs use a check-out system for the games. Let the Scouts know, and have them and their parents sign, that any game found at the outing with a rating over (whatever is decided) will be confiscated and immediately destroyed. At $50 a pop, the parents are NOT going to let Johnny bring Grand Theft Auto to corrupt Billy. You mentioned language. This is one of those things where the smallest of infractions has to immediately be dealt with, and all need to understand. It can otherwise get out of hand quickly.
  2. Direct from #33088, Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures -- "There is no restriction or limit on the number of merit badges an individual may be approved to counsel for, but they must be approved by the committee for each specific merit badge. There is no limit on the number of merit badges a youth may earn from one counselor. An approved merit badge counselor may counsel any youth member, including his or her own son, ward, or relative. Older Venturers, age 18 or older, make excellent counselors." It appears that the person writing the FAQs put in his own bias. #33088 is the rulebook, not a newly posted FAQ webpage.
  3. I'm disgusted and dismayed by the attitude of some (whom I'm supposing are in leadership) that "everyone does it." That's false. Every man does NOT look at pornography. I would not let my son sit under the authority of someone with that attitude.
  4. The bottom line is that the parents were given an expectation that their son would not be exposed to this and he was. If it had been mine and there had been no remorse or apology, I would have taken it a lot farther up the chain than the SM. The qualities of the videogame are irrelevant. If the parents had been told they would only be rate E and they were E10 (mild), it would still be a violation. XP, if the people you hang around with talk that way, it doesn't mean the Scout in question is also exposed to that. And the exposure can't be undone.
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