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  1. I didn't personally spend a summer at Medicine Mountain but I knew quite a few guys who did. I grew up in SD and did most of my youth scouting there. Medicine Mountain is pretty primitive in the summer camp program department. THe scenrey is great but the camp program could use some help. Like the poster before me noted a better choice would be Lewis and Clark. I've spent 2 summers there. The bluffs around the lake are beuatiful. If you can handle some serious up and down hills its a great camp. The program is very well run when i was there a few years back. Where is your troop based? There aren't many choices for camps in the uppermidwest. My only othe recomendation would be Many Point in Norhtern MN but thats a HUGE camp well run but it would fall into the Mega-Camp category. Personally i like how the Sioux council runs their camp L&C.
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