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Everything posted by JimmyD

  1. No, my reason for this is Weblos are to know the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, and Motto. This a troop meeting so there is no need to recite this. All of them should be going to Boy Scouts so theres no need to do it. "He stated that the Weeblos need to recite it in order to remember it and feel part of the meeting." Like i said before also all of them should have there bobcats which make them know the cub scout stuff anyways so there's no need. "I stated that at our Camp Kick Off, the Scout Executive had a Color Guard present the colors which consisted of Scouts, Cubs and Venturers. After the Scout Oath and Cub Oath, we were asked to recite the Ventering Oath, which most of us did not know, but we followed along anyway." Thats a council event not a regular meeting so thats why all 3 were recited. If anything they should be particpating with the troop in reciting the Oath and etc. because they will all be in that troop. I hope that answers your question.
  2. I'm 18 years old and i do fel old when i new kids coming to my troop anymore. Been in Scouting for 13 years now maybe thats why.......
  3. Well in our troop all the adults are considered "Leaders". Yea your bascally right that CM have more power i guess you could say then an ASM. ASM use to be able to sit on boards awhile back i think but they did away with that and only allowed CMs too didn't make sense still doesn't. When this occured we had some ASM's switch over to CMs so we wouldn't have issues with boards and this way we had plenty of people to contact and we wouldn't have to reley on 6 people for example. Yes they all have different responsibilties but on camp outs for example what is a CM going to do just sit there all day? Also another difference is that CMs must be 21 and over while ASMs can be 18 and over. Which also makes no sense. So inconclusion more questions with some answers.
  4. Man i don't remember what it says in the eagle project book but as far as my troop goes nobody does there project to benifit scouting or the CO. (we have an american legion as our sponser) If i ever get a hold of another one i'll be sure too look it up.
  5. Agreed i always have some when i go camping or hunting.
  6. Ours might also say the 50 miles but i also remember someone in our council telling us we don't need a tour permit if what ever activity we are doing is within council borders.
  7. Proud eagle hit everything just about. I went through this end of september so inkow how you feel. One question that i do remember that you should think about is this: What kind of responsibilty will you have now as an eagle scout to your troop, community and etc? This can be a short or it can be a long answer. All up to you but in my mind i thought it was to be a Role Model. Might be the same for you might not be. Be prepared and Do your best!
  8. I usually go through 3 canteens worth of water a day. I have a gerber multi tool that i put on my belt along with my flahslight but it does come in handy. I like it cause you only need to flick your hand to open it up pretty cool.
  9. Whatever the kids want. Way we run is Troop comes first then other activities we really never run into this problem.
  10. Cubs-AOL, Par Vul Dei (lower Roman catholic award came out when i was in Boy scouts) Boy Scouts-Eagle (when i get offical confirmation back from Texas) Ad Altare Dei Chaplain Aide, PL, ASPL, SPL, and currently ASM.
  11. JimmyD


    Hides is playing "Blacky" or capture the flag.
  12. JimmyD


    Only tim when our kids wear camo is when there playing hides. No uniform shirt on.
  13. Regional Web site/phone numbers I was wondering if anyone can get me a link or the phone numbers for regional offices. I live in PA.
  14. I joined as an ASM back in early august still have not heard from my district or anything. My dad's been a leader and the only they send him is our nespaper from the council. Right now our council has some issues and not a lot of volunteers like our districs or councils and we're mad the payed professionsals. Heck it 1 month for a guy from district to come down and get one little thnig signed off for my eagle (just came down yesterday) so in other words i'm not to ohappy with my district or council at this time.
  15. In my troop i would say 25 of the 38 eagle scout's parents helped in some from of capacity. ASM, committee memmber and so on. One kid was 16 only tnerfoot and only a coyple badges and the eladers told 'you need to this and this by a certain date oir you can't get it" he did it probably one of the biggest sucess stories in our troop.
  16. best method is too put the fire out. I nkow up at summe rcamp this year with my trrop someo of the new kids were throwing plastic bottles in. Scoutmaster gave them 1 warning and theyddid it againso he put the fire out and off too bed. Did the samething the next day and finally got the hint . Mighttake a couple of trys.
  17. "It seems that many parents push the son toward the Eagle for the same reasons that they push their children to be sports stars. The parent wants the gratification of being able to brag about their child." I thought parents wanted too see their kids to suceed thats why they encourage them. "You must live in Pleasantville. I'd bet that the majority of these kids are there because their parents said, "Hey look, you can knock out a couple more merit badges."" Well all of ouyr kids when they go to these pow wows always have a good time so i must be living in pleasantville then. They here it from their friends who have good time and then they come along plain and simple. "Oh sure, a bunch of 12 year olds are going to do this. A couple years ago, an Indian Lore counselor was doing a crappy job. Did the Scouts care? Not at all, they thought that it was great that they didn't have to do all the "hard stuff." Actually a couple of years ago Art craft director was bascally "handing" out the art merit badges and they told the leaders of our troop and they did notify the camp director. So yes 12 year olds do do that.
  18. Honestly i'm not to sure but i think the council who distributes the patches was given permission from national to have the patch worn on the uniform abovew the right pocket. Everyone in my council who has the patch wears it that way and most likely the same in other councils. (I'm in the Susquehanna Council) York Adams Council Web site: http://www.yaac-bsa.org/activities/gettysburg/gettysburg(a).htm Just to confirm it i think i'll send them an email though.(This message has been edited by JimmyD)
  19. If you have a troop that big and the new kids come in they don't need a responsibilty right away. Tenderfott Second Class, and First Class do not need positions and by the time these boys get through those ranks they should be ready to go for a position that can be given to them after they pass their first class BOR. Then you also have the project if needed.
  20. FOG no one makes these boys go to pow-wows to earn them they go becuase they are interested in them. No kid should be forced to take a merit badge that they don't want to do. if there not learning anything i'm sure the kids can go to another adult and inform they aren't donig a good job as a counselor. If you would go and throw out the classes. In Boy Scout summer camp you can't learn much after your first year. Our summer camp has a first year program and then merit badge classes in the morning and afternoon. It would just be a waste of time to go up their. SUmmer camp is to go up there and take and do things you wouldn't normally do.
  21. Not only does the Jam. patch go above the right pocket but also the Gettuysburg Segmented Patch Award. I'm very proud to wear it and now i finally got the newer 5th part of the patch "Historic Trail with the BSA sign". I kind of agree with it being placed on the merit Badge sash but i would like to see it above the left pocket but not with the World Crest. Just alone. Of course when the boy turns 18 they would have to replace it with the world crest if they chose to wear it.
  22. I was reading this and i noticed a couple of things with captainron14's Requirments. 1.Require MB counselors be not only registered w/BSA but also certified/recomended by someone (expert?)in the field. I think this does apply to some merit badges but you can't do it with all of them. Like cooking should a Chef be required to teach the merit badge i know a lot of italians who aren't professional chefs buyt can cook good. Also Basketry the same goes. This would take up way too much time and Distrci Merit badge counselors lists would become paper thin. Boys would have to make parents go all over the district/council to find these councelors if they even exist. Also parents not allowed to be counselors to their own kids. Agreed never had my dad sign naything off for me. Limit what MBs the SM (or ASM) can counsel. Outlaw MB "Pow-wows" AKA "Sweat Shops", where scouts go to a place and in one day as a group earn MBs. People can be talented in many different catagories. I'm sure District/council does check the lists out to make sure people don't teach ever single merit badge in the book. Its fine as it is. "pow-wows" are fine the only take place once a year and it gives boys a new opprunity to rtake a merit badge that iusn't normally offered in their area. Like i said before People can't be drving the boys all around district/council to get their merit badges. 2.Have some way to certify time in rank. BOR dates ceritfy these. Also asked on eag;e applications so i don't think they could get through without the 6 months. (A national database could do this)Also in Leadership Positions. Reduce type of Positions that qualifies as Leadership (Scribe, Quartermaster, Historian, etc.) Why? Not everyone can be APL, PL ASLP, TG, SPL. How are the others suppsoe to get through the ranks then? Require the uniform as part of being active in your Troop/Team, etc. Our troop defines active as in What you do. You'd have to go into more detail before i can comment on this. 3.Require THREE "Formal" Boards of Review. a. One at District (Scout Present) b. One at Council (Scout Present) c. One at National (Scout not Present) Have only ONE Adult member from his unit be on each local board (Non-Voting member). Record the minutes of each board of review, questions asked and the Scouts responses. This would be forwarded to the next level after finishing each Board. Require detailed questions (and responses)on his Scouting background, experiences and Eagle Project. Require a Correct Uniform for the Scout to go before the Board. Vast majority of scout leaders are voluntary. This is way too much for District and Council to handle becuase they have other issues to deal with. Right now just having 1 Rep. from district to come in is fine. I'm sure national is already swamped with stuff. I think people's words need to be trusted becuase this method seems to me as if no one's word can be trusted saying "yes he's ready". 4. Establish tight controls on Eagle Project approval. Require minimum amount of hours. Minimum of hours should be required. Certify Scout Leadership involved. Monitor Parent involvement. (OK to help, not do) Have three level pre-approval and post- approval. a. Unit b. District c. Council For the District & Council have the same makeup as the actual Eagle Board (ie. only ONE unit member, non-voting). Once again this takes too much time to do this. Com. already approves of it and the district rep. signs it off (reviews it). I don't think the com. would go and send it to distrcit with it being a bad project. Like i said before council and district have way too much to do on their hands. 5. Consider having age requirements for senior ranks (ie. Life 14-15, Eagle 15-16 years old?) Although i don't think being 13 year old is ready to be an eagle i might be wrong but i encourage the boys to advance as fast as they can. Its not fair for people to have to wait another 2 years for something becuase they might lsoe interest already. 6. If National "Kicks Back" the Eagle Packet and is appealed, require a pannel of three people totaly seperate from the National Board review it prior to the original board. (No automatic approval on appeal) Takes too much time like i said before. 7. Have the all above items "Requirements" not optional items. Won't ever happen. Mabey I am going over the hill on this but in this era of "PC" and "Positive Self Image" I am tired of "lowering the bar" and giving them a pass just so we don't "Rock the Boat" or to show tolerence. I am tired of seeing "Eagle Mills" as well as MB "Sweat shops". These "PAPER EAGLES" make a Mockery of what the rank of Eagle stands for. Hope I was not too extream I myself thought the eagle rank was hard to get. If any boy who received the eagle said it wasn't hard they shouldn't be eagles. The requirments right now are hard enough as it can get. In order for your policies to axtually work you would need to double or triple all the volunteers in the BSA and double or triple "payed professionals" and make way too many people to fill out forms.
  23. I like the way your program is worked out similar to what mine was. Only thing i would add in it wold be a "game" time. Maybe 10 mins after the clean up? Other then that good job.
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