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Everything posted by jhankins

  1. The local Diocese may also have some ideas to help with COR training and expectations. Our Diocese committee on scouting is getting stronger every year.
  2. Having your COR involved really is a double-edged sword, as Eagledad mentioned. The more they understand their job, the more authority they can send to the program and leadership. Having said that, though, some of the CORs I've trained in the past few years have actually dropped their units when they realize how they're not fulfilling their role, or want the responsibility. I've yet to see more than 2 or 3 CORs in my district actually do the job properly.
  3. There's a youth protection video... The paper test could be given to the person orally... It's not that hard...
  4. Yes, Wood Badgers can claim non-voting membership in the Clan MacLaren society. The Clan embraces and welcomes Wood Badgers to the family. Our Wood Badge staff last year wore kilts and many of us joined the society as part of that process. It was something fun to connect us again to the history of Gilwell Park. The Clan pennant was even offered for us to display as part of our membership. I was recently at the Queen Mary Scottish Festival with my son, wearing MacLaren kilts. The Clan Convener snatched us right up and had us march with her and we sat at the clan table sharing Wood Badge stories, offering her tartan items to display. She loves displaying tartan items from scouting and has a whole display. It's an honor to wear the tartan in that respect!
  5. Very cool. It's good to hear stories like this one.
  6. There's an easy way to solve this kind of issue: Just ask the person to show you the policy and put the burden on them to prove its not a proper uniform code.
  7. If it happened at a pack event, and the police are involved, it's time to let the Scout Executive know. Let him make the call about banning the parent. I'd get your Charter Rep involved too (I don't remember if yours is active or not), if he's around.
  8. I agree, the boy may have had some connection to the pack, be it a youth member or Den Chief, etc... Find out as much as you can. Every Eagle Court I was invited to as a DE I would purchase one of the NW Territorial Mint Eagle coins and have it engraved with the date of his COH and that it was a gift from the district. It was a big hit, and pretty simple (and about $20 with engraving).
  9. Everyone that has quit needs to go to your wife to the EEOC, or as John suggested, call a labor attorney. As a husband, a call to the council president would be in order. Wayne Brock would be the last call on my list. It's a bridge you don't want to burn unless you have to. I'm sure he's aware of the junk happening at your council (he was aware of my council issues back in 2008 and gave me some wonderful advice).
  10. It sounds like you're getting on the right track. Just a few questions: Why chapters, and why now? Are you looking at geographical limitations? How many members in the lodge? Use your Section Chief and Advisor for advice. Sometimes they've been in these positions before and can provide some valuable insight.
  11. This is neat, thanks for sharing. I wonder where the second part is.
  12. The vision statement of our course director for fall of 2009 was diversity. His vision was to see that everyone walked away from that course understanding what the diversities in scouting really are, and how to apply the skills they learned to the diversity in their units. An admirable goal, to be sure. So what diversities are really out there? We came up with a list of the ones we could think of: Race Ethnicity Gender Physical and Mental Abilities Financial Status Parental Involvement Religious Beliefs The Program itself Pulling together even just one of these areas of diversity could be a topic of weeks worth of training if you think about it. Some of them already are. Thinking outside the box when it comes to writing that diversity ticket isn't a bad thing, it's encouraging us to look at our boys and realize their potential and how better to serve them. My personal diversity ticket item was developing a pack camping program. We didn't have one, and the skill level, equipment, parental involvement and ability level just wasn't there yet. Education of the boys and parents had to happen. For the boys with parents who couldn't/wouldn't participate, plans were made to match their skill, financial or time constraints. Six years later the pack is still camping, and the needs of every family can be accommodated. Was that a normal "diversity" item? Not according to my Course Director. Did I learn what diversity was? I think so. It served my unit, helped fulfill and goal, and I learned much about the needs of the many boys and families in relation to the program.
  13. Congratulations! You're halfway home. Enjoy the ticket process, use this time to put those skills to the test and see if they really do work with the boys for yourself. Let us know when you finish!
  14. According to 1st Gilwell Park Scout group, after the original beads were gone, participants in the course were asked to carve their second bead out of beech or another wood (don't remember which). So until the person carved their second, they wore one bead. Each country that founded Wood Badge within their borders had 1 Deputy Gilwell Park Chief, and that person wore 5 beads. Technically, the current Wood Badge coordinator could also wear 5 beads, but a lady at the National Museum told me it was pretentious enough to think you could fill the shoes of GBB and wear 5. Hah. The six beads are worn by the Gilwell Park Camp Chief in charge of training and program, so the tradition is still there. It's interesting to note that Bear Grylls as Chief Scout wears B-P's original Silver Wolf for special occasions. I think that's pretty cool.
  15. Seeing how your husband works with volunteers will be a large part of what happens next. The key to success as a professional scouter is working through and inspiring volunteers rather than being a grunt laborer. It's about leadership. Being a DE is long hours, sometimes more than you'll be prepared to give. It's not easy. Burnout is very common within the first three years. Be prepared for a grueling ride, especially with a little one at home. My best of luck and prayers for your family.
  16. Where's the cynicism? Is it cynical to want your time as a volunteer to have maximum effect for your effort?
  17. It takes the same amount of effort to run a Wood Badge course for 30 participants as it does for 48, so why not have a full course if possible? In my council, each staffer recruits three people. That would amount to 59 participants, except as we all know, life happens and things come up so that someone may not be able to attend. We then have a waiting list for each course that makes it feasible to keep a course full. Some things in Scouting have a certain mystique, don't they? When you hear an Arrowman refer to the Obligation or to the Watch Words, you know they know something you don't, and it piques your interest a little. A little mystique to Wood Badge is a healthy thing, but if questions are asked, they should always be answered. Participants are paying good money and donating good resources to make Scouting happen, and they should always be told what those resources are going for. Is the ticket really challenging? It's what you make of it. It's a personal contract with yourself as a participant to take what you've learned and apply it to whatever you see fit. I do think many courses fail to communicate the message and meaning of the ticket clearly when it's presented on Day 1. I've sat down with many presenters of that presentation and the ASM-Troop Guides to help them better define the purpose of the ticket and how to communicate it to the participants. It's not always an easy subject for people to grasp, especially when writing that dreaded ticket.
  18. As a professional, I drove almost 3,000 miles per month just for business miles on my personal vehicle. I had a generous car allowance since the mileage was so great on my personal vehicle. I could not have driven any less, as the council office was 70 miles from my home in the rural part of the largest district and council. The territory I shared with my senior DE was pretty darn close to 15K square miles. Our units the farthest away we actually decided to give to another council because of the distance to serve the units was too great. My farthest unit from the council was 120 miles away. I would act as their mobile scout shop (they'd place orders and I would deliver). I would hand carry Round Table fliers to them and help them recruit. It wasn't a defined rural scouting program, but we attempted to give them the same service. I'm pretty sure those units have dried up, though, with the economy shrinking their community.
  19. A good DE will get invited to attend COHs (not just Eagle), Pack meetings, Crew meetings, etc... and not just for political reasons. If the only time you see your DE is for FOS, there's a problem.
  20. From a District Director? Even more shame for him not knowing any better. With 4+ years in the profession he should know that's not the place for FOS. I'd be writing a letter to the council president.
  21. We hold a Lincoln Pilgrimage here in Redlands, CA to the only Shrine west of the Mississippi. There's no tomb, but I could probably get you some photos if you like.
  22. It's up to the boy, the counselor and his parent. My son is a Lone Scout. For his Tenderfoot 30 day requirement, he missed a few days. When I asked him how it was going, he said he'd missed a few days and wanted to start it over because he didn't "do his best." With that attitude, the boy may realize he should work on it 12 straight weeks, or may think he's done his best even missing a few days.
  23. Be sure that the DE is aware that he should attend an Eagle Court when invited. And that the Eagle Board people know to let the boy know NOT to invite the DE.
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