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Everything posted by JimmyD

  1. So how would you change the security then?
  2. I'd get a gamecube for them. That system seeems to be more appriopriate for their ages.
  3. In my opinion Jimmy Carter didn't do much. Reagan should've been there instead. Martin luher king jr. is there Lincoln should be there also.
  4. taken from nascar.com http://www.nascar.com/2005/news/headlines/official/09/27/fotw.dover/index.html Nextel Fan of the Week: Dover Int'l Speedway Gary Puzzella of Allentown, PA September 28, 2005 09:40 AM EDT (13:40 GMT) Thanks to Packmaster Gary Puzzella, young boys in Allentown, PA are being urged to join Boy Scouts with the help of Nextel Cup racing. Puzzella leads Cub Scout Pack 77, a group of 45 boys ranging from grades 1 through 5. His pack has embraced Race to Cub Scouting, a racing-themed membership initiative that encourages parents and young boys to explore scouting. ALSO Are you fan enough? Learn how to become the next Nextel Fan of the Week! With the help of honorary chairman Jeff Gordon and local Chevrolet dealerships, parents and their sons are urged to learn more about their local Scouting programs. Puzzella, a long-time NASCAR fan, quickly embraced the program to help boost his pack's membership. With the help of the racing recruitment program, he's registered 20 new scouts to Pack 77, double the number in past years. The highlight of Pack 77's membership efforts will be a race car Halloween parade float modeled after the No. 24 Chervolet complete with the Cubs dressed as pit crew team members. "I'm very excited to bring my love of NASCAR into scouting, kids really connect with NASCAR and Jeff Gordon," said Puzzella whose been involved with Cub Scouts for about 10 years. When he's not busy with scouting, Puzzella enjoys watching and attending Nextel Cup races with his friends and family. He also participates in several NASCAR fantasy leagues, one of which he's commissioner. Puzzella has one more racing-related interest, helping his son, a Cub in Pack 77, build a wooden race car for the Boy Scout Pinewood Derby.
  5. If u take the UC job you'll have to give up all your other positions. Keep in mind to put your family first in making this decision. As a UC u go to a lot of meetings and District activities and may not spend the time u want with all 3 of your kids at their respected ages.
  6. I was able to visit the jambo back in '93 as a cub scout. I had 2 scouters come up to me and the one guy gave me a scuba pin from the '93 jambo and the other guy gave my his council's boy scout camp patch from that year. It wasn't about the patches but it was about how nice and friendly people are. It is one of my favorite memories.
  7. My SE was canned (but others are saying he deicded to leave...yeah right) about december-january. Too much damage but its a step forward. I did notice that he made 70k plus benefits. Very cheap to live around here and that is a good amount of money for my area.
  8. I've been at college since septmeber and I really don't post much but I do read the forums everyday. Merylin if it was to me I would've banned you a very long time ago. All you do is start trouble and i'm really sick of your little anti-scouting stance. Before you gone to say you have rights on this form you don't. You have a privledge to post here and just remember that Lincoln threw out habeas corpus and I wouldn't mind seeing something similar done here also.
  9. I don't see why they can't have a uniform for tigers-bear and a separte one for webelos just to cut down the cost. I knw when i was a Bear i didn't get hat or the neckerchuef but I did for webelos. Tiger program "merged" as a full program I guess now. THen just have like cub scout logo hat/neckerchief just like the cub scout diamond patch or something. I believe the webelos program has too many restrictions on it to be a step towards boy scouting. THey shoudln't even have the tan uniform in my opinion.
  10. Sounds like to me your burnt out. If your doing this stuff ith jambo stuff and possibily whatever other stuff your doing your just causing headches for yourself. Family needs to come first. I think you might need to let go of some of your responsibilites or this next year might be a miserable year for ya.
  11. Semper i would believe they are. Heck they already have some training online but now its only a matter of time when they go and have online ordering.
  12. Just thought I'd let you know that the new 2005 items are on the website. http://www.scoutstuff.org
  13. Your comparing apples to oranges. Move the thread to the politics forum although I believe it should be locked.
  14. In the visiting section part, it states that school ID's can be used.
  15. The moderators are doing a fine job. he threads they do close they have good reasons for closing. They let a lot of things slid in the politics forum.
  16. Well in my pack I was a den chief for 5 or 6 years. I had a great time working with the cub pack but many things took place usch as our cubmaster resigning after a terrific 20+ years of service to the pack. I didn't forget about him when it came time for ceremonies for my eagle scout and he was really appareative about that. about 3 years ago ago the cub pack started to just go down hill very quickly. since that great cub master we've had 2 others who quit/left within a 3 year period. This year our pack entered in wiuthout a cub master. We have one now, I don't really know the guy but from what i've heard he is well liked. Anyways my last year i decided to before entering my junior year in high school it would be my last year. I let it everyody know ahead of time. THat year I worked with the wolf den and it was probably my best year of all. ALl of the kids I had were well behaved, I never had raise my voice or anything with them and everyone had a good time. We got a lot done. However it did take a lot of my time thursda nights. I was usually there from like 6:30-9 PM most nights beucase of work at the begining and at the end. the followng year i left the pack was fallnig apart even more. THere wasn't enough leadership with adults. THis year they have a new cubmaster and every den has at least 1 good den leader in it. Hopefully the pack can grow back up to 30-40 kids like it was in the past. Hopefully the troop can grow beucase right now the troop only has 6-8 active kids and it is in really bad shape. I hope after i'm done with college (3 1/2 years to go) whereever I land up I hope i cna help some type of scouting program.
  17. If we have a congressional charter (i think thats what it is called) military units and the Dod should be allowed to sponsor scouting units. Would we probably be able to get a charter passed now? no, but i'm sure you can apply 200 some year old documents also to that category with delcaration, bill of rights, and other stuff.
  18. Senator Santorum-R and Congressman Don Sheerwod-R will both support this bill. I am not to sure of my other Senator-R Arlen Spector. As most of you may know he is/was under fire for some remarks about judicary nominees. My state senator-R and rep-D have/had sons in scouts who were eagles and they would also support this bill. Lets make this bill a strong bipartisan vote.
  19. I just think the whole quality unit status is fine. I just think another program thing like this would just make things more complicated for the troop/district/council even more. Parents won't know the difference between the status anyways.
  20. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's save the scouts bill has been blocked. He'll get introduced to the new congress so hopefully the ACLU will be defeated. He is a very strong supporter of scouting and his sons are also scouts. I recived a letter from him congratulating me on my eagle scout award back in February. This nonsense needs to stop now.
  21. First, bush only gained i believe only 2 percent of the black vote. It didn't make much of a difference. Bush's cabinet supports him. You people need to realize that everyone who is resigning is probably stressed out from all of the work that has come with those positions since 9/11. Bush had nothing to do with the swift boat ads. If you want to compare 3rd party ads why don't we look at moveon.org and their smear campaign against the president. Why didn't Kerry denounce those. How about CBS misreporting Bush's national guard stuff. Both candidates ran a very bitter campiagn towards each other. Don't tell me Kerry didn't. THis election more money was spent on TV adds then there were in any other election. When you have Michael Moore and all the other liberal celebrities representing your party with there illogical views, your going to lose. The Democrats have moved to far to the left and are out of touch with the country right now. I am just so sick and tired of my president being called a liar, he stole the election, this country is a theocracy, he's a terrorist, his cabinet abdoned him, and all this other stuff that has been said on the forums and in the media.
  22. Kerry wanted civil Unions not the titl of "marriage"
  23. I am a republican and voted for the 1st time in the general election during a presidential year. My analysis is as follows: (If your democrat/liberal you may not want to read) Its been proven that the hidden reason for a lot of people to get out and vote is because of moral values. The Democratic Party does not have this with the American people. A good example of this is looking at the south. I was watching Hanity and Colmes on fox news (Best network for coverage) Sean brought up a great point with this issue. In 1980 there were about 20 some democratic senators in the south and only 6 republican senators now those numbers have flip flopped. Back then Democratic Party had good religious values but now they've lost. Bush won the catholic vote over his opponent who is catholic. When you have hardcore liberals such as Michael Moore sucking up a lot of light and being a spokesmen in a way for Kerry its also a bad idea. Michael Moore and his fellow liberal stars failed horribly to try to defeat Bush in this election. As for my home state of Pennsylvania, my party did half decent. I am a member of college Republicans at Bloomsburg University. I got to see Dick Cheney speak at my university live on my first day of college. I was able to be a staff member at a Bush rally at the Wachovia arena in Wilkes Bare PA a couple weeks ago. Getting to see the president speak lvie is totally different then you see him on TV. The energy surging through a 10,000+ filled arena is incredible. I was very lucky at the entrance from where Bush came out I got to shake his hand which was very big for me at such a young age. I'd compare to my Eagle Scout ceremony or my first deer kill. I knew at that point Bush was going to win the election. State wide races didn't go to well. I think my party only won attorney general, but that was the only one I was expecting us to win. My state senator won reelection by a lot who is NRA endorsed and has his son in cub scouting. My state rep who is a democrat who I support also is NRA endorsed and has 2 or 3 sons who are eagle scouts. (he even owns his own paint ball field and shop) The republicans kept Arlen's seat intact. Better to keep the incumbent in office who is a moderate. Toomey a conservative ran against him in April and Arlen squeaked the victory. Since PA is very democratic now it was just better to keep specter to face off against the democrat. Republicans now have a firm control over all 3 branches of Government. Bush is the first president in 68 years to have won relection and gain seats and both houses. Daschile the minority leader lost his election which was a huge blow for democrats. Kerry going Canadian geese hunting was the worse thing I had ever seen. As a sportsman for the 2nd Amendment I was very disgusted about that and that also might have pushed a lot more hunters out. John Kerry is very much against the 2nd Amendment. If Rudy or (if laws are changed) Arnold are the republicans nominees in 08 there is something very wrong with the Republican Party. Arnold for sure won't be and I don't know Rudys views well enough to decide but I do know he is moderate. I'm expecting Hillary as the nominee in 08 and use her husbands legacy (if thats good or bad) to her advantage. Edwards won't be a factor. If Hillary runs in 06 for senate seat again and if Rudy is her opponent she'll get killed. Rudy is moderate enough in my view to win New York for a senate race.
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